What time is it REALLY???

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What time is it REALLY???

Post by TexasTransplant »

Had a themed dream last night that I'm wondering about. I think it's a fairly common one for a lot of people and I'm wondering what you all think it could mean.

I dreamed I woke up to get the kids ready for school but the clock on the oven read 9:30. I'd supposed to have woken up at 6:30 instead. I could NOT believe my alarm didn't sound like it does every morning. My husband and I get the kids to school late and the assistant principal (Dr. Hunter) was standing outside. He told them to go to the office to sign in. I sat down on the curb outside the school and tried to get my eyes to focus because I was having trouble seeing things clearly.

We get back home but our home is now in New York City. I start to notice all of our clocks around the house say a different time, including our cell phone clocks. I tried calling the old weather line number to get the actual time but it was no longer a working number. Somehow I gather that the kids weren't late to school after all, they were actually 2 hours early!

(I think I get this following paragraph's meaning)
I see my mom and dad outside the window and think about how they are probably liking this trip to NYC. My mom's hair was how it was in the late 80s (when we were attending church regularly and doing well). She comes in and is trying to hand me $500 in large bills. She says it's for Brad's (my husband) Christmas present because she never knows what to get him. I tell her no, we don't need any money, plus I know she can't afford it. She starts ranting, very angrily, about how it's no big deal when HIS mother gives it to him and she's sick of that (??). I'm standing in front of a dresser in a bedroom. She's still sticking the money in my face. I did something that would've been tough for me before because I would be worried about them being stressed over money--I took one of the hundred dollar bills and stuck it in the dresser drawer abruptly and shut it. She was stunned that I took it and when I pulled it from her hand, I noticed it wasn't $500, but only $300. She was visibly upset I took that money from her.

My husband and I head down some steps outside to take my parents to see Macy's (it was holiday time) and hubby's best friend is sitting in the middle of the steps depressed. IRL he's separating from his wife right now. I ask him if HE knows the correct time but he's not sure either. AAGGHH!! I just wanted to know what time it was. :)
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Post by Newbie »

Are you anxious about something? The time motif i your dream spoke to me as you being concerned or edge about a situation you may not have control over. The 2 hour shift from 9:30 to 7:30 or the overall theme of ot being the right time, spoke to me as it is too early for something that you may have been asking about in regards to your family. What I get is "the Lord's timing". As usual toss if it does ot ping. Since you have an idea about the portion w/ your mother, more than likely that may be the correct interpretation, so I will leave it alone.
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Post by LadyinChrist »

Hi there TT,

The first words that came to me are....

Different "times" and different "states" of mind.

Maybe something you are wrestling against sometimes...."principal" wisdom. I hear loudly ...."It's the principle of the thing!!!" :) I have no clue what that means but you might. :)

1 Corinth 1:10-31

Just trust God TT!! :)
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Post by LadyinChrist »

An hour later, I came upon this....maybe appliclable also.... :)

What the Lord is saying today.....

December 4, 2012. There are so many ideas going through your mind. You need to begin to filter out some of the ones which do not apply to the specific situation before you. If you don't do it soon, indecision is going to take over and you certainly don't need that. Some of the things you have thought about seem really not applicable. Let those fade away first. Then get down to the matter at hand. You have to make a decision even if you are not absolutely sure it is the right one. If it isn't and you trust Me to handle the outcome you are covered and nothing bad will happen.

Job 22:28 (AMP) "You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God's favor] shall shine upon your ways." Bev Robinson

December 4, 2012. Dreams are very fascinating. One of the many powerful things I've learned from my wonderful mom is that the majority of dreams are tied to some realm of issues I am dealing with personally. Even though other characters are in my dream, those individuals represent a part of my personality. The challenge has been, how do I ascertain the scope of what God is revealing to me? The Lord says, "I am continually enlightening you with My magnificence and brilliance. Whether it's through dreams, visions or signs and wonders, look deeply into Me and My revelation. Let redemption, healing and freedom be brought forth to you in the mysterious ways I choose."

Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV) "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Kevin Robinson

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"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
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Post by TexasTransplant »

Thank you guys! Was I anxious when I had this dream....YES. I'm in a strange season or 'time' and its difficult to see the bigger picture from where I am right now. Issues with my mother recently and I'm in an unfamiliar place of...seeking outside help, peering into uncomfortable 'closets' and dealing with very, very old, hidden hurts. I feel weak and vulnerable, however i know that THAT is when He is strongest in my life. I'm trying to roll with that :). I thought my testimony was done and interesting enough without the bombshell she dropped over Thanksgiving. So...I think the dream referred to all that and also to some new things I'm trying to do regarding it all (the money part refers to accepting apologies and being real with her regarding my feelings.) I was also anxious about having a medical procedure at the time, but that's over and done with now. Crazy month!! I feel a deepening or a shifting with Lord throughout all of this and a recurring statement from Him: 'Where am I in this? Look for me. Look for my peace. Get your eyes on me alone.' I'm very aware that he has me in a transition period and that learning to be aware of his presence constantly will be the number one lesson I draw from it all.

This has me wondering because I've heard it 3X today already. I don't know what decision it refers to, but I think it's him speaking.
and. You have to make a decision even if you are not absolutely sure it is the right one. If it isn't and you trust Me to handle the outcome you are covered and nothing bad will happen.
You didn't choose me, I chose you.-John 15:16