Washington Capitol Building Collapsing

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Washington Capitol Building Collapsing

Post by lisaray »

Greeting fellow laborers,
Last night I dreamed I was in a tall building on the roof of it, with a lot of people. I don't remember exactly what we were all doing there, but when I looked across from us there was the dome part of the Washington Capitol building and it was going down slowly. I yelled out to the other people that the building was falling. Many were saying that I was mistaken or seeing things, that it was no way that was possible. But when they really looked, they saw the building collapsing and going down. I knew the people on the bottom floors were probably dead. The collapsing of that building caused other buildings around it to start falling as well. I knew it was a matter of time before the building we were in would to start falling as well. I yelled for the people to exit the building. That we had to go to the bottom floor to get to the street to safety. I could see the highway and cars going on and exiting the ramps. I saw some of my family members and I begged them to come with me, that this was the only way to stay alive, but they wouldn't listen. They were headed to the other buildings that were in line to fall. I was
looking for my mother and realized that she was on the bottom floor of one of those buildings. I started crying. There was a little boy about 7 or 8 years old. I asked him where was his mother and he said his mother left him there a long time ago and he had no other family. I told him to come with me, I'll be his mother, do I grabbed his hand. So myself, the little boy and others headed to exit the building. As we made it outside and close to the freeway where the cars were, the police called for us. By this time I realized that we were in prison. I told the prison guards that they may as well let everybody go because everyone who was in the building are either hurt badly or dead. And there was no place to lock up prisoners because all the buildings were in piles of rubbish. I was still crying for my mother and awoke out of my sleep still crying.
I pray that the Lord will give someone the interpretation.
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Re: Washington Capitol Building Collapsing

Post by lainey68 »

Please take this before the Lord, but I see your dream on a couple of different levels. The Washington Capitol Building is where Congress meets and conducts legislation.

You saw that the building was falling, and people said you were mistaken, even though you were right. I see this as one) God is giving you insight into the goings on in the world. You are going to see things that are happening behind the scenes that others won't. You are a watchman on the wall. People aren't going to believe some of the things God reveals to you because they can only see the outside, but God has given you insight to see what's going on INSIDE, behind the walls.

I think more specifically, your dream is for you to be an intecessor for those in Congress. Sudden destruction, and people being cut off. I don't think it literally means the Capitol Building will collapse, I see this more as something happening in the spirit as our law makers and political leaders turn further and further from the Lord. I see the Lord opening your eyes to some political happenings that are wrong, even though they seem "right". You will point these out, and people will refute you.

The child who was abandoned, I see as those who need mentoring by you. Not necessarily literal children, but 'babes' in the Lord, who have been abandoned by churches.
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Re: Washington Capitol Building Collapsing

Post by chrisy »

America will fall - no one but those to whom the Lord reveals it will expect it to happen. It will be sudden, unexpected by the masses.
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Re: Washington Capitol Building Collapsing

Post by lisaray »

Thank you lainey68 and Chrissy for your replies. I prayerfully receive your responses. God bless.
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Re: Washington Capitol Building Collapsing

Post by BlueDreamer »

This is a collapse of the inside of congress.

This is very prophetic and I agree, a place for you to intercede.

Right now, there are several people running for US House and Senate who are strong Christians bringing in Christian teams with them into this arena. The Lord has them in all levels of government but recently they have been moving up into bigger races with more authority. We need to pray that this next cycle we will see Godly people winning races for Christ. And pray for direction for the country and for the Lord's kingdom. His priority is over any human one we have in the political arena.
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Re: Washington Capitol Building Collapsing

Post by lisaray »

Amen. I will intercede
Divine Temple of God Holiness Church
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Re: Washington Capitol Building Collapsing

Post by ginasings4him »

I agree that God would have you intercede for Washington, D.C. A video tape just came out from ISIS that they were coming after Washington. We all need to be praying for protection from ISIS inside our borders and that any people coming in from Syria will not be terrorists.
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Re: Washington Capitol Building Collapsing

Post by BlueDreamer »

We're on the verge of a third party split and a war in our country. Prayer will be the most powerful in this season. Well see a revival of the church and Christians during this time and a collapse of man made governments.