Another Trump Dream

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Another Trump Dream

Post by jd2011 »

Hello All:

I just had another Trump dream, but this time, I was having sexual intercourse with Donald Trump and afterwards, I laid on his chest and I told him, "I want to work for you" and I begin to tell Trump all my work skills. I believe I had a second dream right after this dream with Trump in it, but I can't remember what it was.

Again, as mentioned in my previous Trump dream, I was not a Trump or Biden supporter, there are things I agreed and disagreed with both presidents. What in the world is the Lord wanting me to understand? There are a few things I've been seeking the Lord about concerning my career, not sure if this dream has any relevance.

Your insight and/or interpretation is greatly appreciated! God bless you much!

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Re: Another Trump Dream

Post by bjcollin »


Most of the types of dreams with explicit sexual content in them usually fall into the flesh/enemy categories and serve only to show what enemy spirits that we are fighting against. I personally have not found many of the Lord's dreams with sexual themes in them unless they were shown un-explicitly and in taste if that makes sense... however when this type of imagery is used in the Bible it almost always speaks symbolically to "idolatry" i.e. Israel was playing the harlot and following after something that was not of the Lord like Baals or Asherah's and they were not putting Him first in their lives. However, if you truly feel that this dream was a message from the Lord about something that you have been praying about at work, then I would again think symbolically of Trump's role on the Apprentice show where he played an extreme boss type of figure. So the message of the dream is about the intimacy with the boss. Just some thoughts, hope this helps some.

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Re: Another Trump Dream

Post by Godisgood »

Hello bjcollin:

This is Jd2011, I got locked out of my account and this is my new name.

I left you a private message in response to my Trump dream.
