2 small white dogs

Archived Dreams from 2014
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2 small white dogs

Post by ccchandler1958 »

had a dream last night I was going to an elementary school to check on my daughters grades ( she is 37) when i went in the children were asleep and laying down, th. e teacher was too.She got up and was telling me my daughters grades were good so i left and there were 2 little white dogs with me ,I got in my car and started down this gravel rd and I noticed it was very steep and the land was desolate and there was nowhere to turn around and it scared me. i'm concerned because i had a dream about 2 white horses the other night. any thoughts?
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Post by Starfire »

I'm sorry I can't answer you, but I had a very similar dream.....
In the dream, It was maybe 20 yrs ago; my husband called to tell me he had a surprise. He came home with a little white dog that he tossed at me. The sun was going down and there was no electricity. I had similar fear/despondency (Not about the dog, but in general. As the sun was setting and there was no electricity, things looked black & white - very strange)
We'd discussed a dog at times over the years, but a hound or a retreiver or a collie, not a schnoodle type dog

Anyway, I won't go into the details as this is about your dream, not mine, but the point is the similarities are close.
(Unexpected little white dog is mine and it's years ago in time, things seem out of order, black & white,an unsettled feeling).
I hope someone answers as perhaps it will reveal something.
Maybe others are having unexpected dreams of white dogs?

The only scripture that comes to mind is the one about the woman
who persists in asking after Jesus, (Who remained silent),saying that even the dogs get the crumbs that fall from the table.
It is in these passages:
Mark 7:28
Matthew 15:27 ""Yes, Lord," she said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table"..to which
Jesus replied,“Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.”

Does this have any special meaning to you?

I get the feeling (Or perhaps this is my hope) that it's darkest before dawn, so the white dog may represent ?faith? even in the darkest, most difficult) hours?

Has anyone else dreamt of white dogs (or horses) with a similar theme (back in time, things look strange, an uneasy feeling and an unexpected white animal?)

I hope someone responds as your dreams intrigue me. I just *had* the dream I mentioned & would have ingnored it, except yours was strikingly similar, so I wonder if there is specific message about those repetitious elements?
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2 white dogs

Post by ccchandler1958 »

i'm not real sure what the white animals mean but i had both dreams within a week, asking the Lord to show me. Thank you for your response, help me pray about it
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Post by benny »


Sometimes it is good to ask questions because certain things can mean things depending on the context of the dream. Dog can also be positive or negative depending on your view of them and how they are in the dream.

That being said without asking these questions to get more information I can go on what i think you are saying.

dream symbols

negative: conflict or offense (can mean religious/unclean spirit)
postive: a friend or something precious to you

division or seperation

victory in conflict - Pure, truth, innocence

Past life experience or learning

So it could be saying that there is some conflict/offence/strife between you both that has caused something to come between you. It could be something that happened while she was growing up. Your daughter has worked through those issues and is now doing well. It has been a lonely, uphill struggle for you and it seems like it will never be resolved.

I believe God would encourage you that He will give you the victory in this situation and help you resolve this conflict, don't give up.

(I could be way off on this one because of the dog symbols if it doesn't ring true just ignore it.)


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2 white dogs

Post by ccchandler1958 »

Thanks Benny, that does help God is delivering me fromwa a past hurt in a Church I was a charter member of. My Daughter was the object of the offence ( not that she did anything to me) but a Brother in the Lord. and it has taken me years to get past this. before I had the dream about the dogs and horses I had a dream that I was walking across a lake or a body of water and Jesus was standing to my left standing on the water watching me. In all the years I've had dreams i've never had one with Jesus in it. that was an awesome dream!!