Dream of Terrorist Attack

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Dream of Terrorist Attack

Post by lainey68 »

I dreamed this a few days before Christmas. When I told my mother about it, she told me about the failed attempt from the Nigerian man on the American plane. I had not heard about it beforehand, so I don't know if it's related or not.

At any rate, I dreamed my mother, brother and I were talking about terrorism and I said that small towns were the next on the target. At that moment, I saw Topeka, KS on a map. Then we heard there was a terror attack in Topeka. There was a lot of chaos.

I have a number of family members in Topeka, so in the dream my brother, mother and I went to go see if we could find our relatives. We found my mother's sister, but she was wandering the streets. She had no idea who we were and her eyes were blind. We were not able to take her with us.

We found her grandson and her great-granddaughter (they are both minors). I took them back with us. My aunt's grandson is 17 and he is the uncle of the baby. In the dream, I wanted to hold the baby, but she is known to not go to strangers. In the dream, my 17 y/o cousin told me the baby wouldn't come to me. I held out my hands and she came right to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

In real life, at one point I actually wanted to adopt this baby. Her father is my cousin's son and he loves the baby, but doesn't take care of her (he's 20). The baby's mother is about 18 and she is on drugs. At any rate, the father has custody of her, but his new girlfriend doesn't like the baby and treats her badly.

At any rate, as much as I was concerned about the terrorism in the dream, I was more concerned about not being able to "find" my relatives. It's about 10 people that we couldn't find. I am very close to this side of my family--especially my aunt in the dream that was blinded.

My mother has witnessed to them many times over the years. I think they "hear" her, but I'm not sure of all of their salvation status.

At any rate, if there is any additional word on this please share. I would like to know how to pray.

Also, my aunt has bipolar and her daughter (who is the mother of both the 20 y/o and the 17 y/o) has schizophrenia. It's a hard situation.

Thank you.