A Holocaust is coming

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A Holocaust is coming

Post by Starfire »

Quick dream - very vivid in color & emotion.

I & several other people, most whom I do not know are invited to a "lawn party" at the White House. Some of the other people & I have been coersed into playing a strange game.
Like suffleboard only the puck is tossed & the person up
must jump as far or further than the puck.

Our president is in attendance.
There are also news reporters.
They (pres & news reporters) are watching the "game".

I look at the face of the pres & see evil & am bewildered that
such a face could mask so much evil. When he looks away, I turn to the press & plead with them,'
"Get the Word OUT - a Holocaust is coming! I know you don't believe it, but they didn't in the 30s either. I lost a LOT of family
in that war! Please warn the others, for their sakes, for the sake of those I lost and for my sake PLEASE PLEASE get the WORD OUT - WARN the people!!! Then I add, "At the end of this game I will be shot. I look at my fellow game players &warn, "Do your BEST. At the end of this "game" many of us will be SHOT-That's the plan."

Then I awaken shaking. At 1st I wondered why I "exaggerated the truth" - I did have a LOT of family in the war, some died, some survived -but I said they were "lost" I wanted the press to take it seriously so others would not blindly follow the same fate, but I felt guilty that I was so dramatic with the sole purpose of trying to convince a non-believing media.

Just now in writing this, I felt God tell me they all did die/or were lost on some level. They all lived with the horrors of that war all their lives and it not only effected them, but their families as well. (because of their inability to be as positive an influence as they could have been had they not struggled with war memories).

At the same time, I can say I was also (IRL) inspired by the faith of those survivors. They told me how faith had gotten them through trial after trial. Sadlly, however, at times, they had become very withdrawn & volatile-when PSD would be in full effect, not only removing them (emotionally) thereby not being the role model God would have wanted in those families, but even at times being a danger to them.

So is this a warning to me or to others. I'll let you decide, depending on how the Holy Spirit allows the message to
resonate in your spirit.

PS. At 1st I thought, "This is because I fell asleep with the TV on - they may have said some of this on the news & I just incorporated it into a weird dream." HOWEVER, they later had recasts of the same shows that were on during the time of my dream and I watched intently. There was no mention of anything even the slightest bit similar.

PS.S. I have many dreams, often not remembered for long if at all.
I only post those that I believe to be a warning or that affirm a promise the Lord has made in His Word that we may need to face the days ahead. Any dreams I'm sure are meant for me exclusively, I keep to myself (unless I'm really bewildered by portions - even after much prayer & I need the input of the body of Christ)
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Post by SpecialK »

Because the White House was in it, it could have to do with our current Gov shut down. The rest of your dream could be End-Time related. The holocaust could be symbolic of the tribulation.

I personally believe we'll be in the rapture beforehand.
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Post by Starfire »

From your lips to God's ears.
SpecialK, for some time I've felt a "heaviness" in the spiritual realm and a level of visciousness in attack I'd never ever experienced.
For about a decade or more I find myself either pleading the blood, and commanding evil presence to flee in the name of my Savior Jesus, or else actually singing praise. Once recently I even threw my hands up in praise raising them with such vigor, they hit the wall & woke me up. I just feel the Holy Spirit is protecting me with God's presence as well as allowing me to sense the very real and increasing danger that surrounds us.

Several months ago (wish I'd written down date), I even started shaking & said to my family, "Today I believe something very horrible has started. It may be awhile until it manifests, but today is the day it originated."

IF I am correct, we are on the verge of something life-changing (not for the good), however whether it is a pre-trib rapture or not, I know it is the time for us to "tune" or sharpen our spiritual ears to God's voice as that will be our only lighthouse in the storms ahead.

I must admit, the feeling is so overwhelming that at times I feel I'm being overly dramatic about it, yet it persists. And dreams I've had a decade ago are now coming true. At the time they made ZERO sense whatsoever.
This is why I feel this group is such a blessing.
We need to encourage, warn & help (iron sharpening iron) each other in preparation.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I had a spiritual woman of God whose husband is a janitor i schools.. he prays over the classroom and she told me he feels a heaviness he has never felt. Our nation is under a spiritual attack but its been before... look at history. We must pray for our leaders and that God will keep the watchman aware and praying..we can get through this.
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

jewels aglitter wrote:We must pray for our leaders and that God will keep the watchman aware and praying..we can get through this.
This is just so important. Even though some may not take a liking to certain leaders, we still need to pray. The Word tells us to pray for our leaders. No matter who they are they are still a leader giving out orders, directions and influencing the choices and decisions of others. PRAY FERVENTLY FOR ALL LEADERS!
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever." Is 40:8
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Re: A Holocaust is coming

Post by A Warrior's Heart »

Starfire wrote:Quick dream - very vivid in color & emotion.

I & several other people, most whom I do not know are invited to a "lawn party" at the White House. Some of the other people & I have been coersed into playing a strange game.
Like suffleboard only the puck is tossed & the person up
must jump as far or further than the puck.

Our president is in attendance.
There are also news reporters.
They (pres & news reporters) are watching the "game".

I look at the face of the pres & see evil & am bewildered that
such a face could mask so much evil. When he looks away, I turn to the press & plead with them,'
"Get the Word OUT - a Holocaust is coming! I know you don't believe it, but they didn't in the 30s either. I lost a LOT of family
in that war! Please warn the others, for their sakes, for the sake of those I lost and for my sake PLEASE PLEASE get the WORD OUT - WARN the people!!! Then I add, "At the end of this game I will be shot. )

When I read your dream I instantly thought about the shutdown. Scrolled down and saw specialk mentioned it. This current shutdown is really affecting the country and not in a good way. The longer it goes on, the worse things get. God is getting ready to shake up America. I know that something is on the horizon. I don't know when the rapture will be but I do know He is coming soon. Praise God. I mentioned previously about seeing the numbers 222 all the time (see that post if you haven't).

In the dream you mentioned that you and others would get shot and the holocaust would be brought on. I believe the shot is pertaining to the physical, spiritual and psychological aspects of peoples lives. The Holocaust mention in the dream symbolizes an oncoming time that will leave people feeling as if they've been shot down with nothing left to spare. People will be left to experience mental anguish and agony.
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever." Is 40:8
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I really have a personal distrust of our president. I feel guilty about it but that my humanity. I think hes been a bad president. But he is the president. We have had bad ones before and God got us through it. I talked to a powerful woman of God Kat keer. She replied to me personalty via Facebook and i asked her about the future of our nation. She is very very close to God and has heavenly experiences. She wrote to me that God had great plans for America so that gave me hope. Kim clement seems to say we will get through this. Just hold on..the ride may be bumpy but we will pull through!I want-to add there is anew breed of reporters coming to the forefront getting the word out. Watch the "Blaze" with Glenn beck, whose has started
his own network to tell the truth. The talk show hosts are still going at it so there are people even some leaders like Cruz who are holding on..so freedom and the American spirit are still alive...
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Post by SpecialK »

Starfire, I fully believe what you are experiencing is the heaviness of a spiritual battle. We do need to fight, however, we also need to learn to fight from a place of rest. I've been listening & soaking to Graham Cooke's devotionals.

I believe he says that when you fight from a place of rest, it slows you down in order to see the enemy coming. This will also confuse the enemy. Because we are in Christ Jesus, we have already won the battle.

I went to Kim's site & he does say that there will be a shaking, but the shaking will last only for a moment.[/b]
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

sometime last fall i felt God say to me to start listening to Kim clement. It really helped me. I have goten away from it lately but hope to start watching him again.. i needed his word of hope
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Post by Starfire »

Rereading a portion of my posting it is important to mention this is happening IN MY DREAMS for about a decade now (not so much IRL until the past 2 yrs or so...I didn't know much about it)

For about a decade or more I find that while *IN DREAMS* I am either pleading the blood, and commanding evil presence to flee in the name of my Savior Jesus, or else actually singing praise. Once recently I even threw my hands up in praise raising them with such vigor, they hit the wall & woke me up. I just feel the Holy Spirit is protecting me with God's presence as well as allowing me to sense the very real and increasing danger that surrounds us

I do ask the Holy Spirit to pray through me while I sleep so this may be part of it. I really don't know all I can say is darkness is descending.

I'm not very familiar with Kim Clement, however I do not take many so called "prophets" or "seerers" as seriously anymore.
I believe we are as in the times of Jeremiah. The prophets were telling the people what they wanted to hear. Those who told the truth were severely ridiculed & persecuted. This is how I see the majority of those out there (NOT ALL- but many)
Now do know there IS HOPE and there is a positive message, and that is that all the turmoil God has already TOLD US in His Word would happen. This proves that "When these things begin to happen, keep looking UP". is also true. So the worse it gets, the closer to Him we must cling and we are told not to HOPE IN THIS WORLD, but to place our HOPE in HIM> HE ALONE is our BLESSED HOPE!

I cannot say what is intended for this nation. On a physical level I believe it will be a very very hard change in lifestyle on levels most cannot fathom, but hopefully and quite possibly with a LOT of praying believers, it will start a spiritual revival that may sweep the country.

I personally wanted very much to like our pres. But in all honesty, I don't trust his motives. He & his cronies are dishonest on many levels, but it is not ONLY him. It's the whole political agenda that is filled with pride, corruption and deceit. I believe in the dream he was representative as the "face" of the evil leadership that is ruling our nation. (It was not about HIM personally)

And YES, we MUST pray for our leaders, but we must also realize we get the leaders we ask forand the leaders we deserve! (King Saul) 2 Chron 7:14 specifically says, "If MY PEOPLE who are called by MY name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land" As long as we have Christians who are voting & behaving like those who do NOT know God, we are in trouble on a physical level.

We have people claiming to be Christian (leaders) wanting to further abortion laws (which now will include sex as reason -don't want a boy or girl, dr can abort it under law). This is clearly not of God on any level. We have Christian leaders saying ugly, putrid things about other leaders who also claim to be Christians, etc.
I don't need to reiterate - you can see it yourselves.

About a year or two ago during prayer I had a vision. The earth was shaped like a HEAD and a surgical knife had made an incision exposing the brain (as in brain surgery) Inside it was just a MESS of tanglings, nothing like it is supposed to look like.
This was immediately followed by looking at fields of grass (beautiful, like a golf coarse). The sod was lifted up and
the roots were all tangled and so intricately interwoven I knew nothing could survive that). God told me THIS is the level of corruption and deceipt that is already in motion and it has matastisized. (has spread from one nation to another) The roots of life (spiritual & physical) are being choked out and it is only yet to be revealed. Very troubling. I can tell you, without divine intervention, it was such a knotted interwoven mass that no one could even begin to untangle it- without God, it meant certain bondage & quite likely death.

I'd told people about it They tell me I'm nuts, things are getting BETTER. (I've been called much worse) My point is only that people do not WANT to see the truth, instead they want their ears (and eyes) tickled.

It's good to have a forum like this to help one another through the distressing times & encourage us to hold on to the hemline of His garment!
I=WE=The Family of God

I trust in You, Yahweh. My times are in Your Hand.
Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, & from those who persecute me.
Make Your Face to shine on your servant. Save me in Your loving kindness. PS 31:14-16 (WEB)