Selling my clothes at a thirft store.

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Selling my clothes at a thirft store.

Post by steadyone »

Hi precious ones I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.


I had all of these clothes I wanted to sell and get rid of. So I was able to have a place in a thrift store to sell my clothes and, I had bracelets as well to sell. I was thinking well no one really ever wants to buy clothes but I hung up my clothes and a friend was with me who I do not know in real life. This friend encouraged me as I hung things up that the clothes would sell. Well I thought the clothes needed to be placed upfront of the store so they would be seen. So then I take what is hug up and tried to move them upfront. Well then the store opens up and people like run to clothes and are buying my clothes and I am shocked because it was as if they were waiting outside to come in and buy my clothes. Then it dies down a bit and I try to move the remaining cloths upfront and my friend says, "Why move them sell them from there, they are buying them like crazy!" So I did not move them and more people came to buy them.