Walls of Angels

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Pastor Joe
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Walls of Angels

Post by Pastor Joe »

On 9-20-08 I dreamed that others and I from the church was on a stage in an outside surrounding. I knew that there was danger. I saw surrounding us a wall of angels. I saw behind them another wall of Angels, and behind them another wall of Angels and behind them another wall of angels. I knew that this went on foe ever. I told my wife what I had saw.
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Post by bjcollin »

I feel this dream has a litteral meaning in that there is a Godly placed hedge of angelic protection that is around you and the church at more than one level. Interesting what they are protecting in the dream which is an outside the church stage. I feel that this could represent an outside of the church public thing that your church is doing like an evengelism outreach or some other aspect of your church's public presence in the community. While it may be open and there is always danger from the enemy when you are outside of your comfort zone, the message to me is that there is Godly protection and the last part of the dream about you telling your wife to me says that in this case you are to share this dream and the intrepretation you feel the Lord has about it to your wife and the church. Hope this helps.

The next question I have is since you had this dream back sept 2008, what happened shortly after that in your church ministry?

in Christ,
Pastor Joe
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Post by Pastor Joe »

Response to Angels all around

After this dream, God started to give me dreams about change that was coming. He started to give me dreams about being the pastor at the church I was raised at. I had to tell my brother who was Bishop at the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District that I was going to resign and go into the Assemblies. This process took a lot longer to get done than I thought. I ended up going to the church that I was raised at as a child as the pastor. This church had a lot of issues going on. They averaged between 6 to 8 people on a Sunday morning. They had a lot of issues over the years, gossip, rumors of affairs and actual affairs going on. This church was going to be shut down because no one wanted to be pastor there. God has breathed life into this church one more time. The issues have been dealt with and now we are a healthy church that God is using mightily. Yes, it was outside my comfort zone because I had been the pastor at another church for 10 years and I loved it there. At Wind of Faith, we supported the Jews. We sent them from Russia back to Israel. We are now doing this at Living Word.

I dreamed that something looked dead but I knew it was still alive. Someone wanted to put the subject to rest, but I knew there was still hope. I knew that what looked dead was a miracle that was about to happen. I saw the miracle literally come to life. I literally saw the power of God move upon that which seemed to be dead and brought it to life.
That is what God has done!
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Post by ditte3 »

Very encouraging dream!Great is the Lord.
God bless you and your work in the Lord.He is with you.He encourages you.
Glory to God!
He is the Lord of Hosts.He fights for us and with us.He is the same for ever!