Dreaming I could Fly

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Dreaming I could Fly

Post by dborah777 »

Hey Family,

Happy New Year to all...

I used to wish I could have dreams of flying, and as much as I dream, I only remember having that kind of dream once -- and it was a longggggggggggggg time ago.

In this dream, I was visiting a young woman who I have been friends with all my life (for over 50 years). Her name is Deborah, like mine. She is one of the kindest and sweetest people I know, and has made something wonderful out of her life. I love her dearly.

In the actual dream, I was visiting with her, and things started off "normal." All of a sudden, I received this spacesuit like contraption with a remote control. The next thing you know, I was flying every place I went. It was sooooooooooo much fun. Right before I woke up I started losing power and kept coming back down to the ground. I quickly discovered after removing the cover off the remote, that the batteries were going bad. I was excited and on my way to replace the batteries when I woke up.

Thanx for any help you can give.
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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Hi Deb, are you in healing and deliverance ministry?
~Warrior Princess
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Post by dborah777 »

Hey Warrior Princess,

Yes. I also play the piano at our little church. On Thursday night, New Year's Eve, however, along with the Pastor and Assistant Pastor, I will be bringing the message for the evening. I'm excited and I'm looking for a MIGHT MOVE OF GOD -- salvation, deliverance, and healing to myself and those in need.

Hope this info helps! Thanx Warrior Princess. Peacefully awaiting your response -- and Happy New Year!
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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

I am seeing the "spacesuit" as your uniform or armor for doing battle in the 2nd heaven...that's why I asked. What I have been seeing in ministry is that traditional methods of healing and deliverance haven't been cutting it when it comes to deep generational wounds and God is really using Inner Healing ministry even over the internet. So, I was seeing the batteries running out of power as possibly about this. It's AMAZING...God's been putting people with multiple personality disorder (now called dissociative identity disorder--DID) in our path and they are getting healed! I think this is just the beginning of a huge wave of healing of these kinds of issues.

As always, toss if it doesn't fit.

~Warrior Princess
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Post by charlie »

Deborah...on the same lines as warriorprincess here but just to add some observations...please weigh:

A spacesuit speaks to me of being clothed in an adapted outerwear (a covering)which enables you to enter zones where old laws no longer operate and new ones do (eg less gravitational pull). IN a spiritual sense I am seeing it as your GRACE SUIT which enables you to not only be protected in your new environment but also enables flight...rapid and effective movement in the Spirit.

The remote control has me thinking...in my dream grid I am not fond of remote (far off) controls (control)...too automated...too likely to fail and they are external to you rather than an indwelling presence which leads rather than controls...however...that said the battery running out is a clear symbol which may refer to needing regular re-charging (and rest) in the Lord...

Sometimes symbols which pop up in dreams reveal to us where we need to makes shifts in our understanding ...I may be off here but I would jsut pray about the remote and ask the SPirit to reveal more of its significance and whether you need to ditch it...

Peace and grace as you step out in faith.

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Post by dborah777 »

I absolutely totally agree with you that traditional healing and deliverance is NOT the answer. I just had a conversation with my Pastor about this earlier this week. That's profound.

Thank you sooooooooo much. There's nothing to toss Warrior -- I can use and chew on this girl!!! That's awesome about the people being healed of DID -- and I know there's more to come because that's the way our Lord wants His people -- WHOLE!

Also, Warrior Princess, I have one more dream out here -- it's called "Just Need Help" I think! Can you see if the Lord gives you anything about that dream. It is also a dream that is wrapped up in ministry.

Love you much and Happy New Year.
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Post by dborah777 »

WOW Charlie! You and Warrior Princess have "worn me out!" There is such meat to chew on here. I think both of you are correct in your interpretations. Also, I never thought to much about the remote control. That's very good insight. I am going to pray about this and see how it applies. There is one thing that comes to mind right now, and that is could it be that the Lord is trying to say that I had control of whether or not I went "higher" in Him all along? I don't know. But what I DO know is that you and Warrior Princess have BOTH struck a chord.

Also, as I invited Warrior Princess, I would love it if you have a moment to check out the other dream I posted. They may very well be related. It's called, "Just Need Help", I think!!! :?

As always, thank you so much for your time -- it's precious. I don't take it for granted.

Much blessings in the coming year and beyond to you and your family.