
Archives for 2012
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Post by imavessel »

Just looking for confirmation:

Dream 1: Dusk like looking, not sunshiny but just enough you can see. There was a man, mid-build muscular, had black hair kinda shoulder length but seemed "stiff" like had been processed or damaged. (kinda reminded of less hair but similar to Kim Clement :O ) Biker type look. Do not remember his face. Except do know that it had NO EMOTION whatsoever. He was wearing jeans and like a white "wife-beater". He was running about with what appeared to be a sawzaw (sawsaw?) cutting people up. Seemed many could see this man and they were running or hiding ---screaming etc.

Scene changes. It was now bright sunshiny, brilliant, actually. I had taken cover under the edge of a table or something, all crouched down, but still aware that that man was running amuck and just taking people out. The my fiance was walking by. He glanced down and saw me crouched under the edge of the table for protection and he said, "What are you doing?" . . . and the feeling was huge in me that he was "totally unaware" of the danger. That he was standing there, out in the open, completely oblivious to the danger. EOD

Dream 2: My fiance and I are together. Then suddenly, his mom is laying on the porch on some bedding with a cover up to her shoulders. She is naked except for that. He goes immediately out the door to go be her side and he is very concerned/distraught. She is talking about sickness or something, and yet I "know" she is faining or "exaggerating" it and I am agitated. I was following him out the door but got shut half-in and half-out. He didn't do it it on purpose. He was just so concerned over her that he was in a hurry and kinda lost sight of me all together. The I was out on porch. Again, she was talking all pitifully and he was holding her hand and all concerned. & I was VERY AWARE that she was exaggerating what was going on and she was doing it on purpose. & I was, again, extremely agitated, . . . and yet said nothing. ? EOD
Diamond Member
Posts: 1594
Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:26 pm
Location: Ohio

Post by imavessel »

bump. (sorry)