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Post by thesharpeningstone »

In this dream it was winter and I was outside. I saw some people, I think I knew them. I ran over to where they were, but they had already left by the time I got there. They left a snowmobile behind. I got on and tried to follow their tracks. My machine was much slower than theirs. In the dream I had never driven a snowmobile before and did not know how to make it go faster.

Soon I was lost. I kept driving, hoping to find them. I came across a village and drove in. After a few minutes I found my self driving thru a hardware store in an outside mall. I realized I can't drive the machine in here, but no one seemed to notice. I started asking people if they knew the way to an highway. It was as if no one knew a way. Finally, one man said he could take me there by taxi. He asked which city I wanted to go to, I wasn't sure.


The two cities were a choice between where I live now or where I used to live. In the dream I taught I was near the other city, which is about 3000 miles from where I now live.
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Post by jackiebauerle »

Here is what stands out in your dream to me:

1. Winter/outside associated with cold.
2. See people that seem to look familiar to you.
3. No connection with them..because they left
4. They left the snowmobile...your vehicle of transportation that You can be in the driver seat.
5. Your machine is slow, never operated one before cannot make go faster
6. Lost, hope to find them....
7. Came across a village...went through an outside mall hardware store (a place to pick up parts to fix things)
8. realize their machine (method, manner, teaching) cannot be in this place of fixing parts
9. looking for hiway (snowmobile don't go on hiways), taxi offers...(you would be a passenger verse driving),
10. You did not know what city, but you knew you wanted the hiway.

The theme in the dream is you trying to connect with something familar to you, but you are unable to connect even when you are in the driver seat. That is why the outside emphasis of the scene here. In trying to connect with these people or something, your copy them or try to learn from them (ride/try to drive their machine left behind). It just does not help you connect..you seem awkward at it...they are better at it.

Beside feeling like an outsider, you struggle with feeling lost and no destiney. (not knowing what city) Even as a follower (passenger of the taxi) when someone else is driving you, you have no direction.

There are two points in the dream that is encouraging:

1. You came across the village...on your own
2. You realize that you cannot drive through the store.

These are the real you. You have more capabilies then these, but you are trying to copy others so you have not noticed your own gifting. In the dream, you said others did not notice your discernment (should not be driving in the store) either. I notice that you did not tell them anything about what you were feeling.

Don't chase giftings of others. Allow your own gifting to shine. Others cannot see them until you recognize them first.
After you recognized your discernment, you knew the next step..not the whole picture...just the next step which was the Hiway.

I hope this will helps you in some way. You are learning to rely your own relationship, connection and walk with God for guidance.

May the Lord Bless you and Keep you growing because someone needs what you can give them.