My dad wants me to hear a sermon

Archived Dreams from 2014
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My dad wants me to hear a sermon

Post by kbasmommy »

Hello everyone!

I had a dream that I was at my dad's house with my ex-step mom and my dad had to meet all his friends outside. One of his friends gave him red roses in a (friendship way) . My stepmom bought meat for dinner (ground beef ) I told her I only eat Turkey and we argued over who would go to the store she wanted to go back but I said that wasn't necessary.

My dad came in the house and I questioned why he met his friends outside he gave me a cell phone and said "listen to this sermon/podcast". The title had the word "talents" in it but I woke up before I could hear it. ๐Ÿ˜”

End of dream

Please share any thoughts it's really bothering me I didn't get to hear the message!
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Post by thesharpeningstone »

i would say the dream is telling you that your missing the "meat" of a message.
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Post by kbasmommy »

thesharpeningstone thanks for replying. The meat of the gospel in general? Please explain...
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Re: My dad wants me to hear a sermon

Post by Newbie »

kbasmommy wrote:Hello everyone!

I had a dream that I was at my dad's house with my ex-step mom and my dad had to meet all his friends outside. One of his friends gave him red roses in a (friendship way) . My stepmom bought meat for dinner (ground beef ) I told her I only eat Turkey and we argued over who would go to the store she wanted to go back but I said that wasn't necessary.

My dad came in the house and I questioned why he met his friends outside he gave me a cell phone and said "listen to this sermon/podcast". The title had the word "talents" in it but I woke up before I could hear it. ๐Ÿ˜”

End of dream

Please share any thoughts it's really bothering me I didn't get to hear the message!
KBAS what came to me in regards to the meat is spiritually feeding. Your ex-SM wanted to serve up ground beef, what came to me in regards to the beef was the idiom for this word which means strife and fighting (starting a beef). Whereas you only at turkey. Turkey can reflect wisdom. So perhaps this may be about handling a matter in a worldly/fleshy vs kingdom way. The talents brings to mind the parable of the talents from Matthew 25:14-30, which impresses on them the weight of that responsibility and the serious consequences of neglecting to understand and apply His instructions.

The owner of the talents, the man traveling into a far country, was a wealthy man. He is entrusting his wealth to three men who become stewards of his money. One receives five talents. Another receives two talents. A third steward receives one talent. Each is given a significant amount of money. These are stewards entrusted with the care of the money. The stewards must know the personality and character of their Lord. He expects them to know Him well enough to apply the spirit as well as the letter of His instructions. Those that do are richly rewarded. The others receive severe judgment. The amount given is based on each stewardโ€™s ability. The first two understand the spirit and letter of instructions and the character of their Lord. They both use the resources by "trading" to gain a profit. Each of them makes a 100 percent profit. Fear and mistrust of his Lord motivate the third steward. He buries the money in the earth and returns the original amount. The profitable stewards are praised, given increased responsibilities and invited to enter into the joy of their Lord. The untrusting steward is scolded, rejected, and punished.

The application of this parable must be understood within the context of the message of Matthew 24-25. It is first a message to the people of Israel that will live in the last days before the Lord returns. The statement, in Matthew 24:13, "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved," is a key statement. This is the believing remnant that will receive the promise of the kingdom. In Matthew 24:32-34, the Lord states, "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." These will be alive when He returns and will have understood and believed their Lord. The application to the people of Israel is graphic and relevant. Those that believe Him will be rewarded in His kingdom. The basis of the reward will be their stewardship of His resources entrusted to them. Those who fear and do not believe will be rejected and judged.

There is also a universal application to all mankind. From the time of the creation of mankind, each individual has been entrusted with resources of time and material wealth. Everything we have comes from God and belongs to Him. We are responsible for using those resources so that they increase in value. As Christians, we have additionally the most valuable resource of all โ€“ the Word of God. If we believe and understand Him, and apply His Word as good stewards, we are a blessing to others and the value of what we do multiplies. We are accountable to the Lord for the use of His resources.
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Post by kbasmommy »

first, thank you for sharing your thoughts. The beef interp. would be correct because she holds a grudge but I want things to be
good between us. Also note my mom had a similar dream and
my dad had something important to tell her but she woke up
before he could tell her just as I woke up before I could hear
the message ugh! I got the impression that my dad was going
to use the sermon to defend his actions. The talents message is interesting and relevant as I was thinking the
wrong talents lol (like gifts singing etc.)

I wonder if the message is that I'm not giving my dad time to hear
what he has to say since I woke before I could hear? I don't know...