Unable to read the Word

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Unable to read the Word

Post by yesLord »

I had a dream where my ppastor asked my son ,daughter and myself to read scripture at mass.
My son got up and read without problems, so did my daughter. Then it was my turn. When I got up to read the letters printed in such a way that I could only recognize and read bits and pieces of it. So it didn't make any sense. I was so embarassed and kept saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Father said, don't say you're sorry, It is alright.
I can only think of Moses saying to the Lord that he was not eloguent of speech,when the Lord wanted to send him out. I feel that way when it comes to speaking of the Lord's word also, it is so hard for me to be able to do that. Yet for my friends the words seem to flow. When to do a teaching at a prayer meetinf I declined, for fear of embarrassment.
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Post by Truth Seeker »


Your dream reminds me of at least 2 that I've had. One was when my pastor who's a bishop called me in to his office and gave me a paper and said read and explain this to a new member. There was one word on the paper that I couldn't read and that frustrated me so much.

Another dream I was sitting at this table with several other men, we all had our bibles and one the ministers was asking each of us to read scriptures and I wasn't sure what to read and I was again frustrated on the inside and took it as needing to be consistant in my reading praying etc

We are required to study to show are self approved unto God which is are reasonable service.

I'm not sure what the dream means for you but just wanted you to know that your not alone in this type of experience and He who started a good work in you will continue to perform it until Jesus returns.
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Post by louisemlc48 »

Not being able to read or understand scripture is because satan doesn't want people to know God's word and His truth. It is a hindrance to not be able to read scripture.

In the mighty name of Jesus I bind and break these hindrances of not being able to read or understand Your word, over these people and I cancel satan's assignment against them.

Father, I ask you to give them understanding of Your word and a hunger and thirst for your word.

I give you all this advice, study the bible for yourselves every day. Don't let the devil hinder you in this. The word is very important to your walk with the Lord. The word is food for your souls, it renews the mind, the word heals, the word of His truth sets you free.

Just remember: John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

Jesus is the only way not man, not the disciples, not Mary His mother, it's all about Jesus. Everybody who has gone on before us cannot hear us or talk to us, only Jesus through the Holy Spirit can talk to us and we talk to Him.

We are to pray and talk only to Him. He is the only one who can hear us, and He is the only one who can give us what we need.

The bible also says that we are not to talk to the dead, this is nacromancy, this is sin, because if we talk to those who have gone on before us they can't hear us anyway or see us.

There is a great divide between here and there that cannot be crossed.

God will not share His glory with no man, or woman so we are to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Even the angles will tell you "do not worship me worship God".

God bless you all.
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Post by Truth Seeker »


I greet you in the wonderful name of Jesus the Christ; May His peace be multiplied to you Amen.

When it comes to reading and understanding scripture I don’t give satan any credit. All believers are responsible to apply 1 Tim 2:15 to our lives.

I believe God is calling Yes Lord to a greater level of maturity in Christ.

God is responsible for revealing His word and supplying the understanding to those who seek Him.
Then it was my turn. When I got up to read the letters printed in such a way that I could only recognize and read bits and pieces of it. So it didn't make any sense.
I believe the quote above may have to do with revelation, Gods trying to reveal something and needs Yes Lord seek Him.
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Post by yesLord »

Thank you Truth Seeker, I do feel the Lord asking me to seek more of Him.The scripture verse, "Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face always "keeps coming to me.

God bless,
yes Lord