multi-colored Harley Davidson Cadillac

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multi-colored Harley Davidson Cadillac

Post by thesharpeningstone »

Good Day,

I arrived at work early yesterday. I decided to rest in the car before going into work. I must have fallen asleep for a couple of minutes or fell into a trance. In that time, I had a short dream. In the dream I met Todd Bentley.

Todd Was in the Parking lot adding trim to a car. I think it was a Cadillac. The idea was to make a Harley Davidson version of the car. I said it looked great, but they should not have painted it black. It should be multi-colored.

Todd said that he met me before, back when I used to sell cars. I had told him about a truck with a new duramax engine. He said that after our talk, he took one for a test drive.
(IRL I sold cars about six years ago for a few months, but I never met Todd.)

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lost souls

Post by Janice »

Do you think Jesus could be telling you to get involved in out reach ministry to the lost? If you already are... perhaps this is just a conformation of where He wants you. And in that case you are on track. It wasn't multi color because it's not speaking of the prophetic...but rather about lost souls.
"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up."

Post by talitha »

tss, sometimes (as I'm sure you know) a car can represent ministry. I know that Todd Bentley is in several ways an equipper of ministries - the teachings and prophetic words and impartations that God allows him to give add fire (was the trim HD orange?) to people's ministries.....

I grew up thinking of a Cadillac as the very best car, and that is probably what it would mean to me.

The fact that it's a Harley Davidson package to me could mean a ministry to bikers (I have a good friend who pastors a "biker church" :mrgreen:) - but what's coming up in my spirit is "warriors" - have you heard Kim Clement speak of "warriors"? :wink:

One thing about the black vs. multicolored - I went through a time in my life when I wore black almost all the time - up through my first little stint as a missionary in the early nineties - it took a lot for me to get out of that. I felt very conspicuous if I wore a color, and I didn't like that. I feel that in this case the Cadillac is supposed to be black - it's like a cloak that allows the wearer to get close to others before being noticed. It's not about being ashamed of the Gospel - it's about not being conspicuous. Just MHO.

I feel that you want the car/ministry to be multicolored to reflect the joy you have in the Lord, and now I understand that. Nowadays I'm known as "multicolored", so to speak, by people who know me.......

just my thoughts......

bless you