scrubbing/decking church floors

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scrubbing/decking church floors

Post by kingnme »

hi all


i was in the annex (like a gathering area in the back of sanctuary) of my church decking the floors ...yes they were dirty very ...dirty

outside in the church parking lot i saw an old minister partner she was getting arrested for something that went down

i stopped enough to take a look out the window at her being cuffed

multiple people were around her trying to piece together what happened

it seems like some gunshots were going off she was the one doing that i dunno ...i got the reason but it seems it was that

however in the dream i did not feel impressed to go outside to investigate the issue cuz in my mind i was on this decking the floor job

IRL: things did not go well between me and her... a horrible misunderstanding on HER part and she took it upon herself to dismiss me from an assignment that came from GOD although...GOD opened the door FIRST thru her was HE who spoke to her to tell me to come aboard... now unbeknownst to her and me as well ...THE LORD was giving me a heads up on a radio job/assignment that HE wanted to lead me too ..this leading it was so strong until in my attempt to obey HIM i actually CALLED the radio station to see if they were hiring... in the meantime GOD was lead'g HER to bring me aboard i had NO idea that she was going to call me however ....the snatching of that assignment it was awful...and my assignment got cut short due to the works of the enemy but he CANNNNOT and will NOTT win... anyways she an i talked after a long time in 2020 soo its good ...but when she dismissed me it was like i wandered for YEARS! with an assignment UNdone whats amazing was her name is grace worthy ...LoL! ...shes cool tho i missed her from time to time ...we were great frens before we even KNEW what GOD was going to do in our lives

so back to dream:

back to me decking/scrubbing the floor

putting down the deck brush im walking in the kitchen to go to the sink

a man came in and he sat on the kitchen floor and proceeds to molest me ...WHILE IM STANDING THERE :o

YES! he was inappropriately touching me ...horrrible!!!

:x i started SMACKING the daylights outta him... he was still forcefully trying

i began to reeeealy hurting him or trying to ...beating him up ... IRL he wudda been hurt prrrretty bad !!!!

SO somehow the scene changed back to the floors ...

i was pretty much DONE and wen i looked back the floors were layers and layers ....CLEANER!!! :o

any interps ?? thanks!
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Re: scrubbing/decking church floors

Post by Chambers »


The floors may speak of foundation. It may be that you are looking to purify the church's reasons for gathering together, or something like that.

It appears that during this time you will see justice served. While also experiencing being violated by one, or those looking to satisfy their own lust-filled desires in their relationship /interactions with you.

In the end you will look back and see that during it all your mission with the floors gets accomplished.

You may also find comfort in the story of Joseph. As long as we stay near him i don't believe anyone can truly take our assignment from us, except our choosing to lay it down. There may be delays, but with Him we can make them into opportunities.

All things work together for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose.

Be blessed.
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Re: scrubbing/decking church floors

Post by kingnme »


I don't think I have ever gotten a reply from a "silver member" I didn't Kno there was a such thing as one
I think Its really coool 😎

Oh you have no idea how I was salivating for days for this reply But yes! This seems to resonate!!!

I came back home (church) and it's just been
... Sighhhh!!😩

BJ had been really there helping me piece some dreams that has been flooding since I came home after 20 years

This really brings out the yaaay! For me right now with the Justice being served however the MULTIPLE confirmations about Joseph and me in one sentence for yearsss

listen ...this Joseph thing has been my walk for as long as I have been born ...but it took 30 + years before it was revealed that his life depicts mine ...but the frustration before THAT mystery was solved... was mind and life deafening..IT caused me to reeeealy depend on ABBA FATHER (of course duh!)

THIS HELPED sooomuch and I also welcome any and all others and their input as well ...... thanks Doug!
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Re: scrubbing/decking church floors

Post by Chambers »

I wouldn't worry about missing anything God has for you. I'm so glad I'm over all that worry about this or that in regards to the Lord and his ways. All it does is put the focus on me and it's depressing.

The more i got involved with others' lives and witnessed the sufferings around me, the more i couldn't care less about me. It's so liberating not to think of me.

God's love should drive us, not worry or fear.

I know you didn't say you are worried or fearful, just thought it may help.

Thanks for sharing.
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Re: scrubbing/decking church floors

Post by kingnme »

aww man! its right ANYHOW!!


you are so right ...i get it now ..wen Paul told Timothy

2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.

ALWAYS put something in someones "spiritual pocket" if you will even i f its NOT on the topic

:s4: ....GOD'S word is NEVER on an "off - the - topic WORD !

thank you !! :s22:
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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Re: scrubbing/decking church floors

Post by Chambers »

Now I'm the one to say, "Praise Abba for you!"

I'm blessed.
Thank you.