a question of meanings

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a question of meanings

Post by sigmon2 »

hi all
listen i am not sure how to put this so i will just start.......for a bit of time now i have had a series of dreams that have been getting clearer but yet frustrating at the same time...basically the frustration lies in that nothing happens - to this point yet. i had dreams that pointed to 5 places in various ways...now as of a period of time i have had this direction of going being added to the dreams......then the main area for several years was suddenly told it was not a place to go - it had problems......one place was a detour and i needed to stop striving to go there, and i was led back this direction....so i chose a place i thought the leading might have stopped at and did research...but then a dream came and basically said i have only one choice and this place has it problems so i had better be sure, really sure...it was said in the way a person does when you are hinting for another person to reconsider something because you want them to choose something else....(please endure i am going somewhere with this)....so ok this knocked out 3 of 5...the only reason there was a five because it was mentioned in that last reconsider dream and a house/land, twrilly river, heavenly fire blocking me from crossing a metal bridge dream.......so now i have where i am not and north of me.....i already knew that by dream i was not allowed to leave the NW, and to be honest any and all events or efforts to do something outside the NW have been blocked. so i have taken that as an answer......ok....but nothing has come to a physical nature to put me anywhere, but i maintain right where i am......i had a dream a couple of days ago that told me to clean my life up. ( am sorry this is so long) I was in a bldg. in a front main room like business that had big windows and a woman there. I looked out and saw a place i do not know and the woman i do not know but she knew me....i went to the kitchen and it was messy and i looked out the back door at the nearby businesses.....it seemed nobody was around....it was like my bldg was a restauant. then i came in a walked into another part and saw my younest son and daughter cleaning together a room door was partially closed. i walked into my room and it was empty basically but the floor/carpet was disgust, even looked and felt like smear poop.....i had no shoes on....(this is not the fist dream as of late without shoes) I turned to get out of that room and a voice said to clean up my life...i was suddenly out side in a mini field vacant lot walking on a path that led to a railroad trak. i crossed it and then i flew....it was like i was learning to fly again....i came to close to a birds nest and the momma bird came after me.....i flew backwards and away over a nice peaceful pond and landed barefoot on a trail then turn to go back into the field to find a pair of shoes and i woke up knowing i needed to clean up my life.
ok i thought then how...there is no spiritual movement no matter what i do or do not do toward anything.....depressing really.....so i have been praying about place....to stay here ....i had a dream where i was this my current pastor in a car...we drove to visit people and he wanted to call...i said lets pull over in this church and ok...i tried but the car would not slow down to do it and we passed it ( there is more to this than i am saying) I pull into a park where there is none next to this church and go to give a cell phone and suddenly we are in different cars and i cannot get out of mine to go to him but we are happy..............this dream went and i said ok i knew my time there was limited from the beginning so what would you like....so then i had this dream yesterday that showed me in the upstairs of a big church and it was very spirtual...i came downstairs and it was not so spiritual, wild kids, uncaring adults, two worship rooms...nothing going on...i thought ok but huh....then the scene change to a poor part of town which is being rebuilt but still poor.....there was this guy...he was being spiritual and loud and youthy.....he is standing at an old garage that seems to be part old house too. a black woman comes up excited to help him and he wants me to come over and then he without touching anything points to the garage....large hands saws appear and cut out the door and frame, and the garage door and frame....they both fall saws disappear and wow their is a sparkling white 4 wheel drive hummer sitting there. we do not touch it. he leads us to the middle of the street where we dig up a old playground and pile it on the edge of the road.
ok if i have not lost you yet....i got some more...........
this dream is done and i spend the day trying to understand what all the latest dreams are saying. i have had others but it would take to long at this time......so i decide that how can i choose between here and the north if i know bad times are coming and the Lord has said it will be really bad here....bad enough for soldiers in the streets, riots, my sister losing children if she stays etc....but dreams say this east area is covers in distress and the devils trickery big time. so when i look north i once was told not to go back where i used to work at a camp. but this time i seem to be told not to cross this one river up there..............confused? sorry.....
then last night i had had it...i was even told recently that it is considered i am on the edge of being a nutcase/mental.....lol is all i can do on that one since it comes from one of my kids and is slightly mentioned by some on my family...but they still cannot forget the Lord told me about the housing meltdown so it holds them back a little..........so anyway in my outloud discussion prayer time i tried to say out loud my opinion about it all.......I included my thoughts that it seemed that there was spitiual work here where i am and maybe not in what i could see at the moment up north.....however on the flip side up north provided security and a chance to clean up my life where here does not....does like the dream said back in nov. 06. but i was willing to stay for spitiual work if that was his will.......
then this morning i had a dream.........i was in the middle of a bay/large sea....it seemed to be after a storm because i was not the only one there...it was like we were ship wreck victums because we were floating on stuff or just treading water......then somehow a couple of people starting collecting others and the more people they collected the more they had movement like a powerboat, but we all are on stuff...maybe one or lifeboats.....then someone says we have to hurry or the (they name it) will come and gave us and drag us down to the deep.....to we move faster and with purpose to go to saftey and collect people as we go.....wow are we moving now...then in dream speed, fast, we enter an area that is like a peaceful nice lake with cattails even...and we are safe and there is land in the short distance...we are happy and connected holding hands as we travel never letting go and no one is ever a burden...we even collected stuff as we went along......
ok am i crazy, because when i woke up i thought for sure this dream just told me to choose saftey, north, over what might possible spiritual work where i am now...............then i wondered....
so tonight this is where i am and this is what i wanted to say......

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i can identify

Post by spiritledd »

sigmon2, i gotta admitt your dreams are pretty nutty :) Your just like me! Actually... all of us i guess. The Lord sure is speaking to you! I'm praying for confimation and wisdom for you.

Grace and Peace Bro :)
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Post by keilani »

Be still and know that I AM God
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.
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Hi all

Post by sigmon2 »

thanks for responding...i do very much love crunchy peanut butter and all kinds of nuts...so i fit in quite well in the nut area..lol..... I was looking at a map and it dawned on me the pin point title of the area I am looking at to live in the north or i could say i lean heavy toward from my insides.........it is called of all things - Goshen.....remember it in the Bible and the period of time it play a role as a piece of land for the jews? curious......
see ya scott
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Post by bjcollin »


wow, what a long post. BTW, paragraphing really helps long posts for readability and separating timelines for the reader.

I am reminded of Paul's Macedonian call in Acts 16:6-10. During Paul's second missionary journey, He had been prevented by the Holy Spirit from moving into Macedonia (Greece) for a while. Then he had the night vision or dream of the man from Macedonia calling him, so he woke up and immediately left to Macedonia at that point once he understood that the Holy Spirit was speaking to him and had released him to finally go to Macedonia. When dreams start fuzzy and then get clearer as we have them multiple times, it usually means the time for the dreams passing is getting closer in time. I have found that the stronger, the more immediate the need for the dream. When your full walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, the exact direction and timing will be known.

I will start with the dream you had a few days ago, I feel that this is definately a need to get a cleaner walk dream as you are already pointing to. In this case a lack of shoes seem to represent a poverty type spirit or a spirit of lack. Shoes are designed for protecting our feet and protecting our walk, and we can't go walking too far without them. As a reference, see a recent discussion on shoes in my wife's baby turtle dream


Basically from your dream I feel that you need to get on the path that will lead you to training, it seems you need to be more focused on being trained in hearing from the Holy Spirit and how to move in the Spirit again. Once your in this training, and starting to flow in the Holy Spirit it seems that you need to watch out in a good way for somebody who is a mama bird type of individual as they will protect their young if you get too close. On a positive note, in the end of the dream, it is only God that provides this protection for your walk, but it is us who needs to work on cleaning up our lives. The blood of Jesus provides salvation and cleansing for sin, and the Holy Spirit provides the direction and the power to help us in our walk, but the call to live a life of purity and holiness before the Lord is our choice and our job as Christians.

I understand your fustration, in the no matter what you do or don't do ideas... I have been flatlined myself for the last few years in wanting to open up a church and start into ministry on the one hand, but waiting on the Lord to direct and to guide and to be sure of what to do ministry-wise on the other hand. It is very frustrating and sometimes depressing and also a very sobering thought as well. It seems that there are many out there that just start working at it and then everything else comes in time and their churches and ministries either succeed or not. It seems to be up to their work ethic or whom they know or... just work of man then they call it the Lord blessing them. I have been finding that I want it different, I want to be able to hear from the Lord and move on His direction just as they did in Acts. Seems backwards, but to me the Lord initiates the whole thing and the Lord has to move first. We just need to be trained in how to hear Him and then we need to be obedient to Him and do whatever it is He wants us to do. Enough rambling here....

In the last dream to me it seems to be saying that you also have some life chruch/ministry choices to be making as well. You have done church before. You can stay up in the high church where everthing seems safe and super spiritual and orderly or you can go to a lower church where it is more realistic and more personal but no so orderly and there are some problems. Neither choice seems palatable to you... Then there is the third choice that is presented which is a new work being carved out of an old area which is the Lord's speciality. The garage is a place of work and a place where vehicles are stored at. In this case the exterior is shown to be old and run down, but with a lot of work (hand saws) and when God opens up these doors and he shows you what is hidden inside this third choice which is a new hummer which is both a luxury vehicle and a rugged off road vehicle. The result of your walk and of choosing this third choice seems to be that hummer which will represent your walk and your ministry.

In closing, I am not sure any of these dreams speak to the great NW vs North issue on an answer to where to live. For me camp was a great time in my life and ministry for many years, but it was only for a season. Seems to be the same for you possibly, it isn't totally clear. However, the Lord seems to be way more interested in your walk and your relationship with Him than as to a where at this time. God does love you and value you, and He has great things in store for you no matter what is happening in the world around us. Hope all this helps.

in Christ,
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hi all

Post by sigmon2 »

Yes i should have broke it apart apart better....sorry. I do agree on the training in your thoughts here Brian...there have been others that have so said...one even Jesus himself was handing me the material to learn. i can live here where i am or i can move to a place futher up north from where i live....i am playing with the north word so not to say where. but it would bascially be a new place and would require the Lord's blessing of physical giving to me in order to go, so if it happens i know however, i hear what you are saying about the garage. the saws cut from the inside and the doors fell out.....I had a dream once where the Lord had me go through a black church-black gospel, a comtemporary(music style) church, and a high minded exclusive, girls in dresses - boys in ties church(very high church music)....each time i just visited.....it was set in a mall like atmosphere and on i went with others tagging along the more i went further into narrowing hallways till i came to a small area with the not connected people, part gang, part unwanted, part not searching- some were......etc kind of people(music was beat music - dancing - jumping etc).........

i guess what i am saying is i see what you have said in a number of areas......the without shoes part is a pain to me in a big way because i see it as not being connected to my calling - and as you described your feeling it to is with me not being able to get past many kinds of momma birds or in some of my dreams guard dogs.
I also got a thought on a dream some years ago about becoming shoeless and walking on rocks if i left the NW - i thought it was timing but i really wonder now it being based on provisions and not moving from His intentions for me here - where ever...(He always thinks in longterm/whole picture).

i hope to find out from the Lord His intentions because it seems he is working through my free will and working on me to have compassion and care about people to do a certain work...so i wonder what kind of ministry.....that is the craziness about dreams and visions...i get so angry and frustrated with them but writing them down and talking to folks who the Lord speaks too helps over time cause patterns emerged, well like the training and compassion toward people that i am to work with....or warnings.....ok now i am wandering.......

thanks for opening up thoughts cause it did...but for now to me the question still remains......His intent.
thanks again
see ya

oh of course i could alsways be wrong.......
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry