a hospital, a wedding, a dog, and hunger

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a hospital, a wedding, a dog, and hunger

Post by thewritingmommy »

In the dream I was getting married but everything kept happening to keep it from happening. My family wasn’t happy about it or they didn’t care. I was at someone’s home trying to get ready but it wasn’t mine. It was a mess and the neighborhood (one I have dreamt of for years- I have never been there but I have dreamed of it so often it is familiar) was not a nice one. It was run down and junky. As I was getting ready I was trying to be careful because of the dirt. I didn’t want to get my white dress dirty. I also had to be hospitalized many times. I was to have an operation of some sort but I had to keep a check on my blood sugar and my blood. The groom was delayed to the point that I wasn’t sure if he would be there and my family was coming and this was very important to me for some reason even though they seemed disinterested, all but one of them. So I’m finally ready and we are trying to leave. The person whose home I am at is trying to help me get to the hospital, as that is where I will be married and a small dog, like a Jack Russell Terrier, is causing all sorts of problems. He is barking and growling but not ferocious, just annoying and distracting to the point we can’t leave the house. Then I look out the window and the little dog is pulling a tow truck that is towing a car. This little dog is dragging it around like it is a toy and finally the tow truck is on its side and the little dog is bored with it and walks away. We take our chance at getting out the door and get almost to the old beat up van we will be going to the hospital/wedding in and the dog starts to bark at us and won’t move so we can get going. I worry I will miss my family and not get to the hospital in time. Finally the person I’m with goes somewhere and I throw bread to get the dog distracted. My family shows up, though some are missing, and I notice that the bust of my dress is spotted with what looks like crumbs and blueberry stains. I am sad and frustrated as I am hungry because I gave my bread to the dog to keep him distracted.
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Post by Starfire »

Just my take... IF it were my dream (I say it this way so as not to impart my views on you, but rather to offer suggestions)
I are overwhelmed; trying to get something accomplished that I see as very very important & have no reliable support. Those who say or try to be supportive, tend to instead cause more problems/obstructions, not less. My family doesn't seem to notice or care very much, in fact
a friend who is in a bad place seems more interested in helping even though instead of help, her troubles become my own. I'm giving all I can to just get this accomplished & feel my energy waning & wonder if I'll even have the strength to see it through. I try my best to keep on top of my health because I know if I lose that, I will not be able to complete my most immediate and important task at hand. Even the groom (closest person who is supposedly looking in the same direction as me, wanting the same things and whose supposed to be protecting me) is giving a haphazard display of effort at best, although there may be reasons for his delay, that which should be a comfort and help is not currently so available. Thankfully ONE person cares, but there's so much to DO and so many obstacles to overcome/watch out for,
the least being someone with their own agenda who keeps messing things up because they are more focused on their own immediate likes and needs rather than on helping - or just staying out of the way.
Their behavior is out of control and they are too immature to reign it in.
I sacrifice what I need at the time (food to maintain blood sugar level) in order to attempt to keep the peace & complete this important task and have it behind me, however it does not come without cost, the least of which is that despite all my best efforts, I'm sacrificing my health which I NEED to get me through. I am feeling most aware of this & a bit defeated as now my dress soiled in a most visible place.

---It sounds to me like you feel you are running on empty, have little support, tons of distractions, don't know who/what you can depend on and your best efforts fail because you have so little to give of yourself at this point that any amount leaves you sorely lacking & possibly prevents you from the destination you've planned for. Life has dealt you a really tough hand at the moment. People are present, at least some, but on their timetable which doesn't feel like support. At least they are there. I'd also say you are concerned that you will end up in a shabby place in life where you cannot plant your "garden of peace" and
feel in control to some extent of your life. Surely things are not turning out as you'd planned for, dreamed of & expected & at times it seems your very lifeblood is waning.

Again, IF it were me, I'd be praying for GOD to set priorities in my life, to strengthen me, put Godly resources in my way that will help even with the smallest of tasks. I'd pray that no matter WHAT my surroundings may tell me of the direction I am going in, I KNOW that with HIM & HIS WILL for my life, there must be something better or
at the very least, He will see me through.

Sadly, because this dream so much imitates many of my own, I may be wrong but the overall theme seems to be saying that LOVE (life) HURTS -and you can't even just "go through the motions" like others do for to do so would mean giving up. Hope this is helpful.
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in reply to startfire

Post by thewritingmommy »


Thank you for your input. Many things that you said bear witness. I actually have been in a very stressful place in my life this past year, even to the point of a heart attack in July. I often feel that way, (stressed physically and emotionally) because of fibromyalgia and being in chronic pain, as well as raising teen daughters. I feel that God is preparing me for a great destiny that i feel ill equipped for and lacking in but i do keep trying to push through. i don't have the discipline i would like, and i am easily distracted by the things of this world unfortunately which brings on the loads of guilt.
at least i know Father is speaking to me and trying to help me through it.

thank you again,
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Post by Starfire »

duplicate of msg below...not sure why
Last edited by Starfire on Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by thewritingmommy »

thank you for the encouraging word!! peace be with you
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Post by Starfire »

Hello again,
I've been assured by other christians, so now it's my turn to assure you:
IF HE leads you TO it, He'll see you THROUGH it!
I keep getting the messages over and over (dreams, thoughts during prayer - I call them "God" whispers" -
1) Keep prepared; examine your consicence/life nightly & repent, asking for help to truly turn away from those behaviors
2) Become more receptive to God Voice & the Leading of the Holy Spirit. It will be our most crucial help in the days to come.
3) Keep our focus on HIM (JESUS) - no matter what our surroundings look like, keep HIS Face in our focus, not the whirlwinds of disaster that may surround us - HE HAS ALREADY DEFEATED IT -the battle has already been won.

I know these times are chaotic, frightening and discouraging.
Having teens at this time even moreso, as they are attempting to
make their way into the "world" that we see as being in a rapid pace
for crisis on many levels. Again, keep your focus on Jesus.
Our lives, our kids, our marriage, our every single NEED is in HIS hands, the very hands that took the punishment for our sins. Surely after loving us that much, doing THAT MUCH for us, this is minor in comparison (for HIM). I'm told to spend my time PRAISING HIM despite how things seem and keep focus as if to WATCH HOW He
is handling/resolving/carrying us through every situation

Sweetie, you don't need strenth of your own, you have HIS and there is NONE greater. El Shaddai, Our Lord Who Is the Almighty -the MIGHTIEST Source of Blessing and Comfort to those who love Him, to those who belong to Him, for those who follow Him.
God Bless & Protect you!
I=WE=The Family of God

I trust in You, Yahweh. My times are in Your Hand.
Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, & from those who persecute me.
Make Your Face to shine on your servant. Save me in Your loving kindness. PS 31:14-16 (WEB)