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Post by SEER »

On last night I had a dream about drawing on a chalk board and I drew a leopard sitting on a branch and as I looked at the board I went back and drew branches that extended from where I had drew the leopard sitting on the branch. As I drew the branches the drawing came alive. What I mean by that is the picture became real and it was like I was drawing (I really can't draw at all) and as I thought in my mind that is what appeared. The tree became real and the wind began to blow on the branches. I know God is the true vine and we are his branches. I'm just wondering why I continue to draw so many branches.

Then the dream switched and I was atttending some sort of dinner at my family's house and a group was in a room studying the bible and I went in to pray for them. As I began to pray more people clame for me to pray for them. I left the house abruptly and when I went outside my car had been stolen. I had the key and tried churping the alarm but the car was not their. Then I thought I parked it somewhere else and still the car was gone. As I walked the street I saw a couple walking a large pit bull and the dog tried hard to come after me but failed. Then as I walked further another black dog was lose and I thought in my mind this "The enemy has done this because of the deliverance I have cause to those in the house.

Please pray and if God gives any insight please speak.

Thanks and May God be Gloried!

Post by talitha »

SEER, the first part to me seems to be a prophetic drawing (drawing which comes to pass!) of an explosion of salvations in a geographic area symbolized by the leopard..... I looked around and found that the leopard has been a symbol for several different countries, including ancient Greece (under Alexander), Malawi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Germany. Leopards are found in the wild in India, central Africa, parts of the Middle East, and Korea. If I were you I would ask the Lord to show me exactly where this proliferation is taking place!
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Post by SEER »

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Post by Janice »

I see that also sis... in the first part.

In this dream, Seer paints a pic. We are God's artist.

The leopard is in the cat family. Cats symbolize Christians. The Pic could be Jesus and the Church.... the branches.

We are made alive in Jesus. Since God is in the wind ,this is a pic of the Holy Spirit blowing on His church. As you said, past tense. :}

You kept drawing branches maybe because it paints a pic of multiplication and growth? Maybe this pic is showing a continuation of His spirit still in this earth.

In the second part of your dream, I see that you are a prayer warrior, is this right? Is it possible that Church obligations has you overwhelmed with fear sometimes?

"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up."

Post by talitha »

I have never heard anyone say that cats symbolize Christians! Where did you find that information? I'm a cat person, and I kind of like seeing someone say that cats might symbolize something positive - so often they are interpreted negatively - I'm just interested in what you're basing your interp on.
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Post by Janice »

The loin of Judah.... What is a loin? A big cat.... So, Symbolically, Cats can be used in dreams to speak of Christians. And kittens are symbolic to new converts.

Depending on what kind of dog, like a German Shepard; it can be symbolic to a watchman, an angle, etc.... but a black dog is symbolic to a demonic spirit.

Through Prophetic school. :}
"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up."
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Post by WaitingforHim »

I heard a prophetic worship leader on IHOP the other day speak a prophetic word from the Lord that He was going to send a revival to Korea and the two would become one!! Powerful words...When I read this it brought it back to me and felt led to post it...
Love to you.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by SEER »
