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Post by who me? »

Last edited by who me? on Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MorningGlory »

Thanks for sharing.. I'm praying in the Spirit.

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Post by new creature »

me too.
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Re: ?

Post by christianfireman »

who me? wrote:just had a little scene in a dream saw bombs going off in Beverly hills?may need to pray,not sure yet.
Unless a dream is repeated over and over again (either many times in the same night or hundreds of times over the course of a few months) dreams are mostly symbolic.

So I think we need to move beyond the literal here and look at it's symbolic meaning:

Bombs going off = Warfare
Beverly Hills = Symbolic for a worldly way of living


I think prayers for the way mankind is living on this earth needs to be said.

And then said again ...
who me?

Post by who me? »

hi guys i posted this today in between sleep,and was to tired to pray on it.I have prayed and dont feel any pulling from the Spirit so i wana dismiss this.
Unless a dream is repeated over and over again (either many times in the same night or hundreds of times over the course of a few months) dreams are mostly symbolic.
I would have to respectfully disagree.I havnt had this be the case personaly,usaly when I have a literal dream of an event to come I only get shown once.lol I wish it were differnt w/ me would make things ezer.I belive God will repeat dreams to show the dreamer thats its important revaltion in it.but this isnt a set thing,or hasnt been in my life.as for the hundreds of times thing,I have never heard of such a thing.I belive thats probaly not a good thing if God has to repeat himself that much.I recall reading in my bible of a man of God being eaten alive cuz he didnt listen the first time.I just dont want Gods little ones stumbling at this.God bless u brother.love ur heart and wisdom and amen prayers for the way we are living is needed

Post by talitha »

Blake, I have never heard of that either. I don't think there is any formula by which to decide whether a dream/vision is literal or symbolic - that's one of the many things we are supposed to depend upon the Holy Spirit to let us know. I think you did the right thing by letting it go, at least until/unless the Lord brings it up again and/or impresses you to pray for that area.

that said, my initial impression of the dream was of bombs of glory going off in that geographical area - explosions of God's power...... just thought I'd share......

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Post by christianfireman »

Ok peeps, I didn't want to get into any details about why I said what I did - but i guess now is the time.

Please read on ...
who me? wrote:I would have to respectfully disagree ... when I have a literal dream of an event to come I only get shown once.lol I belive God will repeat dreams to show the dreamer thats its important revaltion in it ... as for the hundreds of times thing,I have never heard of such a thing.
When something was imminent, I've always had the dream repeat itself in the same night. By imminent, I mean like just hours away.

About 10 years ago, I was in the firehouse doing my 24 hr. shift when overnight I had 3 successive dreams of a structure fire.

When I woke up at 7am from the last dream, I got up to make some coffee when BAM! The tones went off for a "99" (fully involved structure fire). It was even on the same street as it was shown to me in my dreams of that evening.

So that's why I said a literal dream will probably be "repeated", because that's the way it has worked out for me.
talitha wrote:Blake, I have never heard of that either ... we are supposed to depend upon the Holy Spirit to let us know.
Well, now you've heard it!

Because that is just how the Holy Spirit had warned me right before I had lost most everything and everyone that I had loved in 1996.

God was preparing me for a completely unforeseeable event by showing me dreams of tidal waves (with me in it but always surviving) ALMOST EVERY SINGLE NIGHT FOR 6 MONTHS STRAIGHT RIGHT UP UNTIL THE TIME THE EVENTS TRANSPIRED.

And when the events actually began to occur, the dreams immediately stopped.

So thus far, that is how the Holy Spirit has worked in my life.

And I will never forget that. Not ever ...

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Post by WaitingforHim »

Isn't it amazing that the Lord works in each of us in DIFFERENT ways...?? Its awesome that we are all different and set apart for the working of the Kingdom ...other wise it would be boring!! There are ways that the Lord speaks to one in dreams and visions and ways that he will speak to another...He knows exactly the language to use with each one of us...Thats why on here its so cool to see how the Lord will speak to each one of us on dreams...And ultimately we have to wait upon him for revelation and confirmation...Because after all...we only see in part and can only prophecy in part...Only the Lord knows the whole picture...He is soooo good!! So what he may do in CF's dreams he may show completely different in mine and so on and so on....
I am loving God!!!
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by bjcollin »

Sorry I missed the original dream. To me bombs going off over hollywood would symbolize something entertainment wise in your life that needs to go. Has the Lord been dealing with you lately to get rid of some of the less Godly forms of entertainment out of your life?

I know for me, after the Lord started dealing with me in this area I maybe only watch 2-3 hours of TV in an entire week now. Where as before I would watch up to a couple of hours a day. And my movie going has definately reduced dramatically over the years as well. Our time priorties are a strong indication of what our life priorties are.

in Christ,
Last edited by bjcollin on Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bjcollin »

christianfireman wrote:When something was imminent, I've always had the dream repeat itself in the same night. By imminent, I mean like just hours away.

About 10 years ago, I was in the firehouse doing my 24 hr. shift when overnight I had 3 successive dreams of a structure fire.
I have this same experience with repetitive dreams as well. For me the intensity of the dream will even get stronger closer to the event. The stronger the dream, the more immediate the event.

The next logical step for me was to ask, ok now that I know an event is coming soon, what am I to do about it for God? In other words, what was God's grand purpose in showing you about the structure fire? What were you supposed to be warry of or be prepared for because of that dream? As a fireman you most likely have a few structure fires to work as your usual job, what was special about that one?

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Post by christianfireman »

WaitingforHim wrote:...Only the Lord knows the whole picture...He is soooo good!! WFH
To that I would like to add a very enthusiastic "AMEN".

Make that a double "AMEN" .... :-)
bjcollin wrote:... what was God's grand purpose in showing you about the structure fire? What were you supposed to be warry of or be prepared for because of that dream? As a fireman you most likely have a few structure fires to work as your usual job, what was special about that one?

in Christ,
Extremely good questions!

I have pondered the very same thing for many years now. Here is what I've gathered so far:

a) The Basics - the very fact that this was shown to me ahead of time I believe was a confirmation from God of His "I Am" (that He knows all things and all things are under His control)
b) At that specific fire, I received an injury that put me out of work for many months
c) During those months on injured leave, I was profoundly harassed by other firefighters (all the way up to the Chief of the Fire Dept.). I believe that this was a sign to me of things to come (as over the last 10 years, Jesus has privileged me with being continually and crudely attacked for my faith).

It's been quite a learning experience (ahemm) to say the least ...

Once again, VERY good questions.

You're definitely a thinker!

Post by kimibrew »

I'm also curious about the aspect of God forth-telling in order that we intercede for a different outcome. What about when He tells of danger or damage the enemy is planning in order for us to agree with His desire to avert and bless??
Just wondering?
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Post by christianfireman »

kimibrew wrote:I'm also curious about the aspect of God forth-telling in order that we intercede for a different outcome. What about when He tells of danger or damage the enemy is planning in order for us to agree with His desire to avert and bless??
Just wondering?
Most of the time for me, it wasn't to avoid the outcome.

It was just to prepare for it.

To try and bless it, yes! We should always try to bring God's blessings with us in every situation we're in.

To avert it (in my case) ... no. It was simply to "be there" and do the best I could when things happened.

Post by Joy2dream »

Holy Spirit will repeat a dream because we didn't "get it" the first time. It may be the same dream or a different dream with the same meaning.

Christian Fireman - Jesus bless you and may His hand continue to be upon you. You are blessed to see the need to praise Him in the storm. Good focus.

Blake - do you remember the color of the bombs or the blasts, ect.
also do you know anyone named Beverly/Bev? Just curious.

Blessings to all,