Lion on steps

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Lion on steps

Post by Margielprt »

I have had this vision before but never like this. my visions before were standing on the steps with the lion. Sometimes I am on the right side of the lion, sometimes on the left, sometimes my hand on his mane sometimes just standing there, looking out. This time was different. I was standing on the steps and the lion was sitting there on the steps a short distance from me. The lion then turned his head a looked directly at me and in a instance I knew it was Jesus. I fell to the ground before Him and walked over to me and put His left paw on my left shoulder and then He roared and the vision was over.


I would appreciate any help with this. Thank you!😃
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Post by rarara »

Hi Margie,

“I have had this vision before but never like this. my visions before were standing on the steps with the lion.”

Here are some thoughts.

“Standing on the steps.” Access to an important public building?

Standing may mean waiting.

Could steps mean time? Days?

“Sometimes I am on the right side of the lion, sometimes on the left, sometimes my hand on his mane sometimes just standing there, “

Reminds me of “In Him we live and move and have our being.” You are in Him and He is in you wherever you are in life. Whatever your position.

“Mane,” like hair: strength, wisdom and revelation. You are reaching out ( “my hand” ) to receive these by His Spirit.

“Left” is spiritual

“Right” is natural

So ALL aspects of your life.

“looking out.” Seeing with Him. The prophetic. Saying what you SEE with Him.

“This time was different.” Because something actually happened?

“I was standing on the steps” (ready, prepared) “and the lion was sitting there” (at rest) on the steps.

“a short distance from me.” His nearness to you.

“The lion then turned his head" (constant awareness of your presence)

“and looked directly at me.” The Lord sees you; He sees who you are, fully. Face to face, eyeball to eyeball.

Directly=focused. Everything He does is personal.

“and in a instance I knew it was Jesus.” You know Him and recognise Him.

“I fell to the ground before Him”. Heart of worship.

“and walked over to me and put His left paw on my left shoulder”

“put his left paw.”; affection. "on my left shoulder", reaffirming He has called you.

This reminds me of being knighted by the King, like being given a Father's Blessing (Like Jacob and Judah),

“and then He roared and the vision was over.”

“Roared:” Words of life and authority, a public declaration of His love for you.
Because everyone can hear the lion roar.

The King of Kings affirming you of your calling and identity as His daughter.

So I’m wondering if the Lord is about to affirm/honour you in a public arena.

I’m just thinking about the steps because are they in front of something?

It could be at work/ school, in the community or in the group of believers you meet with?


"lion on steps" sounds like "Lyin' on steps." At rest in His presence. At home with the King. Spending your days (steps) in His Rest, in His presence wherever you are.

Of course, these are only my thoughts. I’m very much a learner. It’s a wonderful vision though. Really wonderful.

btw, I looked on YouTube to listen to a wild lion roar. It's different from what I expected or have seen on films. This sound though can travel up to 5 miles!

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Post by charlie »

Wonderfu! What were you praying about/meditating when you had this vision?

Shalom as you seek His face
Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Starfire »

A few questions please:
You mention steps, but you didn't say steps to what?
Your home? A building? Can you identify it?
The roar-was it a warning? Was He communicating or stating His Kingly presence.
How did you feel?
I like the detailed reply you got from rarara.
I think the key may be in the number of steps IF that was prominent. Also in what the steps were leading to.
Last, the roar.
I can only say, it was a wonderful gift of LOVE from our Savior
and to think of Jesus putting His paw (hand) on your shoulder gives me shivers of delight and awe.
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Post by ditte3 »

This line came uo to me:

" The lion hath roared, who will not fear. The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophecy."(Amos 3,8.)

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Post by Margielprt »


Thank you, this helps me so much and is alot to take in, will have read and reread. Thank you so much.


This came on the 3rd day following a 2 day spiritual warfare/attack. I was praying for the person that the attack was originating from. This person has told me if I were to ever separate myself from him that I would not be strong enough without him to fight spiritually and that I would miss God's calling on my life and that without him the wolves of this world would eat me up. I had been praying for him, that God would not hold this against him and asked for His Grace and Mercy to be shown to this person and that whatever was blinding this person to His Truth that those things would be removed in Jesus Mighty Name and I asked Him for His Strength and to break the arm of the wicked. I have been so humbled through all of this, and thankful because much revelation through His Word has come through this latest attack.


Like I said before I have been to this place before, here is more detail. The steps, I don't know how many there are, not a whole lot but not a few. The place is white, so white that it is almost clear or translucent, whiter than I have ever seen before. When I first started having this vision, I would just be sitting on the steps alone. Then, I dont know if it was the next one or not but I got up and walked up the steps, I remember there were pillars and alot of doors. I went to open one and it would not open, and somehow I knew I needed a key that I did not have, so I went to another door and it opened and the most glorious light came from and as I was walking in, the vision was over. Then came the ones with the lion. This time was so different and I felt in awe and so humbled, like I was in the the presence of the most Holy and Almighty, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Our Savior, Jesus Christ. You know, I always thought that when I saw Jesus that I would run up and hug for the One who saved me and delivered me, but it wasn't like at all, all I could is fall to the ground and worship Him.

Thank you all so very much for responding. I appreciate all the insight. It has given me alot to take in. God bless you all.

May His face shine on you,
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Post by charlie »

Margielprt wrote: Charlie,

This came on the 3rd day following a 2 day spiritual warfare/attack. I was praying for the person that the attack was originating from. This person has told me if I were to ever separate myself from him that I would not be strong enough without him to fight spiritually and that I would miss God's calling on my life and that without him the wolves of this world would eat me up. I had been praying for him, that God would not hold this against him and asked for His Grace and Mercy to be shown to this person and that whatever was blinding this person to His Truth that those things would be removed in Jesus Mighty Name and I asked Him for His Strength and to break the arm of the wicked. I have been so humbled through all of this, and thankful because much revelation through His Word has come through this latest attack.
Shalom Margielprt! I think you have every reason to be very encouraged...such a wonderful and affirming vision! May you continue to grow from strength to strength and manifest His glory in increasing measure for HIS KINGDOM TO COME ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.

2 Timothy 1:7 King James Version (KJV)

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Thanks for sharing!
Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Starfire »

After reading your replies to all, I believe the steps are your journey
along the path leading to heaven/righteousness. That path is not / can not be completed alone. Jesus is with you and has prepared the way for you. If you say this was after a prayer of spiritual warfare and you were standing it reminds me of Galatians 5:1
"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."
My impression therefore is that the lion lets you know that even when you feel you are standing alone,
HIS POWER is within arm's length and He continuously is watching out for you.
Falling to worship Him shows you are recognizing that it is HIS POWER that you are recognizing.
2 Chronicles 20:15 "thus says the LORD to you, 'Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's"
I believe the paw on your shoulder after you recognized and humbled yourself before the Lord followed by the roar also was representative of 2Chron20:15 again.
Jesus was shouting into the spiritual world, "THIS ONE IS MINE - IF you battle with her, your battle is with ME"

Again, this most powerful dream is a blessing that I could only HOPE for.
It shows so much and gives assurance:
1) You are on the spiritual path the Lord has chosen
2) Your humility and recognition of the Lord is rewarded by the blessing of God's presence and protection
3) You need not worry about taking a stand in the spiritual world as it is not your battle.
Standing firm summons the ONE Who has already conquered this world, and all that exists in it. He has conquered sin and death.
His power, favor and protection are not only available to you, but have been granted. (Again I like Rara's interpretation of being "knighted")
May the Lord Bless You and Protect You and please know your sharing
& example has provided inspiration to many.
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Post by ditte3 »

I think it is more understandable with the other verse:

"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants, the prophets.
The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophecy." (Amos 3,7-8.)

Putting a hand on a shoulder may show, that someone is contented, pleased with what the other person is doing. It may also be encouragement.
Maybe a task is given to you by the Lord.
Pease pray abuut it.
God bless you.
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Post by underhiswing »

Yes, a hand (paw) on the shoulder is a "supportive" gesture intended to help you feel supported, to calm and settle you, and to help you feel more grounded.

A lion on the steps is symbolic of guarding/protection. ...think of the lion statues in architecture where they are installed on each side of steps to communicate that they stand protect.

He is protecting you and supporting you in ways that are seen and unseen.
"Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings."