18 wheeler comes along and drives over a small truck

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18 wheeler comes along and drives over a small truck

Post by Demon_Buster »

Hi all.
I had a dream early this morning, in the dream I am walking down the left side of a road, towards traffic.. I look to my right and this big semi truck, like an 18 wheeler comes along and dries over a small truck... I ran ahead to tell the driver to stop, but he keeps going. I see the small truck; it seems to get stuck in the wheels of the big truck.


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Post by Onlybygrace »

Dear Demon_Buster

This is not an interpretation -Your dream reminds me of Pharaoh's dreams in Genesis 41 . Could it be the lord is showing you how the big ministries are swallowing up the small onces without any care of the consequence of their actions on the body of Christ.

Maybe you need to pray for the small ministry/ies that you know are in this position.

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Post by Demon_Buster »

Thanks Onlybygrace.....
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Post by bjcollin »

Interesting... This scenario actually happened yesterday morning on the roads of Dallas TX. A work truck lost a ladder that fall off into the middle of the interstate highway, a semi-truck came after and ran over the ladder that was laying in the road launching it into the air into oncoming traffic, the ladder went through the window of an oncoming car and speared one of our local political leaders former mayor Ron Kirk damaging his left arm. Had the ladder gone a couple of inches to one side it would have severed his arm and had the ladder gone a couple of inches to the other side it would have impaled him in the chest most likely killing him. The 18 wheeler did not stop after the accident but kept on trucking.

http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent ... 8798d.html

On your dream, it seems that the smaller is being "caught up" in the movements of the bigger.

in Christ,
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Post by peggyo »

Demon Buster~

At first glance, I thought your dream is about a big wheel carelessly (cause the driver was even warned!) running over a small wheel, incapacitating them both.

With more seeking, I thought possibly this collision results in the big wheel and the little wheel learning to operate in conjunction together or being forced to now that they are stuck together.

Your dreams seems like a "kindred spirit" dream to me, in that I could see myself having a dream like this and it speaks to me. I'm always watching out for the little guy. I often see things coming, as you did in your dream and I think--"oh, no!" as I see an impending accident or offense about to occur. It's a gift I suppose, but it can cause the gifted person some trouble as others may not understand the intent of prevention/warning efforts and I've been accused of overstepping bounds at times or not understanding authority--not so fun! But the possibly of preventing catastrophe still appeals. Possibly you also have this gift and certainly it is a mercy gifting. Often times I have been able to prevent a calamity or at least help in mediation with the ultimate goal of finding an answer that works for all, whether big or small. There can be a tendency of the bigger guys to not take care--cause in the world's thinking anyway, not God's, the little guy isn't so important. Often much is done to care and protect the big wheels, even in churches. But the scripture tells us what we have done to the least is what we have done to God.

So according to scripture, one might say Jesus has just been run over and then possibly melded into this larger ministry in the process. Accidents like this are hard to just "walk away from." There's usually major damage that can't be just swept under the rug. I often interpret an accident to mean an offense of some kind. And in the case of a truck/versus 18 wheeler it is often a mortal accident. And the 18 wheeler's carelessness has caused hurt to himself as well--now he may be out of commish. I like to think if an accident happened that there was a really important reason on God's agenda to allow it and hopefully tragedy gets used to its full benefit.

I remember watching a video of Dolly Parton with her parents and her father recants a very precious childhood story of Dolly who is known for her big heartedness. They were working in their garden and he'd given Dolly an instruction to thin the plantings that had sprouted. She was supposed to weed out the smaller ones to leave enough room for the bigger plants to grow--makes sense! He scolded Dolly cause she was not following directions--pulling the bigger plants out and leaving the little ones--but Dolly told him she wanted to give the little ones a chance. Now that story is going the other direction, but definitely a good illustration of compassion towards the weak. So I like the idea the two should work together, but I'm not certain from the details given in the dream if it could or should be taken that way. You'll have to decide.

Trucks in general make me think of work, especially a pick-up truck, as opposed to a car, so the truck could represent works or a work in progress. And probably a little more so than an automobile. And one little work truck could actually be doing a tremendous work for God--just might not look so.

I attended a small AOG church that had about 12 people attending. The pastor carried on services just as if there was a full congregation. He was an awesome old timey pastor who was highly gifted. I remember speaking about him and his church down at work to a bunch of men and they said--aw, how many people does he have going to his church? They were being sarcastic and they were into numbers and size, but the spirit was so sweet there and I had witness to the large work they were actually doing for God. Eventually he dissolved his church to join a new AOG church in a nearby town, which I had the blessing of attending. And then he was hired on as a chaplain at the largest nursing home in town as their head chaplain, which was so appropriate for him. He had such a heart for people and such a strong pastoral calling. It was wonderful to see him honored with such a suitable place, and God had used this small, unattractive place with little or no accolade to prepare him.

With a dream like this I would guess it a night parable illustrating something you have already witnessed or will be witness to. I would take this dream to be an encouragement in your efforts to act on what you are seeing. Be bold and strong and don't give up your efforts, in spite of your warning not being heeded in the dream.

I looked up 18 on an alternate dictionary as I don't have access right now to the Tehillah dictionary:

Eighteen symbolizes the conflict between materialism and spirituality. It also warns of treachery, deception, lies, and selfishness.

I like this little dream of yours. Wish the driver had taken heed though.

Please discard what does not fit!

Many blessings DB!
Peggy O.
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Post by Amber Allman »

Don't know if this ties in or not, but...

In the late 1990's I dreamed that I saw my (now ex-) pastor's pickup truck driving in the wrong direction on an interestate. He crashed into one vehicle, then kept going; he crashed into another, then kept going; he crashed into a third, larger truck, and it stopped him.

This (ex) pastor's "ministry" became quite abusive and he really did "run over" a few ministries in his congregation...and kept going. The crash that stopped him (in the dream) has not yet happened in the natural.

The 18-wheeler could symbolize either a strong, powerful ministry...one that carries a lot of goods for the people. But it could also symbolize a "bully" ministry that runs over others.
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Thanks all for the posts....will pray on them and let the Lord lead.
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Post by peggyo »

wow yes, what Amber says about this could be a bully ministry, cause only a bully would continue ahead, in spite of warning of impending impact. So that would make it intentional then, can't call it an accident even.

The pharisee spirit is a bully spirit.

Amber: The final crash you say in your dream has not happened yet, even though you had the dream in the late 1990s, that is incredible? So the abuse was allowed to just continue?

God bless!
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Post by Jen »

this scenario almost happened to me today as I was driving on Northbound 475 in Toledo Ohio. Jesus was there..the man in the next lane backed off the gas and I was able to get over.. not the usual in rush hour Toledo traffic.

God had told me right before that happened to turn off the worship music and tell the kids to be quiet. otherwise I might have totally missed the trucker trying to get over into my land cause he would just been there and we would have been dead.


The angel of the Lord encamps around about them that Fear HIM..

we drive a minivan that looks kinda like an SUV. maybe it was a warning to pray for us?!

could be wrong though! :D
Isaiah 62:1
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Post by Amber Allman »

Peggyo: actually yes. The difference is, fewer than five people of those who were under that "ministry" at the time stayed. People come, people go.

I thought I posted a response to your question yesterday, but cannot find it. In it, I mentioned the longsuffering and mercy of God. God has given me a response to this pastor for when the time comes, so that it will help him be restored.

I look forward to the day of restoration!