Treacherous Road

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Treacherous Road

Post by ForHisGlory »

The Dream:
My daughter, my husband, I and a young man were on our way back from a trip we had taken. We were in our car and discussing what would be the fastest way home. We were in mountainous terrain and we were coming to a curve I recognized as being particularly tricky. I was about to warn the young man driving that up around this curve the road becomes very narrow, but before I could say it - we went around the curve and one of the tires on the car went off the road. This was very treacherous, because the road didn't have any shoulders and was at a very steep decline, almost straight down. It was mountainous so there were many trees and I remember thinking there was no way we could miss this many trees and we would surely crash. But miraculously the young man maneuvers around each tree until we do run into one - but not crashing - we simply drive up the tree and come to rest on it. Since we are at an almost vertical decline - the trees are almost perpendicular to the ground. So here we are securely resting on two or three large trees that are keeping us from falling to the bottom of this decline. I remember thinking that we are safe as long as we don't try and get out of the car and make our own way down the slope. I know the young man is the only one in the car that has any chance of navigating down the rest of the mountain slope to go and get help. I know that it is our job to sit tight and wait for him to get us help. I am not afraid, as much as amazed that we are safe – but know we must not try and recue ourselves. End of dream.

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Post by Charys »

Hi Mary, The thing that strikes me about this dream is that you are being asked to trust someone to guide you through a treacherous place. You are very aware of the hazards. The solution to the problem of going off the narrow road seems unexpected and absurd -driving up a tree, but you know this is a resting place and you will be safe as long as you don't try to rescue yourself.

I wonder if there is a problem in your life that needs a creative solution. Perhaps it arose as a result of being in a hurry. Logic would tell you a solution presented to you is unworkable (in fact it may seem ridiculous) but you are called to trust the only one who can navigate you out of this.

The solution is temporary; more help will come. You need to suspend disbelief and rest for a while.
I know that it is our job to sit tight

Now the question is, who does the young man represent?

We walk by faith and not by sight.

--for your discernment--
...that I might know Him...
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi Mary, in addition to what has been offered I am wondering... could this be about a situation with a young man and your daughter?

I wonder because she was in the car with you and he was driving (perhaps someone you were placing trust in the young man in a concerning situation affecting you all... whereas you all were in the same boat (so-to-speak) and he was the one in the position to rectify the situation. The young man could also represent "youth." You weren't leading in the situation.

I think of the idiom "up a tree" like the idiom of being in a difficult situation

Meanwhile you and your family are safe in the hands of the Lord until the situation is resolved and the Lord works it out. Because it is your trust in Him that sees you all through, patiently and in faith. :)

Toss what does not fit. May the Lord give you the revelation behind the dream.
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
Are we conforming into the image of Christ; or trying to conform His image into ours?
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Post by ForHisGlory »

Dear Charys and Realisticdreamz,

I witness with what you both had said. At first my thought went to my ministry since we were in a car. But as I prayed about it I realized it also fit another 'tricky' situation with my daughter and her boyfriend. As for who is the young man - I thought it was Jesus because He was the one that navigated us out of danger and the only one equipped to get down and find help. Many times in my dreams Jesus is a non-discript young man. But, I didn't understand why he was the one driving when the mishap happened. The boyfirend as the driver fits as well. Any other thoughts - you too are sooooo right on. Don't leave anything out - it may be important.
