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Four Years
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Post by Four Years »

I received this Word two months ago:

"Because of your willingness to forgive your dad, which is obedience to Me, I will meet you with mercy along the way and no longer will you be an outsider but you will experience the fullness of all that I have for you."

Now to be fair, I did slap God in the face via a couple of instances where I sinned needlessly....pornography, since the getting the Word.

The problem is, I don't know if THAT is why this Word has taken this long to come to pass or not.

I'm confused. I have forgiven my dad by now. I don't have feelings of hatred toward him anymore. I do have lingering feelings of discomfort though. It's been hardwired into my nervous system. I would think God recognizes that and wouldn't hold it against me.

So unless God feels differently and unless those instances of porn usage, I should've already seen this world come to pass.

Someone pray...PRAY...and give me Holy Spirit insight here.

I know I've done wrong...I'm not completely innocent here.

That's what's taking my peace away.

However, if I can undo this backsliding side effect, I'd love to get that going.

Last edited by Four Years on Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by peggyo »

4 Years:

The word you were given promises breakthrough and mercy along the way. It gives no idea of the timing or specifically how God will give you mercy. It does say that you will no longer be an outcast so you know you will be taken in as part of "the group."

Your other issues were never considered part of this blessing God is giving you--just the forgiveness towards your father. So I don't believe that the blessing is being delayed because of those other issues. Just trust that God is wanting to reward you for your willingness. Even in our forgiveness--it is never perfect and then often we struggle with it afterwards--from my own personal experience. In other words, God isn't requiring perfection of you. He already knows that none of us is perfect. It's more that he's looking for an attitude of wanting to. That's why he wants us to bring our prayers to him, cause for the most part none of us is even able to do those perfect actions and bring correction to our lives perfectly. But He can make things possible beyond our abilities or expectations.

A word like this is to call you to rest--completely trust in God that he will do this miracle for you. So do your best to let God's peace occupy your heart on this subject cause God ALWAYS brings his promises to pass.

Love and blessing,
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Post by Four Years »

that's just it, the timing.

it's been two months...aside from what i can only GUESS is causing a "delay"...i feel something should have happened by now.

the main point is i DON'T want my sin of pornography to have interrupted the flow in my life, caused a delayed/prolonged my blessing.

good answer overall though, but continue to pray please.
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Post by will »

All of God's promises are grace, we miss the promise by a hard hart of unbelief. It is not about your performance but it is about you having the foresight to know that God will always be better to you that you deserve. He is so good. In your sinful actions you betray yourself, but God will never betray you. He knows you fully. He is right about you. Do not let your actions tell you different.
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Post by Four Years »

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Post by Amber Allman »

My impression is that, while you have forgiven your father, you may not have really forgiven yourself. If you have turned away from pornography and asked the Lord to forgive you, THEN HE HAS FORGIVEN YOU!

Maybe you have done/are doing this, but perhaps it would help if you would ask God to cleanse not only your thought life about the incident, but your guilt. The condemnation is not from Him. Then look forward, rather than back.

The scriptures say that where there is no vision, His people perish. Over the decades, I have found that where sinful incidences have occurred (sometimes sinful "seasons"...times when I lingered in undesireable thoughts or actions!), I needed a "vision" to carry me away from the pattern lest I return to it. It sounds like it's your conscience that needs to be cleansed so that you can experience the fulness of His promise.

Ultimately, HE IS THE VISION. Pursue Him, confidently and assured, and all that He has promised you will be encountered along the way. Satan would prefer that you linger, wondering "why can't I experience His promise?"...lingering in guilt...focusing on "repercussions of pornography." But God has forgiven you and wants you to pick up the encampment and move forward.

Hope this helps! God bless.
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Post by Four Years »

i appreciate all attempts at wisdom but continue to pray.

i'm going to see this through, daily if i have to.

please try to understand.

i have been showing a lack of discipline on my part when it comes to porn.

either God wants to leave it in me to deal with myself or He wants to take it out but sees that i don't truly want it gone.

i don't know which it is.
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Post by Amber Allman »

I am praying for you!
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Post by Four Years »

day 2: seeking Holy Spirit's answer.

those who are lead, pray.
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Post by servant »

Four Years: These are the impressions I received as I prayed for you today.

You are His.
He's got you.
Live for Him.

Those three, in that order.

They really go with what God gave you.
"Because of your willingness to forgive your dad, which is obedience to Me, I will meet you with mercy along the way and no longer will you be an outsider but you will experience the fullness of all that I have for you."
He said, "I will meet you...along the way" He cannot do that unless you are living for Him. Out and about living your life and He will be there. Don't be afraid to live...pursue a life for Him. He will be there with you every step. You can't be an "outsider" when you are "in" with God! Let it be the encouragement to LIVE that He is giving you. In any situation you can "choose" to live or not to live. He does not remove your free will when you live for Him. Sometimes our "guide" is the "inner witness" as Kenneth Hagin put it. But God will be there providing the "mercy along the way" and you will find (as you shift your focus) that you will no longer be the outsider, you will be experiencing the fullness of all He has for you.

I prayed, this is what I have, I pray it will be a confirmation. If not, keep seeking (do this anyway...).

Blessings and TRUST to you,

ps Some Bible versions have "trust" in place of "faith", and this is important, if we don't trust God, we truly don't have faith in Him. Trust that He will perform that which He has promised, but you must perform that which He has indicated, live for Him. This whole thing keeps making me think of Abraham, traveling about a foreign land all by himself, but God was there and provided grace when needed, even though Abraham became scared and even lied on occasion, but God was and is faithful...He will do the same for you.
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Post by Four Years »

I prayed, this is what I have, I pray it will be a confirmation. If not, keep seeking (do this anyway...).

good, you're actually doing it and receiving something.

confirmation? just pray about it. if it was from God, amen. if not, well then here's what i'm trying to get at:

i'm looking for God to tell me about SPECEFIC things such as:

my wrist- which has been injured since 2008 now. what's the deal with this?

people- who all is meant to be in my life? who should i meet?

places- where should i go? i want to NOT be where i am anymore, that's for sure.

God knows what i'm talking about, i just want Him to talk to me like He knows what i'm talking about.

day 3: seeking Holy Spirit's answer.

those who are lead pray.
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Post by servant »

Four Years:

What I meant by "confirmation" is that the Bible says to have things established by 2 or 3 "witnesses". The confirmation I am talking about is when I receive a word and it is confirmed by your spirit or the word you receive. Something like that means it is from God and a true word.

I believe you have unrealistic expectations of what you want to receive from God. I don't believe he is going to tell you every little step to take or what ppl he wants you to meet. He has already told us to "Go" and to "teach". He expects you to "live" (like I said), so begin to live. Make some decisions for yourself and live. He will be there with the grace, etc. Meet people, share the gospel with ppl, make friends. If you need to, loose friends, just don't be afraid to live.

Trust God to be there as you live, he will not make all of your decisions for you, that would remove your free will. If you can find an example in scripture where God made these type of decisions for ppl, please share...otherwise, you need to get on with your life...God is waiting for you to. That's what he said..."I will meet you...along the way". Don't let fear stop you, he is giving you permission to live and do. Then you will find the fullness, etc.

Love you brother,
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Post by zadokpriest »

Praying 4 years.....
Four Years
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Post by Four Years »

I believe you have unrealistic expectations of what you want to receive from God. I don't believe he is going to tell you every little step to take or what ppl he wants you to meet.

Ahhh. Now THIS the discussion I've been dying to have.
I understand completely how/why you would feel that way BUT the fact remains: I've had DREAMS.

Dreams about SPECEFIC people...dreams that I have for SO long sought God's answer for.

Make some decisions for yourself and live. He will be there with the grace, etc. Meet people, share the gospel with ppl, make friends.

Oh but don't you see? I've TRIED that already...and failed EVERYtime.

This failure makes me think that God has SPECEFIC plans as far as this thing goes.

I've TRIED this already...for 4 years...and it hasn't worked.

What is your response to that?

Trust God to be there as you live, he will not make all of your decisions for you, that would remove your free will.

No, He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't tell me what to wear or what to eat...but He MIGHT just have PLANS for me(for all of us) regarding OTHER things.

See what I'm saying?
Last edited by Four Years on Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by zadokpriest »

Four years I can understand why you are asking for prayer....will continue to lift you up before the Father.

Much Love!

zadok :D