
Archives for 2009
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Post by ImHis4Evr »

I had a really strange dream last night and I can only remember fragments of it.

I was at a body of water and there was a thick cable suspended across the entire body of water. Suddenly four items started being lined up on it dangling from the wire. They appeared to be gigantic insects like mosquitoes, but as I got closer they turned into some type of robotic vehicle and we got inside of it. It plunged deep into the water and when it came to the surface we had roll call. Someone told me I hadn't signed the roll call sheet but I actually did and had to point it out to them. Then we began the process of lining up the items across the cable and entering into them. It was like a drill. The next thing I knew I was in a room with a small child and I was caring for him until someone else showed up. That's all I can remember for now.
As always, pray and be lead by Him.
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Post by Demon_Buster »

It sounds like it might be a new ministry in the spirit about to birth.


Demon Buster