4 prophets?

Archived Dreams from 2014
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4 prophets?

Post by Mahaleleel »

This is short, I am literally hanging out a window and I'm struggling to get back in, but hanging by my fingers. I hear 2 men walking on the sidewalk below, walking away from me, a man I know, a man in the family, who pastors, but not my church. I don't know the man he's with but he starts hollering up to me to just get in the window, and I think he's crazy because, I am trying but I need his help, but he just keeps saying climbing in the window and walks away. I'm looking down and to the right at themen. Then above me at the left I hear a voice say something about the number 4, I want to say it said "I will send you 4 prophets to help you", but I don't understand why God would send 4? I think I might not be remembering the prophets part right? Any knowledge on the number 4?
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Post by Mahaleleel »

I think I understand the part about me hanging from the window trying to "get back in" because I have been struggling with issues resulting from sickness in the family (fear, hurt, trust) and I have been praying to get back to normal again. When people give advice they literally say just do it, and it's not that easy when you need your heart to be in the right place. So I think that's the man, I'm curious about the other voice........
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Post by SpecialK »

Perhaps you're to study the books of the four major prophets in the Bible. Something like: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.
And you'll get your help from the four prophets.
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Post by Starfire »

Perhaps the 4 gosples? (like the 4 corners of your house -house being your spiritual house of course - the foundation)

Men=other people can't even understand your need, much less help..only God has the answers. You will find them in His Word.
(At least that's what I get)
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Post by james garner »

windows are often symbolic of prophetic sight. Because of the personal issue, it is hard for you to operate effectively in your gift. Your emotions cause it to be a precarious place. Preachers often fail to minister to the emotionally wounded because they believe if you are saved, you shouldn't struggle with anything. This is a result of simply not being able to relate to your pain. Look to Christ and know that He will hold you in His arms like a Mother holds her child and kiss your wounds and speak loving words of healing peace to your heart. Don't be offended at mans ignorance. God is your source. He has the healing balm. He will restore you so that He can use you for His glory.
Hope this helps
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Post by aj_snow »

Cool dream. You say, hanging from the edge=the current events in your life. Sounds like a good interpretation to me.

You are praying for things to "get back to normal again". In the dream, this attitude is represented by the man telling you to climb back in the window. (Getting back in the window would be getting back to normal). In your second post, you rightfully see the man's advice as unhelpful. Likewise, this notion of hoping for things to "get back to normal again" is not beneficial to a disciple of Christ.

The events of life are not inconveniences to be avoided so things can "get back to normal". That man's soul will be timid, stunted, stagnant, cowering, unfit. Be in the moment of each experience as they come. There is no normal. There just is what is. You are never given more than you can bear, so bear whatever may come. Deal with what is, not with how things should be. Invest in no preconceived outcomes. Just be with what is. And, in that, you will behold the glory of God and your soul will be transformed from grace to grace.

An ungodly (originates not from God, but from the animal ego) desire of man is a craving for pleasure and an aversion to discomfort. One will forever be yo-yo-ing between attraction and aversion, craving and repulsion, seeking a "normal", until they see that ungodly desire in themselves. Forgo that outward-pointing desire, turn it inwards, and long to commune with the One from whom thy soul comes.

There will be 4 prophets who will come to you. This may mean that 4 people will give you counsel, comfort, guidance or assistance to aid you in dealing with your life's current events. (Not to change the events, but to help you to see). Be watchful, these "prophets" could be anyone or anything that you encounter. (It may not be 4 literal sitdown meetings with "holy" folks; it may be an overheard conversation, a word a nurse says in passing, a post on a forum, a chapter in a book, a line from TV, etc) Perhaps your heart will leap when it hears one of these "prophets".

Hope this helps.
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4 Prophets/aj snow

Post by Mahaleleel »

I'm sorry, I should have specified, the storm has passed, I'm not trying to "get out of it". My trying to "get back to normal" is to regain all that was lost during the storm. Hope that gives a better idea.
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windows, James G

Post by Mahaleleel »

Thank you for the post! I didn't know windows were symbolic of prophecy but once I started to look more into it I found that window sills were symbolic of emotional pain...
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Post by charlie »

Hi Mahaleleel

You may feel that you have all the insight on this one that you need but here's my little offering:

Hanging out of a window could also represent something which has 'gone out the window' so to speak. We say that something such as a quality, principle, or idea goes out of the window, it does not exist any more...for example 'his sense of reason just went out the window' or 'his future prospects just went out the window'.

That may or may not speak to you...please ditch if not.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3