Strange Dream -Animals -Snakes,Reptiles,Doe,Fawn,Bison,Calf

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Strange Dream -Animals -Snakes,Reptiles,Doe,Fawn,Bison,Calf

Post by Starfire »

1st time Posting.
This dream has me baffled & was hoping someone might have some insight.
I do know how some of it applies to my life, but I strongly felt the dream was prophetic. (Very vivid colors, I was praising God in the dream,etc)
I was in a coastal land such as FL. visiting this
"new agey,climate change type" couple.
Nice people, but they clearly didn't seem to know the Lord.
We were out in their back yard. They were picking apples and had a few buckets to throw them in (sorting the ones on the ground and the ones in the trees that needed to be picked). Another woman was with them. (A friend or sister to one of them I surmise).

I look up saw this huge black wave approaching, moving across the ground. It turned out they were black SNAKES and baby alligators or crocodiles were running all over ahead of and amidst the wave. The snakes were not large, maybe 2 ft max but there were so many you couldn't walk. The couple was not scared at all, attributing it to a natural (nature) phenomenom.

At first I was frozen with fear. The 3 people just kept picking up SNAKES now with the apple picker & tossing them in the buckets (to feed the baby alligators that would remain they said). They just walked normally waiting for the wave to pass.

They told me to just take steps & the snakes would get out of the way. I said, "they are SNAKES"....then they pointed out that they slithered in wave motion which left holes in their midst & I could step through those to get to the house if I so desired.

I looked & saw the holes formed a figure 8 pattern which (in the dream & in reality) I associated this with Jesus (infinity). When realizing this, though frightened, I kept my focus on Jesus, my faith & made my way to the house. I got inside & was shaking from the fear.
The decore in the house was extremely simple. A kitchen (no table) and a sofa with bedroom in the back. Very little more except a coat rack.

I said to the woman there who was making coffee that I was DEAD tired & wanted to lie down & sleep forever as I plopped down into the sofa.
She replied, "You can't you have an appointment, you promised it would be done today & no one else can do it but you." Then God told me "You have one more thing to do (before I could permanently escape - be it through permanent sleep or leaving was unclear)". Knowing I'd promised & that once I lay down, I wouldn't get up, I decided to do it before I had zero energy left at all. (And going out the front door to the street was safe -no snakes out there).

I got up to put on my coat & paused to lookout the window in the direction of the couple & the snake wave. I looked & right ouside the window (the other side of the pane of glass) a doe, a calf, a baby bison & a fawn playfully, but swiftly trotting past the window in a line & steadily following the doe. I exclaimed(to myself), "I NEVER saw a baby bison before -so CUTE!" They all looked a bit alike in coloring (kind of buff tan & white)...
almost like they were cousins. Then I smiled up to God & whispered,"Thank you! How Good You are, Lord, to give me a glimpse of the millenium to strengthen me & give me hope."

Just then heard a truck pull up. I asked the woman,"Who is that?"
She said,"It's the guy who owns the animals."
Alarmed, I asked,'He's not going to hurt them is he?"(for getting out of his pasture) She shrugged without emotion (much like the outside couple) & said, "They're HIS, he can do with them what he wants." I was concerned for the little ones, but knew that ultimatiely their fate was in God's Hands.

When I awoke & prayed I realized it was about the evil both upcoming and ancient (alligators representing ancestral curses) coming upon us.
Those who follow this ONE WORLD agenda will just accept it & are no threat to it, thus they will not realize danger. The animals instinctively followed God & were running off. People didn't really care about each other, each was just a way to get things done, not much more.
God was telling me that no matter how it gets or what my discernment tells me to keep my focus on HIM & I'll get through. He even gave me a glimpse of the happy animals all playing together (Perhaps believers of all denominations & races after the millenium - animals too?)

The guy in the truck I don't understand. (A mock shepherd, since satan likes to imitate Jesus?) He seemed all business & I couldn't tell if he was cruel or kind. I knew my value system had little effect upon these people & I had an appointment to get to.
have no idea what my appointment was or what I had yet to do before it would be my time to rest, but I wanted it done so I could be rest in peace knowing I'd done all my best & kept my promises. Any insight would be helpful.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Starfire, it appears that you got the gist of your ream. From reading what came to me was a word that I receive a few weeks back and it seems to parallel that of your dream. There were several key things shared in this word:
Abba is calling us in, calling us up and calling us out from where we are. For those who have made this transition then they will be responsible to help others who may not understand where they are. We should be watching and praying while moving forth to accomplish things that we have previously allowed to linger behind. In other words, we need to tie up loose ends, complete current assignments while waiting for the next set of instructions in this hour. This is a time where things that have been going on for some time have run its course and some stark realities will be setting in.
Three analogies were shared:
1. When a storm is approaching those who are in the field, sensing the coming storm will run into the place of safety until the storm passes over. Where the storm disperses others, those who belong to the house come together and are united.
Isaiah 26: 20 "Come, my people, enter into your rooms And close your doors behind you; Hide for a little while Until indignation runs its course."
2. The prayer strategy has shifted and there is a specific reason--we must pray forth in agreement with God's agenda in the earth and not overly focus on the works of the enemy. Because God is about to come from His place and deal with the enemies of our day. There is a another major shaking about to occur. It is better to focus on what He is preparing for his people. (This is a battle that we will not fight at this time.) (Stand Ye Still) (2 Chronicles 20:17). So our prayer is coming into agreement with the Lord's agenda and will for us. What has He prepared for those who have been faithful unto Him. Praying in agreement with the answers/resolves and not just fighting the problems. So we set our sights on what the Lord has prepared and provided. (This is not to say that we are not ignorant of the enemies devices.) This is a faith stand and our strength lies in God's will.
3. A third analogy in confirmation to the second analogy through a scripture which reiterated Abba’s point.
1 Corinthians 16:9 "For a great door and effectual is opened to me, and there are many adversaries." His word to me concerning this hour was, tell my people to keep their faith strong concerning the great door (and subsequent doors), which is effectual (powerful) and know that I will help them to overcome the adversaries. The more we pray concerning the door and the more we will know concerning what is going on our behalf and the more we will position ourselves going through the door. The Lord is saying, do not spend your time--fearing, fighting and focusing on the adversaries but fix your eyes upon what I have prepared for you.
These are His words:
"I am opening up a myriad of doors in this hour. I am providing entry ways into deeper levels of truth and understanding for you to gain access and come into a renewed place of purpose for what I have called you for in this time. Some of these doors are entry ways into a greater growth and maturity that---which is of a pure stream without any compromise. This light is to help you see through dark places and walk even closer than you are now so that you may accomplish the things that are required for you along your journey. So stay before me."
"There are some of you, who need to escape from the things of the past, the enemies of their soul which have become a hindrance to their lives in going further. These things can arrest your faith and keep you from moving in pace for key advancement even cloud your thinking so that you will not be able to correctly discern the timing that you should implement certain task that include important kingdom work right now. This is not the time, nor the hour to just allow the evils of the day to overtake your mind because I have provided ways for you now to breakthrough, to break out, even break down the resistance that is ahead of you."
"Remain sober-minded, vigilant, stay free from the schemes that the enemy is waging against you---some are even within the recesses of your own mind, based on fears of your future along with hurt feelings that will try to plague you and entangled you. You must cast down every imagination ---every high thing---even every high place---that has tried to exalt itself above me, says the Lord. Bring into captive every disillusion that has to weaken you with a fainted heart and a troubled mind."
"Press in now to receive the strength and grace for the battle ahead that is being waged and continue to move forward. Because it is time to move forward, move beyond, move on, ........allow your faith to take you into the places you need to go. Advance beyond where you are now.I have provided for you the door--it is great, it is mighty, it has power. The very steps that take now will order a sound that will break down the resistance as you advance. Reach up and reach out. Reach up to a new standard that is now in place--not one of complacency but one that is joined with my life and my light. A standard that will set the order for the course for the next three years."
"Know that I am preparing in you to be a well of answers that can bring resolution, even answers to prayers, and to hear the cries for help that will come out from the door of salvation looking for a people to lead them and show them the way. Much of what you are seeing now has to do with the awareness that the hour brings and the conditions of the people who have been held captive by evil mindsets and governing systems that will no longer be relevant by the end of the year. This is the precursor of the coming day but know with it comes my light that will shine brightly in the midst, to show you what to do, where to go, and even how to avoid during this time. Stay in watch mode--do not allow yourselves to fall into to slumber. Do not let fear overtake your heart, do not let anything to get your focus---even the coming provision, but keep your eyes upon me says the Lord as I direct your path before you. With the path will come my purposes and with my purposes will come the process."
"So enter in, examine your own heart, humble yourselves before me. For I will not only open up doors but the windows of heaven are opened unto you, even in the midst of great judgment and great shaking. Windows of escape will come for those who have laboured in much grace without complaint but with faith as I did for Paul in Damascus and you will be safe in a time of trouble. I will pour out my arrows of deliverance unto my people in certain regions because I have heard their cries. Windows that will work out a plan of victory for this hour, windows that will reach up above the heavens, so see what I am providing in my house--to utilize, to know, and to understand that which I have for you to carry what you need to war and to win over the lies and deceits of the devil."
"Come, my people, enter your chambers, And shut your doors behind you; Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, Until the indignation is past. For behold, the Lord comes out of His place, To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; The earth will also disclose her blood, And will no more cover her slain." (Isaiah 26: 20-21)

Additional scriptures:
Isaiah 24:18 "He who flees at the sound of the terror shall fall into the pit, and he who climbs out of the pit shall be caught in the snare. For the windows of heaven are opened, and the foundations of the earth are shaken."
2 Corinthians 11:33 "But I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall, and escaped from his hands."
Revelation 18:4 "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues."
Isaiah 26:20-21 was the last thing the Lord repeated. It is a warning to us all in this hour.

Source: Carpenter Ministries
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Thank you Newbie

Post by Starfire »

Thank you so much!
I will carefully read each passage, looking up the scripture.
I did wonder WHY *BABY* animals except for the Doe.
Just ;now I got my answer (sensed it in my spirit)
1) Doe is mature in the Lord & leading those who are not,
however we are all to be like little children, trusting completely
in God. They all looked a bit like her because just as Jesus is
our shepherd, we are made in His image.
2) The snakes are evil, but their size indicates a lot of "little" threats on believers (meaning we can rise above them if we recognize them for what they are.)
3) The little alligators & crocks, I'm not sure. Looked it up & snakes eat them, but they eat snakes too, so perhaps just a world turning on each other even though they seem to be running in the same wave.
4) The animals by the window (I think) reminded me to keep the faith as God is with us, no matter what. They were (possibly) risking their safety to give me this hope - a hope that the end is in sight.

Sorry for all the detail. I'm of the belief that God gives all things for a purpose. I am confused about what I should do. It was not with the people present (who were very mechanical in their behavior), but something OUTSIDE - AWAY from their dwelling place.

Putting on coat was the need to prepare and protect myself from the cold (Putting on my spiritual armor before leaving)? It was through the FRONT door that I had to go where there were no snakes, thus I can trust the Lord is preparing the way?

But what my "appointment" was (not just a task but a scheduled task, obviously with *someone* and an agreement to do so in a certain time frame. That still puzzles me.

THank you for your generous spirit and time.
What a blessing to have found you and this site.
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Post by bjcollin »


welcome to the board starfire. God bless you.

in Christ,
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Post by Starfire »

Wll howdy yourself & thank you for the kind and warm welcome.
God's people are amazing. God Bless You as well & I pray His Spirit will lead you to joy beyond description.


welcome to the board starfire. God bless you.

in Christ,[/quote]