Looking for a Wheelchair for my Grandfather

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Looking for a Wheelchair for my Grandfather

Post by dance-in-the-son »


I was walking on the streets of a city at night and my grandfather was slowly behind me because he needed a wheelchair. I was looking outside behind these buildings and couldn't find a wheelchair. I climbed up this ladder up on this platform of this business and was on the inside of the fence when I saw this man at the fence, I was thinking he owned the business because he opened the gate and asked what I was doing, I told him that I was looking for a wheelchair for my grandfather. The man either said he knew where one was or he said he would help, can't remember. He helped me down the steps and through the gate as he unlocked it. I remember seeing that he had on black ice skates. Then we walked down the road on the sidewalk, up a hill and he gave me this cart thing that my grandfather could stand in and I pushed him down the street...can't remember anything else.

Scenes change: I am in this unknown house that seems to be where I live. There was a hot tub in my living room that was just installed, but it wasn't as deep as a normal one. I sat down in the hot tub and I also had a blanket around me and the water was warm. I was talking to a few people, unfamiliar I think. It seemed like I was comfortable. That is all I can remember.
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
Psalm 30:11-12