
Archived Dreams from 2014
Diamond Member
Posts: 1913
Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:53 pm


Post by spiritledd »

in Jerusalem on a train sitting in front with sister ...it was like a ride at a carnival ...we sitting in the front car ...it had no controls, even though it was the front car ...it was shaped streamlined like nose of rocket ...it was bare metal in there

we were going out to eat ...a man who hated women tried to make my sister move out of her seat ...I was told he was a muslim

so I stood up to him and he backed down

got to the restaurant and a bunch more robbed us

I was concerned for sisters safety so we complied

once they had left and was about a block away I went after them

I confronted them and they kept walking backwards not stopping

3 times I encountered muslins again

each time was a different place but same thing they acted all tough but when came to actually fighting they were afraid to fight me

the last time I grabbed a mop and was cleaning a venue's floor

bass player from one of my past ministries was there and watched me as I squeegeed the floor ...wood floor was a tiled pattern with stars

heard... "holiday" and "pizza, pizza"