Trees on Fire

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Trees on Fire

Post by tninetyone »

I was at an audition for a record company ( I wasn't auditioning myself so I don't know why I was there). I was hearing a lot of people singing different songs. Somehow I ended up at church, they had announced the winner of the record deal. People were in the hallway of the church rejoicing but I was sad.(don't know why) I came into your office at the church and you were rejoicing also about the winner of the record deal. I started rejoicing with you at the time. We left your office and went to get into your car. I got in but you left me in the car by myself and walked back to the church. Once I began driving, I was driving above the ocean. I came back to the church and everybody was outside. Bishop was preaching and the children was lined up behind the adults as if they were taking a class picture. When Bishop started preaching the tree on the right caught on fire and then when I looked to my left that tree caught on fire. I went inside the church to look for my son but I couldn't find him so I called him on his cell phone and he told me that he had left a couple of hours ago.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Whose office did you go into?
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Post by holydiver »

Hello, tninetyone.

That looks like a public opinion dream, something your supposed to do. The last time i had one of those somone wrote a song on paper i had to sing.

Singing would be people telling you something had taken place, and you would do what was expected in that situation. Normally thats a unexpected situation, that just comes up. Maybe something someone else is expecting to happen, that your not aware of yet. This person you might know, because in the dream you celebrate with them. The care might be because of what your doing, and this event is part of your life. The picture would be a moment in time, but the line is something you get to see before it happens. Normally trees are people, not so sure about it being on fire. Might be fire is a born again thing, though not sure on that. This type of dream is very hard to interpret even for a expert, and the event can be missed without even noticing it. Though the event is sudden, with sudden expectations.

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Trees of Fire

Post by tninetyone »

I went into Evangelist Carolyn office
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Post by Truth Seeker »

I believe your dream may be dealing with exposure – in the context of this dream the church referenced in the dream may your local church or the one you believed it to be in the dream. I say this because somehow you ended up at church. Jesus what sometimes give a parable then follow up with the answer right behind the parable.

It seems to be a spirit of competition in this body of believers. I’m not sure who the person is that you went into their office and God in their car but maybe a glimpse of the work God wants you to do for Him.

The person on the right and left of the bishop could represent two things, one being the Holiness of God channeling through the bishop and burning up everything that’s not of Him (sin) or the fire of God being transferred to the person on the right and left of him.

Calling your son makes me think that you were somewhat worried making me lean toward the person on the right and left being exposed by Gods Holiness.

I pray that the words spoken will bring exortation, edification and comfort unto you.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Have you been trying to figure out what it is you're called to do? You're hearing a lot of different voices and not sure but end up going into the office of evangelism and doing some missions work possibly?
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trees on fire

Post by tninetyone »

Not really! I know a little about my calling but I'm not sure about the singing. I'm in the choir at my church so the singing might have something to do with that.
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Post by spoken4 »

Please take all of this to God before recieving this!!! I am afraid that I may be biased because of what the Lord has been revealing to me concerning the condition of the "church" at large. This is one of those dreams with a complete flip side to it that you must discern by the Holy spirit if this is the correct meaning or not!!!

Please forgive me if some of this is a repeat of some of what has already been spoken..(lol...I have a method to talking out a dream)

I believe that your dream speaks of the church at large. (its for you to discern if it also has double meaning concerning your local assembly)

It seems that you are in a position of "observing" what is rampant in the church at large. Hearing many different voices singing "different tunes", so to speak. All desiring to be the ones whose voices will be heard above the rest. A competition for the best show, so to speak. The definition of audition is, A trial performance, as by an actor, dancer, or musician, to demonstrate suitability or skill. You were observing this. I believe that you saw many in the "church" who are rejoicing in the accomplishments or advancements of men...but your spirit was grieved with seeing the church in this position. Hallway speaks of transition. Transition means change or passage from one state or stage to another it has come to. It reminds me also of American IDOL!!! The promise of a record deal...I can almost hear it....Church announces the winners for best performance are......

A record a business deal. Its a deal to promote and distribute with promise of profit and fame.....

deal is defined as : a business transaction;
bargain or agreement, esp. when secret or underhanded

An office is where business is conducted. It seems there is a struggle within you that also wants to rejoice with those that are believing this to be a Good advancement of the Kingdom show, so to speak.
office is defined as; A position of authority, duty, or trust given to a person, as in a government or corporation (office of the prophet or leaders in the church) It is possible that this refers to you being put in a position to see up close and personal, the position of many in leadership positions, who are rejoicing in their own accomplishments and acknowledgements of man to determine their success in the kingdom, so to speak. It could be that God is revelaing to you that what you have previously looked to, to help get you where you are to be, will not come in the way you expected it. But it seems that you have been put in a place to "see" things from a higher perspective" which would give you clear insight into what is going on in the "body" (ocean) of christ. Possibly, your entering the office could mark an entering into the office of prophet/ seer ???? Perhaps you expected that once you entered into that office that one in leadership would manuever you into your calling but that is not how it is to happen??

It could be that what you were seeing at the end was the church having "won best show" and now being in the public eye??? (outside for all to see) The picture sounds like many in the body who are "posing" or putting their best face forward, type deal. This reminds me of 2 kings 16:2
Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem sixteen years. Unlike David his father, he did not do what was right in the eyes of the LORD his God
He walked in the ways of the kings of Israel and even sacrificed his son in the fire, following the detestable ways of the nations the LORD had driven out before the Israelites. He offered sacrifices and burned incense as an offering at the illegal worship sites, which were on hills and under every large tree
[/i]Also, Malachi 4[/color]
1 The LORD Almighty says, "The day of judgment is coming, burning like a furnace. The arrogant and the wicked will be burned up like straw on that day. They will be consumed like a tree - roots and all.

2 "But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. 3 On the day when I act, you will tread upon the wicked as if they were dust under your feet," says the LORD Almighty.[/color

It seems that God is revealing to you that their will have already been a way of escape made for your son before you even knew you needed it. Your son can represent your "gift", at times, this is for you to discern!!!

Please, pray through this and trash what does not bear witness!!! God has given me many dreams about the show in the body of christ being at its all time high in 2009. (dreamt a scene that unfolded on a scroll before me...I saw a clown jumping around in a carnival setting and heard the narrarators voice say, "Tyler Perrys clown hits it big this year"!! The rest involved those in charge of "special effects"/ sound effects who were getting high and no real work was being done. Carnival setting speaks of "carnal" setting. The show at its all time high and those in charge of the show, being under the influence of spirits that inhibit the true work of the gospel. Lucifer was the first worship leader it seems only fitting that He would attack this arena greatly to inhibit true worship!! Anyway, I said all that to say this, I am biased because of what I know God has been revealing to me and I DO not want to lead you in the wrong direction!!

Please if anyone else feels God gives then the flip side of this...jump right in!! God grant her great discerment!! Bless you!!

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Post by shesthedreamer »

I also thought of American Idol and the name Carolyn means


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Post by Warrior Princess »

Singing can be a symbol of prophesying. I'm seeing the combination of the evangelism and that as prophetic evangelism and the car as a traveling version of it, maybe even missions.

Toss if it doesn't fit.
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Post by RevK »

When Bishop started preaching the tree on the right caught on fire and then when I looked to my left that tree caught on fire.
In scripture people are often referred to as trees, here are a few examples:

Mr 8:24 - And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.

Isa 55:12 - For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Isa 61:3 - To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.

Eze 17:24 - And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it.

1Ch 16:33 - Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the LORD, because he cometh to judge the earth.
Regarding the fire going from one tree to another:

Job 41:19 - Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out. When the anointing is present would be the reason you saw what you did. The anointing is the fire of God's presence.

Heb 1:7 - And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.

I hope this helps your understanding. When God moves the fire of His presence moves to all who are willing to accept Him.

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Post by spoken4 »

I had been meaning to post another thought to the last part of the dream. After I resonded to this post I went and got in the shower and it was like I was seeing the posing for the picture with the youth being "raised up". Then it was like it seemed that thought there may be a "show" going on within much of the church...looking at it differently. It seems that it may be that your church is making the step to take church outside the confines of the four walls....the box, so to speak. Getting out of the "traditional" Posed could be a set up taking place which will raise up the next generation.

I had been meaning to respond about this and when I read the scriptures last posted!! That confirmed it!!

Job 41:19 - Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.

Heb 1:7 - And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.

Your children can often represent your gifts or this could be that you wanted to be sure that the gift that God had put in you would not be trapped inside the confines of "church" as usual....which you found he had long since left that place!!!

Bless you!! Follow the witness of the Holy spirit above all else...and you will be sure of what He was saying!!!