Healing Dream

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Healing Dream

Post by Ivy »

I have been suffering with trigeminal neuralgia for a long time. Begging God to heal me. I know I am healed by His stripes, but when the pain is bad it's hard to rest in that. Last night I had this dream. I am sure it is from the Lord, though I am not completely sure of the meaning:

I was at my mother-in-laws house, in her kitchen. There were flowers and flower petals everywhere. She was going on about the flowers. Finally I said, "I don't care about the flowers." In the dream I was feeling despondent. I wanted a cup of tea. I looked in the cabinet, and found cups in many colors. I chose a plain white cup. Suddenly I was standing on a bridge with a group of people. I was drinking my tea, but now the cup had a white cover, with three holes. I drank out of one of the holes. A ministry leader was there. He looked to be in his 30's, with dark hair and a beard (Jesus?). He told me to look for a skull in the produce section and I would be healed. He said, "Chill." I asked, "Why a skull?" He explained, but I can't remember what he said. Then he went to the meat department that was close by. I knew that he would watch over me and make sure I found the skull.
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Re: Healing Dream

Post by gloryhis »

Bless Jesus Holy Name!

The only part of the dream I am able to interpret at this time is regarding this phrase from your dream:

"He told me to look for a skull in the produce section and I would be healed."

Produce meaning....cause (a particular result or situation) to happen or come into existence.

John 19

17And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha:
18Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst.

The skull represents Calvary and the finished work of Jesus on the cross. It is in the produce section, Calvary and faith in the finished work produces healing. he said then you would be healed.
Beautiful dream in Jesus name. I am praying for your healing in Jesus.
Jesus Is Lord!
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Re: Healing Dream

Post by Ivy »

Thank you gloryhis. That makes perfect sense. I've been struggling to put my trust in the finished works of the cross, because the healing doesn't seem to be coming. But I really believe this dream is from God, and that He's encouraging me to continue believing. God is good!