Board Guidelines Refresher

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Board Guidelines Refresher

Post by bjcollin »

For the new members who have joined us in this last year, here is a link to the Board Guidelines as a refresher...


From guideline number 5...

5. We believe the Lord still speaks today through dreams and visions, and we as believers should take heed of our dreams and not despise prophetic utterances, visions, or experiences. However, we are not led by spiritual experiences but by the Spirit of God!

Let me expand on this one a bit with a quick teaching...

While we believe that the Lord does still speak very powerfully today through dreams and visions, it can also be said that in general not all dreams and visions that people have are from the Lord. It is our belief that about 80% or more of the dreams that people have on a nightly basis are in the soul dreams category. This means that the dreams are from their own soul or consciousness. These are dreams that our brains show us on a daily basis as a way of processing the things that we are going through in life. We can still learn things about our lives and grow our relationship with the Lord by knowing what we are going through in these dreams, and we can even sometimes figure some things out. However, most often these dreams do not need interpretation as they were not God given dreams. An example short dream that I had back in college, I dreamed of a small army of 1's and 0's chasing me and attacking me. I woke up in a cold sweat, it was a very exasperating night. There was no interpretation of the dream needed because the reality was it was a soul dream and I was stressing over a very tough Discrete Mathematics II course that I was taking as part of my Computer Science major/Mathematics minor. What I eventually learned from the dream is that I needed to relax and pray and give my anxiety over to God because He cares for me. (Ref: 1 Peter 5:7)

If 80% or more of dreams are in the soul dreams category, that leaves 20% of dreams left. For lack of argument, I will divide these evenly and say that 10% are from the enemy, and 10% are from the Lord. When we as Christians still have footholds of the enemy in our lives and we have not been totally freed in Christ, or we have not gone through deliverance, then we will get dreams from the enemy which are intended to frighten/scare us or to keep us bound in those strongholds and keep us chained up so that we can't move forward in Christ. While sometimes we can learn what type of enemies are attacking us i.e. sexual dreams indicate enemies of lust or perversion. No interpretation is needed on the enemies dreams, just fight against them as we are all in a spiritual battle (Ref: John 10:10, James 4:7, Ephesians 6:12) Repent of any past sins, God forgives you and Jesus already paid the price for the sin on the cross, so resist, fight, and tell that enemy to flee out of your life.

This brings us to the final 10% of dreams which are from the Lord. Even in this category of dreams, sometimes new believers or those who are just getting in touch with learning how to hear better from the Lord will have problems discerning these dreams. This website Tehillah Dreams was originally formed to help people build their relationship with the Lord so that they can learn for themselves how to better discern and how to learn God's dream language to them. Sometimes it starts with dream symbols, and we don't just give dream interpretations, we help you learn how to listen to the Lord and deepen your relationship with Him so you can search out how to find the interpretation for yourself. (Ref: Jeremiah 29:13, Proverbs 29:2) "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter." We desire to bring you to the place where you the son/daughter of God and a child of the King of Kings can search out God's heart on your own dream.

in Christ,
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Re: Board Guidelines Refresher

Post by December1 »

I am not buying this as a reason why my dreams aren't interpreted says Jesus Christ to yourself.
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Re: Board Guidelines Refresher

Post by bjcollin »

So then tell me then what does Jesus Christ of Nazareth say the reason is? By 1 John 4:1-3 who do you know Jesus is to you?