Ministers in a Bus Going up a Mountain

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Ministers in a Bus Going up a Mountain

Post by bjcollin »

Elie Collins 4/19/2021

There are many of us going somewhere in an old fashioned 1950's style bus. The bus was grey and white like an old Greyhound bus with open sliding windows, no A/C, and even though it was old styled, it still looked to be new. In the bus I see myself, Brian, Dan, and Anna (fellow minister friends of ours) and many other people I know, but I don't know their names are all in the bus with us. I somehow know that they are all ministers with us in the bus and the bus is filled with different types of ministers. I get tired in the dream, and I lean over to take a nap on my husbands shoulder.

After I wake up from sleeping in the bus, we are still in the bus and I look up and look out the window and we are headed toward some mountains. My uncle Poche is up in the front of the bus and he is like our tour guide or our leader. He has all white hair and beard, and he is dressed in tan outfit like a tour guide. He stood at the front the whole time. I asked "where are we going?", because all I see is that we are going up and up in the mountains. I was told "we are heading up the mountain". Somebody across the aisle from us asked the same question "where are we going?", and I shrugged my shoulders and I repeated "we are headed up the mountain".

Conversation continues, and Uncle Poche is still up in the front of the bus holding onto a rubber handle up in the front of the bus. Some time lapsed and I kept seeing the road and there is no way another vehicle could come down so everything was going up and up. There was snow on the mountains and there was greenery too. I said "when are we getting there?" I was actually talking to my husband Brian, but Uncle Poche responded "We get there when we get there." I said "OK, we get there when we get there". I also told another lady the same thing. We continued going up this rugged mountain one lane road where just the bus could fit. There is no way anybody else could come down that lane with us going up or somebody is going off the cliff.

I asked "Was there a base we were going to or where were we headed to?", because we were all different types of ministers in the bus. Everybody had a different type of ministry. He said, "There is no base, we are just going up." and he again said, "We get there when we get there." I asked "So is it way up there, or are we going higher?" He said "yes that is it, we are going higher." *end of dream*
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Re: Ministers in a Bus Going up a Mountain

Post by bjcollin »

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Re: Ministers in a Bus Going up a Mountain

Post by gloryhis »

Praise Jesus!

Just a few thoughts on your dream. I believe in this last day any one who is saved, sold out, and willing to go, will go up higher in the spirit.

Jesus loved the mountains, he always went there to pray and to just get away.

People from different ministries in the bus, unknown to each other, but known of God. Jesus will take us higher, I feel the dream is just saying trust the process. It is going to be different.

You know this bus is interesting, cause the revival dream Jesus gave me, I was in a bus terminal waiting to go someplace and thought it odd. Now he could have flown there a lot quicker, so I feel this bus is important in saying, his perfect timing..... we will get there when we get there..... Trust the tour guide who is representing the Holy spirit, he was upfront watching, leading and guiding this bus which seems to be a more humble and intimate way, where
faith mixed with patience for what is not seen will be required. I feel this is a picture of who and what the last day workers will look like.
Jesus Is Lord!
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Re: Ministers in a Bus Going up a Mountain

Post by keilani »

Love Elie's dream! In agreement with gloryhis's thoughts.

Mountains to me speak of going higher in our thoughts so we can join His Thoughts and enter into His Presence (ie. Mountain of God). Also makes me think of the journey (going up) where He teaches you through your daily life how to learn how to sit and operate out of our seat of authority. The ability to rest in Him and what He's promised (Elie sleeping) is all that is required to manifest the Promises He has spoken.

Heb 4:10 For whoever enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from His. 11Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following the same pattern of disobedience. 12For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart.…

Isaiah 55:8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. 9“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts."

Enjoy the journey with Him and getting to know Him more. No toil, just joy unspeakable as you walk with The Master :)

**Oh, wondering if Uncle Poche is with you all or has gone home to glory? First thoughts were that he represented God because of how you described his appearance. This is what I've seen The Father look like; very different from what I've seen Jesus and Holy Spirit look like in terms of physical features.
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.
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Re: Ministers in a Bus Going up a Mountain

Post by bjcollin »


Thank y'all for the responses. Uncle Poche Gonzales is still with us , he lives in Corpus Christi TX. He is the elder brother on my wife's mom's side of the family. He normally has salt/pepper hair and beard due to his age, but in the dream he had white hair and beard. He also is the minister who married my wife and I back in 1997. I also believe that he represents either Father God and/or the Holy Spirit with us in the dream.

in Christ,
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Re: Ministers in a Bus Going up a Mountain

Post by keilani »

Wow, so cool bj! Really excited to see what is going to begin to happen in your lives. Even if it seems to take long, He is always in control. Enjoy the ride :)

Oh and something else that came to mind...wondering if the time period the bus represented (50s) and the journey you were going on up mountain is a reference to going from the traditional way of doing into His Higher Ways. I believe you mentioned in other dreams not wanting to do things traditionally, though I can't recall off of the top of my head what specifically you were referring to. Grace always!
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.