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Post by Carla54 »

I'm outside with my sister. I had just tied out my little dog to do her "business". As we both are standing there I notice my dog is standing on the head of a small rattlesnake (about 6" long). It wasn't rattling to warn her. I was so worried it would bite her but it didn't, it was trying to get away. As I bent down to chase it, the glare from the sun was so intense , I kept losing sight of it. I was trying so hard to find it, I'd get glimpses of it still trying to get away. The sun was so bright.
Then I'm standing at the front door of my house and in the sky I see what looks like 3 hot air balloons way up in the sky. The balloon part is red and white striped but where the basket part should be are what looks like bicycles with men peddling them. They are all evenly spaced and are attached to a very large, humungus UFO. They are peddling it in across the sky. This UFO is so massive it's starting to block out the sun and it's getting dark out.
I tell my sister (who is a Jehovah's Witness) to watch it while I run in the house to get my camera. I take a picture & go back in the house a few seconds. When I get back outside....my sister and my dog are gone.
The scene changes and I'm sitting in front of a man behind a desk, he's wearing a white dress shirt and I'm trying to tell him what happened but he's talking over me about something else and totally ignoring what I'm saying to him. I get frustrated and wake up.
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Post by jackiebauerle »

All areas of the dream speaks of you trying to do things normal everyday things and something causes frustration or makes things more difficult for you. You have sun blocking your ability to see when you are trying hard to see. You have your sister and dog disappear on you..when you were only gone for a few seconds. Then the man keeps ignoring what you are trying to say to him.

The numbers in the dream are 6 and 3.

Six : 6 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 6: comes from my understanding, that it is almost, for the most part, dealing with the number of man. Know that this number is also used when referring to (human labor) or (secular completeness)

Added Christian Viewpoint: The number six is also attached when describing the constant battle between man's spirit and flesh.

Note: the rattlesnake is 6....and you are trying hard to see it...battle betwee man's spirit and flesh

Three : 3 -- The Biblical Meaning of Number 3: comes from my understanding, that it normally deals with the gaining of one's approval. Or being able to view things from within its entirety. The number also deals with things that have become solid and complete.

Added Christian Viewpoint: The number three is also used when describing the Trinity or the Godhead (divine perfection). The number three has also been associated with the concepts of spirit and life.

Note: 3 air balloons: viewing things from within its entiretly ...take a picture...sister and dog disappear...telling the man..yet he will not listen to you.

You also have two colors red and white: redemption blood surrender, righteousness. The colors represents overcoming things of God.

Perhaps, you are feeling like you struggle with understanding the things and ways of God. You have put alot effort into it and you are wondering if you are getting it or if anyone else will hear or listen to you about the things you have learn ...no one will let you or get you.

What ever it is...know from the dream that having your sister in the dream....means something too. Could all these feelings be related to you sharing God with your sister? A dog is man's best friend...could that represent your sister also? at one time?

Your dream started with you tying out the dog(friend) to do her business. Perhaps you should share with her more...verses leting her do her things without you giving imput....she may not listen like the man...but do it anyway. you may have a fear that she will leave...(like in the dream..her and the dog as one in the same left). But do as the Lord leads you.
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Post by Carla54 »

My sister lives in Hawaii and I'm in Pennsylvania. I have shared God with her a few times and she is very resistant to what I say to her. God has told me to back off and let Him do it. I also don't want to jeopardize our relationship so I have backed off.
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Post by jackiebauerle »

[/quote]But do as the Lord leads you.

The dream displays frustration. I pray that the Lord tears down those walls of resistance to the gospel and he opens her eyes to the gift he has for her. As you lift her up to God, he will draw her unto himself. In Jesus name...amen.
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Post by jackiebauerle »

But do as the Lord leads you

The dream displays frustration. I pray that the Lord tears down those walls of resistance to the gospel and he opens her eyes to the gift he has for her. As you lift her up to God, he will draw her unto himself. In Jesus name...amen.