Brother gets SUV

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Brother gets SUV

Post by roses »

I was at what used to be my parent's farm. In one of the sheds there was a nice, big, yellow SUV, just sitting there. The SUV had straight features, not round features. It looked like a newer SUV, but I do not know the make. I was wondering why it was there. My mother said that my parents bought the SUV for my younger brother. I felt very hurt, because I did not get anything. Then my brother and I were walking together and he was smirking and chuckling. Then we were all sitting at the dinner table. I was not hungry, but I had some candy. I felt so hurt. so I left the table.
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Re: Brother gets SUV

Post by bella »

Mark Virkler provides a good structure for helping people interpret their dreams. It came to mind as I read your dream because I think you need to provide some context, particularly in the area of your feelings. This link goes to the page explaining the questions you could ask yourself, or at least provide some more information here for discussion: ... rpretation
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Re: Brother gets SUV

Post by roses »

The key feeling in my dream is the hurt and rejection i felt.
The key action is seeing the yellow SUV and walking with my brother and his chuckling.
Area in life I am experiencing this: My brother took a lot of money from my parents. I got an attorney. I got a good settlement in that my sister and I first get the same amount of money from mom's estate when she passes away. My brother was happy at the time he took the money, but now he is not happy. He is very angry at me.
Dominant trait of brother: Anger. rage, and control.
Dominant trait of myself; passive.
In what way am I experiencing this event: I still feel hurt that my brother would do that. He is also ill now, so I feel bad for him. (But I do not feel bad that I got the attorney.)
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Re: Brother gets SUV

Post by bella »

The parts that stood out to me were:

1. your parents bought him this vehicle. So I wondered if there's some way that they brought him up to feel entitled, or to think that he's more important than you, for example could be that he's the only son and son's get more favour in some families than daughters do (certainly the case in my household in some ways).

2. yellow can represent fear. It can also represent the mind.

3. SUVs can be a status symbol. Hummers are square shaped SUVs and if it's a Hummer, then they were designed for desert conditions for warring. But no matter what type of SUV it is, they're usually a symbol of wealth if you're not using them for off-road driving. Here, your wealth is sitting in a garage, perhaps not being used.

4. Your brother is aware that he is being shown favouritism and is rubbing it in your face.

5. Why is your dominant trait passivity? God has NEVER intended for us to be passive. People often defer to passivity when they've grown up in households where one or more people dominate and control.

6. You feel hurt by your brother because you care. Clearly he does not. Let him be angry with you (however protect yourself in prayer from the arrows of his anger). But don't come under it. And don't feel bad that you got an attorney. If your brother had done the right thing from the beginning, you would never have had to resort to that. He is responsible for that. Not you.

Mostly I think this dream is highlighting your emotions and I just think you need some help working through them. I've been doing a lot of research for the last couple of years on narcissistic personality disorder and I've found that very helpful in many areas (narcissists are every where) and if you're a gentle soul, you will be deeply affected by the behaviour of those sorts of people. God will protect and forewarn you because He's a good Father and protects His own. But you have to remember that your responses might be doing you harm because of the environment you grew up in. Let Him lead you to healing.
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Re: Brother gets SUV

Post by roses »

Thank you for your comments.
My brother does feel entitled. You are right. He is the only son.
I feel I am passive because my father (who has passed away) was very controlling.
Regarding your comment about my emotions: I can relate to what you are saying. This makes me think that I am overly focused on how my brother feels (he was just diagnosed with cancer and I think about it a lot). I am choosing to forgive him, but maybe this dream is showing me that I am still holding onto the hurt.