This dream won't leave my mind...

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This dream won't leave my mind...

Post by dbliss22 »

This dream sticks with me and kind of makes me feel uneasy...but I have no idea what it means...if anything

Dream: I was at my real school, in the dorms and everyone was taking exams but I was already done with mine. A couple other baseball players and I went to our indoor baseball facility for a practice. Everyone went into a netted indoor infield, but my assistant coach called me over to hit on the batting tee with him. I became kind of agitated that I had to go over and hit while everyone else was going to be doing something else (which IRL is very unlike me because I love hitting more than any other aspect of baseball). While I was hitting, my assistant coach told me that because of something that had happened in my past, I was going to be traded. I became very angry, and stormed out of the complex into the dorms. An old man (I believe the owner of the team) sat me down and basically tried to calm me down with kind words, but when I asked him about what action in my past justified this trade, he couldn't tell me. Everyone knew what the event was in my past, but no one would tell me, it was confidential basically. I kept thinking it was when I hurt my elbow a few years ago, but I also felt like it could be something else. In the room I was in with the old man, one of our players was on his computer sending emails to coaches and scouts and signing up for showcase camps and such - it almost seemed in a malicious way because he was making it very evident that that was what he was doing - and he had just heard everything the old man and I had discussed.

Scene changes and I am now driving up the long, curvy, steep driveway to I believe the new school I had been traded to, but I felt like I had been there before. I get to the top of this huge hill and it is a beautiful school with on of the most amazing views I have ever seen - but I had been there before. My ex girlfriend had taken me there to show me the amazing view. I then remembered that, although the scenery and view was breathtaking, this place was very dangerous. (IRL I have not been to this place but in another dream in the past I have been...and in this dream it felt like that dream was actually in my past and that I had gone to this place before) I had been attacked there in the bathroom when I had been there before. So now in the dream (present dream) I am on my guard. I go into the bathroom knowing there is going to be an attack on me, and when I get around the corner to where the stalls are, there is a sledgehammer waiting for me. I pick it up and instantly I am attacked. The first man comes in to attack me, sees the sledgehammer in my hands, and backs away. Another man then comes in with a knife and cuts my arm - not deep - but I then hit him over the head with this hammer. The sledgehammer felt very heavy and was hard to swing. Another man came in, and I hit him with the hammer as well. The hammer is a little easier to swing now. Two more men come in, and I hit both of them. The hammer now felt light as a feather and I could use it efficiently.
Dream Ends

In college you do not get traded from one team to another, that is only in professional baseball.

Also, college teams do not have owners, only coaches.
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Post by dbliss22 »

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Post by Krista »

I really see why th is dream is significant. I really believe it means a great deal. But your symbolism that means something to you is very different from mine so I cannot actually get wind of the full picture. I will keep looking at it and I will take a "crack in the dark" with it.

I don't believe this is about baseball. Since your a collge player you no doubt love baseball, your passionate about baseball. Perhaps it's also a means to pay for college. So I think this would be about something your very passionate about.

The exams usually are about worldly knowledge. Being finished with it.

The fact you were agitated about hitting, strikes me as you were feeling VERY left out about something.

The fact that they were going to trade you for some unknown reason, everyone knew but you were out of the "know".

Getting traded, to another place of learning. Where your ex gf was there. Showing you around these beautiful views, but while beautiful it was still very dangerous.

It strikes me that your girlfriend taught you some knew knowledge, and I'm going out on a limb here and this is perhaps private, but I would almost think sexual knowledge. The bathroom a place you had been before, being attacked in the bathroom. I believe that it signifies some threat of perversion.

If I'm right about this, this threat of perversion might be threatening to destroy your great passion of baseball. If I'm right, and your girlfriend has taught you something new, and exciting that relates to sex, be warned it's a trap.
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Post by dbliss22 »

So then the hammer in the bathroom waiting for me is...

Abstaining from sexual things maybe? The hammer was awkward and heavy to hold at first, but I could still use it, and then by the end of the dream is was very light and swift in my hands - so first things will be uncomfortable for me but eventually my choices will make means for an effective weapon against the enemy?
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Dream: I was at my real school, in the dorms and everyone was taking exams but I was already done with mine. A couple other baseball players and I went to our indoor baseball facility for a practice. Everyone went into a netted indoor infield, but my assistant coach called me over to hit on the batting tee with him. I became kind of agitated that I had to go over and hit while everyone else was going to be doing something else (which IRL is very unlike me because I love hitting more than any other aspect of baseball). While I was hitting, my assistant coach told me that because of something that had happened in my past, I was going to be traded. I became very angry, and stormed out of the complex into the dorms. An old man (I believe the owner of the team) sat me down and basically tried to calm me down with kind words, but when I asked him about what action in my past justified this trade, he couldn't tell me. Everyone knew what the event was in my past, but no one would tell me, it was confidential basically. I kept thinking it was when I hurt my elbow a few years ago, but I also felt like it could be something else. In the room I was in with the old man, one of our players was on his computer sending emails to coaches and scouts and signing up for showcase camps and such - it almost seemed in a malicious way because he was making it very evident that that was what he was doing - and he had just heard everything the old man and I had discussed.
I am thinking this dream is showing you that your are currently in training...To do what the Lord has called you to do...You may not even know it because it seems to you that your just doing what your used to doing ball...but in this the Lord is training you up...It seems that while others seem to be going ahead of you ..your still practicing...It might be frusterating for you because you feel that you are ready to move foreward in the game...but the Lord feels you need a little more training so that you don't strike out..I am seeing that the enemy is coming in during this time trying to remind you of past failures and things to bring you down or make you feel that you aren't going anywhere...He may even try to make you feel that the Lord is going to replace you...or give your callings or gifts to another...But its a lie...For our callings and gifts are without repentance..I felt that the old man was wisdom and maybe even HolySpirit..You are questioning Him as to why all this is taking place and if there is something you have done to prevent you from going further and He doesn't tell you anything...Are you feeling like you can't hear Him or aren't getting answers?? Feeling that the enemy is trying His best to discourage you and lie to you about your future...He knows what the old man and you discussed...meaning He knows the plans the Lord has for you...and he doesn't want them to come to pass...
Scene changes and I am now driving up the long, curvy, steep driveway to I believe the new school I had been traded to, but I felt like I had been there before. I get to the top of this huge hill and it is a beautiful school with on of the most amazing views I have ever seen - but I had been there before. My ex girlfriend had taken me there to show me the amazing view. I then remembered that, although the scenery and view was breathtaking, this place was very dangerous. (IRL I have not been to this place but in another dream in the past I have been...and in this dream it felt like that dream was actually in my past and that I had gone to this place before) I had been attacked there in the bathroom when I had been there before. So now in the dream (present dream) I am on my guard. I go into the bathroom knowing there is going to be an attack on me, and when I get around the corner to where the stalls are, there is a sledgehammer waiting for me. I pick it up and instantly I am attacked. The first man comes in to attack me, sees the sledgehammer in my hands, and backs away. Another man then comes in with a knife and cuts my arm - not deep - but I then hit him over the head with this hammer. The sledgehammer felt very heavy and was hard to swing. Another man came in, and I hit him with the hammer as well. The hammer is a little easier to swing now. Two more men come in, and I hit both of them. The hammer now felt light as a feather and I could use it efficiently
This part to me speaks of a place where the enemy has taken you other words an area of warfare over your callings and gifts...because you were unaware of the attack the first time you went unprepared...but the Lord is showing you with this dream what the enemy is trying to do...lure you into a false place of repentance...what I mean by that is making you feel that you haven't been forgiven, or like you have something that is keeping you from moving foreward...(restroom)...But since the Lord has shown you this time you go in prepared...He has even given you a sledgehammer(His word) to fight with...because you aren't used to warfare in this degree its hard to swing at first...but in the end the yoke becomes light...Because the Lord's yoke is light...

I pray that you take all of this to the Lord for confirmation..If none of this helps or confirms with you please discard this...

I simply see a fight, warfare going on over what the Lord is calling you to be in Him...The enemy is well aware of it and is trying his hardest to get you to give up or feel condemned or unworthy of the calling...But the Lord has prepared you for battle...He has armed you with the Word...You may come out with some cuts and bruises but you will be Victorious...
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by dbliss22 »

whew...that hit me like a brick from a third story window...

I struggle with my giftings...I struggle sometimes thinking that things I've done or sins I've committed or even sins I continue to commit have taken or are taking my destiny away from me to some degree or another...but I also know deep down that there is no other way I could be where I am if it were not for the remarkable nature and grace of our majestic God. Also, where I am (at a Junior College) is in preparation for the bigger colleges or hopefully one day a minor league ballclub. So I know that I am in training for sure - especially since my best bet to go places is as a catcher, and the coach I am under should have been a professional catcher. There is alot more to it...but basically the Lord has put me in the perfect place to learn, with a great coach who considers me as a leader (which I am also learning how to do).

When you asked if I am having trouble hearing...yes. I always receive His word through others, when I long to have Him just speak to me. I see things in my life that have no explanation except God, but I don't think I've ever actually heard the voice of God. Although I have indeed heard many of the voices of the enemy.
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Post by delightsinhim »

Isn't it interesting that you say that you don't think you've heard the voice of God, but you have already shared with us how you have heard from your dreams!

He is speaking to you now I believe. And He wants you to see this and know this. Isn't it exciting that He comes to us in many ways! So longing to for that one on one relationship.

I pray you continue to seek Him for confirmation as to what He is speaking to you. And be encouraged, He is always speaking, it is us who have to find our ears to listen, and you are learning. I'm excited for you!

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Post by WaitingforHim »

Bless you dbliss...I do believe you hear the Father...scripture says His sheep know His voice and follow Him...I do believe you have heard His voice and I the Lord will speak in many ways to His children...But I believe the voice you long to hear is that still small voice within....There are many valuable resources at the christian bookstores on learning to hear the voice of God...You should check into them...You will be surprised at how easy it is to hear Him speaking to you...and also once you do hear Him you will realize that you have heard Him all along...

I am excited for you also...God is going to do mighty things in your life!

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.