new empty house

Archived Dreams from 2014
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new empty house

Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

i dont dream much anymore.
but the old house dreams are back, Th ereason i even ever came here about 8 or so years ago.

I was in a car traveling with others. We seemed to be ina new town.
We stopped by a house and walked up on porch.
The house was empty.
WE seemed to be moving in.
We walked sin and i saw the first room and the next room.
it seemed to be furnished nicely,
but it seemed that there was something eerie there.
The end.

I used Mohave thease kind of dreams alot. They have been coming back.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Bump- up one more time..
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Post by keilani »

Hey sister, it sounds to me like the Lord is calling you to return to root issues that need to be dealt with--the eerie presence being something spiritual that He needs to teach you how to evict. Praying that as you seek Him and fill up with His Word that He will teach you what you need to know and show you what you need to do. Shalom!
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

well i have been in a 5 year journey of dealing with root issues"old timers" here that know me know it may mean i just need to keep going and 'occupy", The house was ours and there was furniture in it. I had another dream a few month's ago i was in a beautiful old home. There were furniture and fire places. There was a table of some kind that had been carved and it wasent finished. My mom came in and told me i needed to have some fire in the fireplace. I dont think this one was eerie. Just needed to be lived in and some warmth and personal touches....
House dreams are the main reason i came here about 7 or 8 years ago.... They left for the most part as i went through situations. I had vivid dynamic dreams. But they have been winding down the last year or so.. I dont recall my dreams much except the ones about house. Repeat dreams have been in the past
1 house dreams
2 walking aimlessly through towns hills and country, like a wanderer
3 snakes.
I seem to dream and re dream thease themes more then anything else. I dont dream this stuff every day or even much. Its just that at times thease things are experienced in my dreams on a repeat bases. I dont think i have had a traveling dream lately. One snake dream.
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Post by keilani »

Well you know sister, I pray then that Holy Spirit will give you the understanding you need because honestly only He can give you the understanding and the strategy and power to walk in victory in every area of your life. And His strategy does and will produce results if we will stay in faith and not loose heart.

You said that you needed to "occupy" the house and I think that was really good. Jos 1:8 was God's instruction to Joshua not only on how to take over the Promised Land (ie the strategy on how to receive all God's Promises) but it is also the method on how we are to occupy or keep that which He has promised to us.

Jos 1:8 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate [in the Hebrew meditate also means to mutter] on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.

God direct your every step!
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
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