familiar church building, people not what they seem, urine

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familiar church building, people not what they seem, urine

Post by thewritingmommy »

092013 dream
Dreamt of a church building I often dream of. This building/church has a school/day care in the middle with a fellowship hall/kitchen on one end and the sanctuary, which seems pretty big part of the time, at the other end. The people are some that I have gone to church with IRL before, and some new people. They are nice and I get the feeling in the dream that I care for them but they are stubborn about some doctrinal issue and won’t consider change so one member is beginning to preach. He is good at it and it is scriptural but those in control are threatened by it. I feel frustrated in the dream and can’t understand why someone trying to share God’s Word isn’t allowed to do it. The dream ended (I was awakened by my daughter) with me trying ot find a bathroom. I thought one place was a restroom but it wasn’t and this fact was pointed out by a small child. I stopped going and found a bathroom but the toilet was full of toys and other stuff but I couldn’t hold it any longer and was trying to go into the toilet on top of the objects and it was splashing on my and getting on my leg and clothes.
There is a great deal of pain (physical) and stress in my life. Some things I meant for good are not turning out as I intended and I feel I am losing a friend because of it. I feel frustrated and helpless to do anything about much in my life right now, and even more frustrated that I cannot help or my help is being refused. I don’t know if that plays into any of these dream elements.
i just want to learn what i'm supposed to and move on.
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Post by Grace »


A child often can see truth clearer than an adult. Unless one becomes like a child he/she cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven. That is fully trusting in Jesus not on his/her own wisdom and knowledge.

I have seen whole congregations kick out a pastor because he doesn't preach what their ears are tickling to hear. Many 'Christians' don't want to hear the truth. I believe this is part of the great falling away in the last days. It is subtle and takes discernment.

These Christians are filling the toilet bowls with plush cuddlies.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Deut 31:6