Fruits, Export, Huge White Mansion

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Fruits, Export, Huge White Mansion

Post by chrisy »

On 10/19/08, I had the following dream. I think that a little background information would be helpful.

As a child I visited my father's family estate many times. It was a joyful time. There were many fruit trees. It was never a "commercial enterprise" - it was just for family.

Also note that I own an accounting firm and a nonprofit organization. The profits of the firm fund the activities of the nonprofit organization. The latter funds evangelism of the Gospel and assists very poor Christians in the 10-40 window. The actual funding of activities in the 10-40 window began a few months ago.

Here's the dream:

I visited the family estate. I was wondering about who had ownership of the land - there seemed to be questions as to its ownership status. I believed that the fruits of the land should be exported. I mentioned to someone/others (?) (whom I did not see) that I had a client who would not wait for 30 days to pay but would make payments in two days. It seems that I knew that this "client" was guaranteed and quite ready.

Suddenly I saw in a vision in the dream - an extremely huge white mansion. The extremely huge mansion was the whitest of white, built of a strong/solid construction and was located in the center of a circular green lawn. The lawn was perfect - perfectly cut and perfectly colored green. On the outskirts of the circular lawn were the fruits trees. When I saw it, I knew that that was the way it would be if the fruits were exported.

I told someone (I did not see this person) that's the reason why what's in a family should remain in the family because though one generation may not know what to do, a subsequent generation may know exactly what to do. The dream ended.

Any insights anyone?
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Post by chrisy »

Any insights, anyone?


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Re: Fruits, Export, Huge White Mansion

Post by charlie »

chrisy wrote: The lawn was perfect - perfectly cut and perfectly colored green. On the outskirts of the circular lawn were the fruits trees. When I saw it, I knew that that was the way it would be if the fruits were exported.
I do not understand what you mean when you say the you mean that the house would be built as seen in vision when fruit exported? CAn you elaborate?

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by chrisy »

Thanks for your inquiry, Charlie. Here is what I meant:

In real life, the house on my family's estate was an ordinary/simple house. However, when I saw the vision in my dream, I knew that what I saw (the white mansion, land, etc) is what will be IF the fruits of the land were exported.

There were no thoughts about construction - all I knew when I had the vision was that if the fruits were exported, that was what the place/estate would be.. what it would look like...

Any ideas?
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Post by chrisy »

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Post by naveah »

I'm reminded of the fruit of the Spirit in Galations

We as the body of Christ whose home in eternity is a Pure Wonderful Mansion and our Spiritual Father gave it to us generations ago

I believe these may be saying export give out the fruits of the spirit you inherited from your heavenly Father

joy, love, peace ,long suffering ,meekness, gentleness ,patience, self control,goodness
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by chrisy »

Thanks, naveah!

I will ponder on what you said.
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Post by chrisy »

I would encourage everyone to track the dreams that the Lord gives you.

Currently I am walking this dream - the issues with ownership, the estate, the opportunity to export....

God is absolutely amazing! Sometimes the dreams that He gives to us tell us exactly what is going to happen...
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Post by charlie »

Chrisy thank you for sharing that! Indeed it is mazing how literal some dreams are...

Every blessing for your work in the kingdom!

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by underhiswing »

chrisy wrote:.

In real life, the house on my family's estate was an ordinary/simple house. However, when I saw the vision in my dream, I knew that what I saw (the white mansion, land, etc) is what will be IF the fruits of the land were exported. .......
This rings true. It reveals in pictorial symbolism that He will take what seems "simple and limited" and will bless it in His perfecting plan. He has shown us many times in the scriptures that He favors this pattern.

The colors (white=purity/holy/anointed), (green=growth), and the expansive/expanded size (mansion) implies that His hand will bring purity/perfection, growth and increase on the land for the sake of others (exported=given or sent to others who are not near by or closely associated).
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Post by chrisy »


Thank you so very much! I know what the Lord has shown me and He has given me a couple other dreams about the land and farming. I am not going to give up because He gave me His word, as it written, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper."

Thank you for your encouragement. It's what I truly needed this morning.

Blessings to you and yours,
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Post by underhiswing »

You are sure welcome. Merry Christmas.