Military Service in Israel

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Military Service in Israel

Post by prayingwoman »

Shalom everybody and thank you for reading my dream and helping me with the interpretation! I think I got a part of the meaning but would be pleased about some confirmation or new aspects I didn’t recognize.


I was in Israel inside a military base/military academy, the facility seemed to be underground like a big bunker or shelter. There I’ve heard about the opportunity to stay permanently in Israel, if one is willing to do military service (over a period of 18 months). I thought about this for a moment and because I really would like to stay in Israel, I declared with a loud voice: “I would like to do my military service!” I hoped, that I would be accepted because I was German, but everyone around me seemed to be pleasantly surprised.

A female soldier came to me and asked me, whether I would like to start my service at the radio station, it has been her job up to this point but she would change to another section and this position will become vacant. She showed me the radio room and I saw a pair of headphones hanging at the wall. I thought, this job sounds much better than to start with an exhausting training in the open field, so I agreed. But then I thought, to be qualified for a job like this I first have to do a Hebrew language course. As I mentioned this, the persons present burst out in a friendly laughter. The female soldier said to me, this won’t be necessary, because my job will only be to push the alarm button. She explained, that, if I will hear something coming in, no matter what it is, it is always a declaration of war and all I have to do then, is to push the alarm button.

Next scene: I was in full uniform. The exercise was to climb over a fence and after that to swim across a lake in full uniform. Over the uniform I wore a lifejacket. My trainer would go ahead and I were given order to follow him. As I came to the lake I was afraid of the cold water, because it was winter. Besides I couldn’t estimate how hard this would become and whether I would manage it. But I jumped in and was surprised that the water temperature was pleasant. At first, the swimming was exhausting but after a while it became much easier and I reached a good speed. During swimming I hoped, that no air raid would take place, but nothing happened. Finally I reached the other side of the lake. I left the water and began to walk back around the lake to reach the underground base again. Then I got a warning that cranes were about to attack. In fact one of the cranes began to attack me but I had something in my hand and slapped the crane to the ground and squashed it until it was dead.

Back in the shelter we had a warning of a bomb attack and we could hear some low-flying aircrafts. I hoped that we wouldn’t be hit. Then I woke up.

(Maybe this is an unimportant detail, but in the dream I was strangely enough in form of a male (I’m female) and I had a girlfriend at the base who was very pleased about me and hugged me and carried me around in her arms. This woman stayed during the whole time of my military service at the base.)
Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139,23-24)
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Post by seeHIMspeak »

What an exciting dream. The first thing that came to me was "Watchmen on the wall". You are probably called to intercede for Israel and continue to learn to hear the Holy Spirit so clearly that when there is impending danger for Israel that you will hit your knees as soon as you hear from the Holy Spirit and pray for the deliverance from that situation. Maybe you have a prayer group that you can alert as well, that might explain the alarm button.
As far as swimming across the lake there is a lot of symbolism about diving into the Holy Spirit or be cleansed by the washing of His word but what comes to me is different. A dog cannot track someone through the water. He can chase you through the woods for a long time but once you cross a river or lake he looses track. Being fully clothed is also being ready to go at any time. .... Just some thoughts.... by the way, I'm from Germany too but live in the states now. God bless, Karin
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Post by prayingwoman »

A dog cannot track someone through the water. He can chase you through the woods for a long time but once you cross a river or lake he looses track.
Thank you so much for sharing this! You didn't know my circumstances - I'll take this word as a prophetic word for my current situation. I felt like the enemy was chasing me for a long time - but it is possible to escape!

Being fully clothed reminds me also of Ephesians 6,11 - to put on the full armor of God.

I'm not sure if I have a special calling to intercede for Israel, although I identify myself very strong with the Jewish people. Years ago I was part of a prayer group for Israel. It is on my heart that the eyes of the "believers of the nations" may be opened for the hebraic roots of our faith and that false heathen traditions and teachings inside the body of Christ may be exposed. The other thing that's important to me is to see the ministry of deliverance coming back into the body of Christ. There is a tendency now to embrace all kinds of methods of psychology - and I find this very alarming. At the moment I see myself rather as a "watchman on the wall" inside the local body of Christ as for Israel as a nation, but we'll see...

Many blessings,

Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139,23-24)
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Post by MorningGlory »

The maleness in the dream is telling you this intercession is by the Spirit and your spirit.. Not with your mind or soul..
Your spirit-Man will be interceding.. So rest, and agree with what and where He takes you in spirit.. The yes and amen, is your brothet.
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Post by LadyinChrist »

The maleness in the dream is telling you this intercession is by the Spirit and your spirit.. Not with your mind or soul..

Morninglory reminded me of this scripture.....

"And be renewed "in the spirit of your mind" ...." :P How ya like that one, I found that the other day, and said Wow!! Yes!!

Ephesians 4
23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
Mathew 3:11
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Post by prayingwoman »

Thank you MorningGlory and LadyinChrist for sharing.

Many blessings,

Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139,23-24)