
Archives for 2009
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Post by yesLord »

I have been having several dreams lately about puppies. In the first one I brought 2 dogs home one was a puppy and the other a little older.I didn't know if i wanted to keep them because of the work involved.
Then I dreamed my son brought home a puppy.
In mine the puppies changed color from very light brown to white and in the dream with my son the puppy was very light brown.

Could anyone give me their impression of the symbol of the puppies please?
Thank you so much,
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Post by constantdreamer »

Hi YesLord,

I will try to give some insight, but I cannot be sure this is correct.

Most everyone loves puppies - they are cute and loveable... but they DO require a lot of work.

Dogs in a dream (if you like dogs) can represent friends (a dog=man's best friend) so maybe puppies represent new things that friends are involved in that you may be involved in too? May look very appealing, but the work involved gives you doubts.

I hope this helps...

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