Recieving a staff and seal

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Recieving a staff and seal

Post by Mona »

I had this vision that I just finished a long journey and was meeting the prophets in heaven.

I was wearing a red robe and this is funny but this is what I saw, I had a beard and long hair. I looked like the older prophet Elijah. As I entered to my place of destination other prophets were there greating me and hugged me as they too were wearing the same color robe and went through the same journey. It seemed they were giving me a staff and seal. The seal was a glass ball on top of the staff but when I looked at it, it was a ball inside of a ball.

I was smiling and very joyful that I just had completed the mission.

I think this has something to with my post in Sharing His Fruit, My Daughter is Healed.
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Post by charlie »

Mona...been pondering this one...much of the imagery seems clear...long hair and beard perhaps representing wisdom , red robes..redemptive covering of the Lamb but perhaps specifically calling to ind the sacrificial aspects of service/even martyrdom (in all its forms). The staff a symbol of humble authority in an area of service (prophetic it seems in this dreams context)

...but the seal...I read seals as being markers/signatures of identity...used to mark out the identity of the one who stamps or seals a letter/product etc. In biblical times it was of course often a signet ring which carried the mark or seal so a ball within a ball does not quite make sense to me but I am probably missing something...? How did you see that?

Anyways the symbol of a ball within a ball on its own would seem to represent completion within is done and as you say your mission (within the sphere of His mission) is completed.

Toss the dross.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Mona »

Thanks Charlie

I have been overwelmed as I being suffering the work of the cross. Since the Kim Clement meeting something unusual in the Spirit is going on. I understand what the Lord is doing but this revelation has been so overwelming I can barely function. I remember the night after Kim Clement's meeting the Holy Spirit was so heavy in this house that it woke me out of my sleep. I knew something was going on but didn't know what. He has been pouring his revelation into me but it is so overwelming I can barely stand it. I have been exhausted. I have been recieving so much revelation I can barely even sleep these late few days. I have been laughing, crying, and just so many emotions, I believe I am wearing myself out.

I believe this vision is just representing what you said a completed work. All the pieces of the puzzle for my life have simultaneously come together. Just like Ezekiel's wheel, a wheel within the wheel show a Vision of God. When one finally sees and understands the whole vision of God for their life how can one contain it?? I previously saw the vision of God for my life but now I UNDERSTAND the Vision of God for my life.

I believe the prophets reward is at hand but it doesn't mean that I stop here but move to the next vision and another journey. The reward carries out the next vision of God.

Thanks so Much
Psalm 96:1
Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.
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Post by charlie »

Mona wrote: All the pieces of the puzzle for my life have simultaneously come together. Just like Ezekiel's wheel, a wheel within the wheel show a Vision of God. When one finally sees and understands the whole vision of God for their life how can one contain it?? I previously saw the vision of God for my life but now I UNDERSTAND the Vision of God for my life.
Mona praying for you...with understanding comes great responsibility...praying for rest by the Spirit so that your way ahead will be one deeply rooted in His revelations to you and always from a place of rest in Him...

grace grace and grace to you sister...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Newwine »

Adding to the wonderful offerings.

I tend to see this way, like things within the bigger picture of Jesus who is the whole.

For example, I feel we tend to probably toss out more than we should when what may be more called for is seeing how things fit into the overall picture of Jesus who reconcils to Himself. I also call it like a puzzle where each piece finds its home in Jesus.

I also see it like in our individual journeys that can vary as we are learning and growing in different paces and areas, yet we are all corporately growing up in Christ and being united in his love where we will make up his full stature.

It may be that this ball represents similar things and seeing how the smaller vision fits into the larger one. You appear to be equipped with it in this place.

I do feel that you are a prophet and you have journeyed that challenging road that prophets tend to journey through. It has led to you being placed in position as a prophet.

For your prayerful consideration.
Feel free to toss what may not fit.

Love in Him,
Enjoy the journey