White Baby Lambs, Calf, and Puppy, Flashback of Old Dream

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White Baby Lambs, Calf, and Puppy, Flashback of Old Dream

Post by Robert2.0 »

Was in a warehouse, my father and I and some helpers were arranging some pianos. (IRL before the economy went I had a decent sized business restoring pianos).

I strongly commented to the helpers that one piano was stacked dangerously and it may fall and hurt someone. I then imagined in the dream in my mind of a way to handle these with ease and reduce the risk of getting anyone hurt. Then I looked over to a clearing in the warehouse and I saw 2 lambs, a calf, a puppy all white. The puppy looked oddly shaped and the calf was picking on one of the lambs. I went over and stoped the calf from bothering the lamb and began to harrass the calf myself. I quickly stoped and began looking at the puppy which had a strange appearance.

All of a sudden my wife and I are now in a mansion that I have dreamt about countless times in the past.

Background: Usually when I saw this house (past 12-15 years) I cringe in my dream cause there is usually a presence that leaves me feeling very uneasy (a horrid undescribable feeling). A few months ago I dreamt about this house and this presence was gone and I havent seen it since.

There is a 3rd and 4th floor that I usually stay away from because of the past experiences but I knew in my dream this presence was gone and I wanted to see the rest of the house. So I opened the door that heads up to the upper floors. The staircase looked as if it was newly constructed but unused for years as it had spider webs, dead bugs, etc on it. I took a broom and brushed stuff aside and I saw the lambs and puppy on the stairs headed upward as if they had been there all the time. It was if they were living in these unused areas of the house.

I remembered the rooms as my wife and I walked around not even giving 2nd thought of the terrible horrible presence that use to be there I knew it was gone and I was confident of it. Every room we looked in was newly constructed but left unused for years it was like the staircase. There was even painters tape on the moldings where it looked like painters had stoped mid-stream working years ago. So we looked at this as an opportunity to finish what was started.

We did look in one room and there was a TV on and my wife and I were amazed that a TV would have been on all those years with no one actually watching it. EOD
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Re: White Baby Lambs, Calf, and Puppy, Flashback of Old Drea

Post by Newbie »

Robert2.0 wrote: We did look in one room and there was a TV on and my wife and I were amazed that a TV would have been on all those years with no one actually watching it. EOD
Hello Robert, there is a lot to this dream but this spoke volumes to me. The TV speks to me as the prophetic. You and your wife are the prophet and prophetess of your home. It appears that over the years, you two were not aware of this but the Lord is showing you two that you always had this. The enemy has been using fear, plots and intimidation to keep you away from this (your past experience from going to the 3rd and 4th floors). The number 3 speaks as divine perfection and the number is is symbolic of of changing in the seasons (it has other meanings but b/c of the context of this dream, I believe there is a changing in you and your wife season). I wanted to add that sometimes mansions can symbolize strongholds and perhaps whatever strongholds you have been fighting you will overcome them. These are thoughts, toss out if I miss the mark.
Last edited by Newbie on Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Newbie »

Here is what I got on the animals:
I believe that they are symbolic of people you may know or have come across. The calf because it is bullying the lambs speaks as someone who is stubborn (also wanted to add a false worshipper or idolator). The lambs speaks as believers. The odd shaped white puppy perhaps someone that is on the fence. You know a new follower that still have ties to the world if that make sense.
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Post by Robert2.0 »

Thanks Newbie,

This dream has a lot of stuff for me to pray over. The thing that stood out to me was (just as I typed it in)
So we looked at this as an opportunity to finish what was started.
I have been getting that sense a lot lately with old bible study helps Ive found that were missing for years (IRL), and these dreams where I am seeing things dreamt about months or maybe years ago.
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Post by Robert2.0 »

As I was listening to the word this morning the following scripture was brought forth by the HOLY SPIRIT.

Then He said,

“Hear now My words:
If there is a prophet among you,
I, the LORD, make Myself known to him in a vision;
I speak to him in a dream.

Numbers 12:6

I dont think this is by chance for me or my wife. What we do with this is now the key. I recall this interaction between GOD, Miriam, and Aaron but I didnt remember that GOD said this to them. It was explosive.

Am I wrong in my interpretation of this scripture that this goes for everyone that is a dreamer and/or has visions and understands them? Not to mention recognizes the source. If what I am sensing is correct maybe the time is coming soon where we are going to be called to be more demonstrative with these gifts. I dont remember where but I was reading similar thoughts posted by someone else on here yesterday.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Robert, did you get my PM?

Acts 2:17, come to mind to answer your question: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:"
As of late, I have come to understand that prophesy can mean, amongst other things, to speak the Word and as the authority of own collective households we are the prophets. When I look at your dream, and this is just my thought, but what I gathered is that you and your wife are the prophets/prophetess of your home. You and your wife, being the authority in your home, have the ability to the speak the Word. Here is a link that explains it better than I can: http://bible.cc/acts/2-17.htm
Make sure you scroll all the way down to get the commentary on this.
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Post by Robert2.0 »

yes i did get the pm thanks and I will check that link out.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Robert, I am not sure if I had explain myself clearly. But I think a great way to spark conversation and get differing views to help guide you is by posting on Sharing His Fruit board at this link http://tehillahdreams.com/board/viewforum.php?f=16.
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Post by HisBlood »


Just a gentle reminder -
8. There is wisdom in accountability. Do not interpret dreams and visions via private messages, and do not request private interpretations. Please help us guard the safety of our members by contacting the administrators should you receive a private interp or a request for one. If an interpretation is from the Lord, we should be willing to keep it out in the open and allow others judge it just like a prophecy.

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Post by ReBorn »

These are just some thoughts on the symbols that come to mind:
(disregard if it doesn't fit)

the warehouse= Where you are in your spiritual house/body (where house)

(Because our bodies are referred to as tents and also the temple of the Holy Spirit)

Upstairs= speaks of the mind (the upper part of your body)

new constructed rooms upstairs= possibly some new thoughts/beliefs you had at one time~ you were being re-made, renewed, etc...
but the enemy distracted you by fear

(I believe he also did this by intimidation (hence the bullying)

I believe his goal in bullying was to keep you away from the new construction

because the new construction was of God (IMO)

I believe the Lord was showing you this dream to let you know that He wants you to renew your mind.
Here is the scripture:

Romans 12:2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Also I believe the Lord would want you to read the scripture below:

(because of your quote: "So we looked at this as an opportunity to finish what was started."

Philippians 1:6
being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

I pray that some of these thoughts help

toss what doesn't fit
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by ReBorn »

Sorry but I wanted to add one more scripture to the above post (because it kept coming back up)

I believe it is a caution type warning to keep focused on your status in Christ and to keep yourself firmly grounded in The Word of God

here is the scripture:

Luke 11:24-26

New International Version (NIV)

24 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it.

Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ 25 When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order.

26 Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”

My prayer is that you won't be offended by my post and that you will carefully consider the scriptures

(again toss if it doesn't relate to your particular situation)
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by Newbie »

Sorry about that HisBlood it was not an interpretation that sent Robertnor was it something that he requested. I sent him something to uplift and was notclear if I could post the link on the board. So I take responsibility for this one. Sorry about that one.
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Post by HisBlood »

We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
Be Transformed......

Post by Elle »

Hi Robert 2.0

I got pretty much the same interp as Newbie and Reborn. Just thought I'd share my own dream symbolism of houses with you...

Whenever I dream about a house, and it's about me, it's always the same type of house - a particular style.

Many years ago, I dreamt there was a doorway with a stairway that went down down down into the deep. It felt yucky down there. There was something ominous and dark down there.

Then after ongoing cleaning up by God, I dreamt of this exact same house, only the doorway to the stairs had been removed, and boarded up as a wall. You could see where the door had been because there was some plaster where the new wall boards were matched up to the old (in a door shape). It just needed to be painted and you'd never know there had been a door there at all.

Essentially God was showing me that that deep dark stuff had been dealt with and there was no need to go back there again.

It reminded me of your dream, where in the past there had been something ominous, which is now gone, and you can access the upper floors.

Because the upper floors had been built earlier but never used, it spoke to me of a work begun some time back, it's just that could could access it or build on it. (Just thought of the scripture "He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion'.)

The television on speaks to me also of a seer/prophetic gifting. It's been on the whole time, but again, you just couldn't access it because there was something yucky getting in the way.

What a beautiful dream!
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Post by imavessel »

I believe that God gave picture of the pianos etc. because this was a "work" you were familiar with. He showed you in a setting you were accustomed to, and was, in essence your "work".

The animals, all white stand for those of the House of God, the Body.

& It clearly showed that, while all white, there was discourse among them. Even "picking on" each other. . .

You in it, kinda did the same thing, but quickly stopped . . .

& Also showed that there was a white puppy there, which deontes new and/or young---- that looked "different" or strange---compared to the others . . . yet, was white---as the others---- and did belong with that group.

I think that part specifically stands for how sometimes established Christians (not all) "look at" of "see" some of the "young" believers . . .or some of the other believers coming in . . . that maybe do not fit the mold we think of when we think of how a Christian is to look or be . . . or even in approach to the Lord or the gospel. Yet, clearly the puppy WAS white----also forgiven, . . . the puppy was sat amongst the others and did, in fact, belong.

As for the house------ I believe the House stands for God's house and the evil presence was shown because the Lord was showing the presence that crept into His house. The Word says there will be tares amongs the wheat.

But also how His house overall had been ab abandoned and even some projects that were good . . . had been left part way through. (the taped off portion). Due to the presence prior------- you were unable to go to the "upper levels".

It could speak to you and your wife prior not being able to go above where you were at because of a presence that did not belong,

But more, I think, it speaks to the church as a whole, . . . as I still think it stands for God's House.

But the presence was removed.

& It enabled you to go up to where you had never been before . . .

I will go back and read what others may have written, but the picture seemed so clear to me when I read your part I thought better to write first.

Discard if it does not agree with the Holy Spirit in you. & Even if it clicks, hold onto what He says and discard any parts He doesn't.

God bless-
God isn't looking for perfect vessels, simply willing ones . . . :)