Husband's first dream!

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Husband's first dream!

Post by NOTW »

My husband never remembers his dreams and doesn't really believe that God speaks through them. However, he was very excited when he awoke from this dream and he shared it enthusiasticly.

The dream was on Monday morning (12/14/09).
In the dream, he and my daughter (alexis) was fishing in a pond that was in front of the Morman church (he used to be Morman but has been baptised in the Baptist church and has been attending church with me for about 3 years now).

He said that the pond was not a normal pond b/c the water was clear and it was very deep. The pond was owned by "the Meadows". Around the pond was all these sheds that had boats in them. The funny thing was the boats were boats that he has seen before in different places that he has been to fish IRL.

So...there is also this teenage boy that is fishing in the pond too and he has long hair and my husband describes him as odd. He has an odd feeling about him. So my husband and my daughter are fishing on a boat and I can't remember what kind of boat he said that it was but all of a sudden they and the boat get swallowed up by the water. He is scared but they make it back to the surface. He then walks over to this black man and begins to talk to him (he thinks about fishing) and then he wakes up.

Now, the way he woke up was odd b/c he said he heard someone hollar in the house. Not like a yell but like a "whoop" as if someone was calling for you. (You've got to understand that I live in the South and this is very common! Hee, hee!) He described it as if his (deceased) grandmother and grandfather use to call him.

He walked around and didn't see anything. When he tried to go back to sleep he kept hearing other noises that kept him awake.

Please offer any insight from the Holy Spirit that you receive! I would love to hear all input!!!!
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

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Post by Robert159347 »

It sounds like your husband is going to try and save the morman people with your daughter (Matthew 4:19). Though, the water (people) is going to come up against him, and sink his boat (ministry to the morman people). The teenage boy is probably someone who is doing the same kind of work (saving the morman people), the black man I don't know, and the meadows, here are verses in the Bible about a meadow, where Joseph translates meadow for you.

Gen 41:18 And, behold, there came up out of the river seven kine, fat fleshed and well favoured; and they fed in a meadow:

Gen 41:29 Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt:

The meadow represents Egypt, and Egypt, in the Bible, is synonymous to the world. So, it means that the morman church is owned by the world (Egypt). Hope this helps.
Last edited by Robert159347 on Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by holydiver »

Hello, Robert159347.

At first glance, it looks like a outcome dream of events in his life unfolding to one last event. The meadow being the earth, then the boats different places he has been all condenced down into one place. The water may be like a road, a mode of transportation, and a way of choices in how he gets himself through the world. While the boat may represent the chosen mode of transportation. transportation in outcome dreams symbolizes something to do, or something a person is doing. In a outcome dream when the mode of transportation fails, it keeps that person from doing what they are supposed to do. Sometimes its with work, sometimes it with family, or other times its in doing something we like to do.

Then the dream also looks like a personal growth or observation dream too. It could be a new form of dream i havent came across yet, with a combination of two types of dreams. Going up or down in one of these dreams is in something that person is doing, with someone else or others. They may be observing a commone interest together in a personal growth.

The other activity in the house may represent the possibility that he might not be in control of any upcoming circumstances and any plans to do anything may have to be put off.

Only time will tell, just keep your eyes open as to what this might be, it might not be anything, and then again it might be important.

Ill pray for you just in case.

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Post by holydiver »

oops, NOTW interpretation is for you. =(.

Im adding not to worry, your husband is who he is because of who he was. It will always be a part of him, though i dont think he is trying to save that church, his actions dont go that way. But other than that, i was amazed at the likness of symbolizm between our two interpretations. Who knows, maybe your doughter will choose a different way of life??????????

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Post by charlie »

NOTW...the word which comes to mind is escapism..I thought of the fishing theme as representing something your hubs did to escape from the pressures of life (maybe particularly to avoid facing up to spiritual issues?). I ma wondering if this dream is showing him that he is at risk of losing himself in his escapism (swallowed up) but that he will be delivered from it to face without fear the challenges of life. I am wondering if Alexis also has this she the age of the young long haired man?

Just some thoughts to add...praying for him to dream dreams unto deliverance and strengthening.

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Post by Deep calling unto deep »

I sense there is a cleansing/purification taking place in your husband's life (the water was clear). I sense the Holy Spirit is setting him free of some generational stuff and some things that has occurred at different times in his life (boats he has seen before in real life). This cleansing is not only setting him free, but will not be passed on to his daughter(being swalloed up also). Toss any or all portions that does not bear witness to your spirit.
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Post by NOTW »

My daughter is only 3 and she was prophesied over that she would stay on that ancient path and that she was a worshipper, even at a young age. I wonder if she represented that ancient path? Who knows!!!!

Getting back to the boats that he has seen in the husband has been baptist, catholic, morman, and now baptist again! His dad is still Morman and I was wondering if him being swallowed up could represent the Holy Spirit Baptism? Maybe a little scary for him but exhillarating at the same time!

I like what holydiver said here
your husband is who he is because of who he was.
Can you clarify what you meant here?
maybe your doughter will choose a different way of life??????????
Robert, someone else also mentioned to me him ministering to the Morman's...the only thing is b/c the water was so clear and deep I'm not sure if that would represent them or maybe his "journey" through spirituality to find where he is supposed to go.

That same morning, my daily reading ended up being Jonah!!!! Can you imagine! My husband dreaming of being swallowed up and then my daily reading is about Jonah who is SWALLOWED UP!!!!
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

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Post by NOTW »

Deep calling unto deep wrote:NOTW,
I sense there is a cleansing/purification taking place in your husband's life (the water was clear). I sense the Holy Spirit is setting him free of some generational stuff and some things that has occurred at different times in his life (boats he has seen before in real life). This cleansing is not only setting him free, but will not be passed on to his daughter(being swalloed up also). Toss any or all portions that does not bear witness to your spirit.
Yes! He is in bondage to anger right now but I've been warring for this family and the Lord is going to do some mighty things in my house!!!! Praise God!
""Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you."
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

2 Chronicles 29:11 - "My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense.”
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Post by NOTW »

charlie wrote:NOTW...the word which comes to mind is escapism..I thought of the fishing theme as representing something your hubs did to escape from the pressures of life (maybe particularly to avoid facing up to spiritual issues?). I ma wondering if this dream is showing him that he is at risk of losing himself in his escapism (swallowed up) but that he will be delivered from it to face without fear the challenges of life. I am wondering if Alexis also has this she the age of the young long haired man?

Just some thoughts to add...praying for him to dream dreams unto deliverance and strengthening.

As ever toss the dross

Yes, he likes to fish and hunt to "escape" and wind down. He is very open to all discussion about the Bible but a friend of mind mentioned that she felt like he was a "seeker" and that he had to explore everything until he came to the one thing that is real and will be the only thing that fufills him. Please say a prayer for him. There has been many that have gone up and he just needs to submit fully to the Lord and stop thinking that he is unworthy to ask for things. He needs the Holy Spirit's empowerment to get through these issues that he can't overcome in his own self.

Thank you everyone!!!!
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

2 Chronicles 29:11 - "My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense.”
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Post by Deep calling unto deep »

The cleansing has begun! He has already overcome in heaven, now we release the manifestation here on earth.....Lord, let your will be done on earth for NOTW's husband, marriage and family as it is in heaven. NOTW, your husband has overcome these bondages by the blood of the Lamb and the word of his testimony. Continue to decree this over him daily. This is what God says about him. Those chains have been broken in the NAME OF JESUS! I stand in agreement with you in Jesus Name!

Zechariah 3, 1-5

Then the angel showed me Jeshua (NOTW's husband), the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord. The Accuser, satan was there at the angel's right hand, making accusations against Jeshua. 2 And the Lord said to satan, "I, the Lord, reject your accusations, satan. Yes, the Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebukes you. This man is like a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire".
3 Jeshua's clothing was filthy as he stood there before the angel. 4 So the angel said to the other's standing there, "Take off his filthy clothes". And turning to Jeshua he said, "See, I have taken away your sins, and now I am giving you these fine new clothes". 5 Then I said, "They should also place a clean turban on his head". So they put a clean priestly turban on his head and dressed him in new clothes while the angel of the Lord stood by.
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Post by Deep calling unto deep »

I want to clarify one statement. The generational stuff and the other stuff will NOT be passed on to your daughter. That is why she was in the water also. God is determined this will not be passed on to another generation. I left out a word in the previous post that would make the statement misleading. I apologize for that. GBU!
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Post by holydiver »

Hello, NOTW.

I was thinking that since her dad had explored different religions, she may find out, and explore them herself, but that may have a greater degree of chance because i didnt know her grandfather was mormon.

That kind of dream is very hard to interpret, and its not likley anyone will get it right. Your husbands interpretation and what he believes it to be will most likley be right, or very close. Though if the dream is prophetic, in any nature, God will manifest the meaning to him. He should according to the bible, pray for that.

I do like the idea of the dream being death and rezerection, it may be a dream of his new way of life, and the changes he has been through, and the black man at the end of the dream might represent to him the lamanites or one of those, cant remember them, haha. but at any rate, fishers of men came to mind too.

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Post by NOTW »

Thanks so much guys!

You know...the strange thing is that the same night my husband had this dream, I had a dream about being in the water with my son!
I don't think it is a coincidence but I'm not sure what it means.

My son (6) and I were out in this lake/resourvior and it was night time. We were floating on a yellow/gold color noodle (those snake-like things that you play with in the water). My car was half way submerged in the water too (about to the middle of the door). I was trying to get to my car before it submersed. I noticed that my window was cracked about 4 inches and I knew that if water started to get in the window that I would never pull it out of the water. So...I was worried about my son who was behind me on the noodle and I told him that we had to get the car. He said okay but I was worried that I might lose him b/c he can't swim (in the natural too). So I grab his arm tight to make sure he doesn't go under and I get to my car and grab the mirror on the outside of the car and drag my car to shore.

I wonder if it is significant that while my husband dreamed that he and my daughter were in the water, that I dreamed the same night that my son and myself were in the water?

Do ya'll see any relation????
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

2 Chronicles 29:11 - "My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense.”
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Post by holydiver »

Hello, again NOTW.

That really sounds like your car breaks down and or gets stuck, or your slowed down, and have to walk the rest of the way together.
Is your car for work, and maybe your husband uses it sometimes?

A car would be used for what you need to do, work, church, going to the store, seeing friends, basically to do something. Whatever your doing might get boged down to a stop. In your husbands dream he says it was hard, but they made it. It could be since it winter that maybe some snow slows you guys down.

The last dream i had, i was in my car and slid backwards on a hill in the snow, and walked around talking to people untill i found a phone. A few days latter, when i was at work, i sliped on the ice because i had picked up something heavy, and broke my hand. So your dream worrys me a little bit, i hope not for your family though.

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Post by dance-in-the-son »

That kind of dream is very hard to interpret, and its not likley anyone will get it right.
I agree, all dreams are hard to interpret unless the Holy Spirit gives us clarity or uses someone else to deliver His message as He gives different gifts and uses them at the right timing. Sometimes we will just know something about our dream because the Lord helped us to see it and then He brings other pieces up in His timing through different arenas. We only see in part not the His word says. To all...I wanted to share my heart re:dreams and my experiences. as a friendly reminder to us and the new people on this board.

It is easy for us to look at symbolism and think it is the same for everyone and this is not always the case. In my journey with dreams I have missed things due to trying to figure it out and not asking the Lord and trusting in His timing to bring the interp. I am really trying to have the attitude where if I don't get anything it is not His timing and I have to still pray and test the interps in the spirit to make sure I am not getting a mixed message. Alot of times my heart will leap and my spirit will bear witness...which is good. We just need to ask the Lord to confirm the information we are given because the enemy wants to get us off track. Thought I would share....blessings! :wink:
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