3rd shaking reference in 10 days

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3rd shaking reference in 10 days

Post by Charys »

The first time was on Jan 22. I woke up hearing a kind of chant in my head, "Everything comes crashing down."

Dream on Jan 28: I was a child in a group of children. They knew about tunnels and old mine shafts in the bedrock under a populated place. They were dashing through the tunnels gathering scraps of cloth to make into clothing for other children. This seemed like a kind of desperate attempt because there were bits and pieces of mismatched clothing parts just thrown together. A very big person in authority (an angel?) showed up and scolded the children for taking such risks. They were standing at the entrance of a tunnel, or a culvert, then suddenly one would run through quickly because of the danger. Everyone knew a huge earthquake was imminent any minute that would shake this bedrock/foundation and the tunnels would collapse. The big person was kind but very firm like a mother. "Enough."

Vision on Sunday evening while in a powerful worship service in a well-known church in central Florida: I saw something like a big wave in the earth, maybe four to six feet high, rolling across the land. The earth rose like an enbankment and fell again. This "wave" was as wide as I could see. It came across a parking lot in a place where the grass was brown and the trees were bare, but there was no snow. It reminded me of the gravel parking lot near a historical fort I once saw. The wave rolled under me and I was surprised, but not hurt.

I wondered if the dream was just because I have been thinking and praying for the people of Haiti -especially the children, but the vision on Sunday evening really surprised me because I was just praising and feeling Jesus' love when it happened. There was no fear, only a sense of a big shaking, like shaking out the rug. Hmmm -maybe a bit like a rollercoaster ride that is scary - but not scary- because the designer/builder is reliable, if you know what I mean.
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Post by charlie »

Charys...your dream reminded me of how we can lose site of what is really needful...looking for material covering is by no means wrong but if it has priority over that which has precedence (getting out of the tunnel?).

Clothing covers our shame and tunnels are hidden places...and yes susceptible to collapse and crush us...better out in the open, naked...

Many words around re a shaking, a third wave...time to learn to ride the waves eh!

Hope you had a good time away!

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Warrior Princess »

I'm seeing standing by the tunnel and the parking lot as lukewarmness, indecision, etc?
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Post by Truth Seeker »

The first time was on Jan 22. I woke up hearing a kind of chant in my head, "Everything comes crashing down."
Proverbs 18:10
The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

Only what God has established will stand or last.
Dream on Jan 28: I was a child in a group of children. They knew about tunnels and old mine shafts in the bedrock under a populated place. They were dashing through the tunnels gathering scraps of cloth to make into clothing for other children. This seemed like a kind of desperate attempt because there were bits and pieces of mismatched clothing parts just thrown together. A very big person in authority (an angel?) showed up and scolded the children for taking such risks. They were standing at the entrance of a tunnel, or a culvert, then suddenly one would run through quickly because of the danger. Everyone knew a huge earthquake was imminent any minute that would shake this bedrock/foundation and the tunnels would collapse. The big person was kind but very firm like a mother. "Enough."
This could be about the church in general or a particular church
The populated place could represent the church and the tunnel could represent a large hole in the foundation of the church or a particular church, it could be a believeth issue or false doctrine etc. The group of children seems to represent the next generation of believers in the populated place that are headed down the same but God has sent one of His angels to stop them from going down the same path.
Vision on Sunday evening while in a powerful worship service in a well-known church in central Florida: I saw something like a big wave in the earth, maybe four to six feet high, rolling across the land. The earth rose like an enbankment and fell again. This "wave" was as wide as I could see. It came across a parking lot in a place where the grass was brown and the trees were bare, but there was no snow. It reminded me of the gravel parking lot near a historical fort I once saw. The wave rolled under me and I was surprised, but not hurt.
I believe the earth in the context of this vision could mean that Jesus is getting ready to purge is floor again, and the religious or church people are going to be first to be confronted.

I not only think it’s going to deal with correction but the atmosphere to repent is going to be great.

It could be the next great move of the Kingdom of God since John the Baptist.
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Post by GaAngel »

I wonder if this is prophetic.

Today (Feb. 10, 2010) -- an earthquate shook Chicago, IL -- a very unlikely place for an earthquake. Perhaps there might be more in "diverse places."

Makes you wonder...

Post by anyamanee »

first, I was born and in Chicagoland until age 15. I do remember an earthquake. Not typical but not totally beyond reason. And it was a very small quake.

Secondly, your vision reminds me of one my husband had in Thailand. A wave of grace. It is the name of our website, www.waveofgrace.org

It was a mighty wave rolling across the place we stood waiting to leave after a strong time of intercession.

Feel free to discard if it doesn't help.
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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »

Hi Charys,

Sure have been some prophecies from major prophets about devastating earthquakes coming in the future (even far more devastating than the recent catastrophe). I think this is a call for intercession about those prophesied quakes and for protection for God's people.

I've been in one of those "rolling wave" type earthquakes. It was weird! I was in church in California a number of years ago, and it felt like someone took a large rolling pin and rolled it under the room we were in. I felt it roll under my feet an chair--and then it was gone.

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Chicago is not all that far from Ohio... :shock:
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Post by dborah777 »

I'm posting this VERY backward. I'm going to go back and read the dream and the responses. How-so-never, as soon as I saw the subject, I just felt Amos 3:7, "Certainly, the Almighty LORD doesn't do anything unless he first reveals his secret to his servants the prophets."

Now, I'm going to read your dream!
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Post by dborah777 »

Hi Charys,

I did a sermon on "Earthquakes" just before Christmas and was led and blessed to do some research for that message.
Therefore, the content of GaAngel and Lily_Rose_Song's comments have struck a profound chord within me.

There an earthquake in Chicago recently, and there was one in Mexico that measured 5.0 just the other day. Chicago, Detroit (my hometown), Tennessee, and Atlanta have all had earthquakes. As a matter of fact, there was one in South Georgia a few weeks ago. I have experienced two of these -- one in Detroit and one in Atlanta. These, however, are not "normal" places for obvious earthquake activity. There is a major fault in Tennessee that "could" produce one of the most devastating earthquakes the globe has ever seen. Yet, all we basically hear about is the San Adreas Fault. All of this is in the natural. Yet, does scripture not tell us the following:
1 Corinthians 15:46, "The spiritual did not come first, but the natural ...But it is not the spiritual that is first but the natural, and then the spiritual."
I'm watching, as I write this, a Discovery Channel special called: "Haiti's Killer Quake: Why It Happened!" Without going into great detail, Lily_Rose_Song mentioned her experience in Florida. They specifically stated that the next earthquake to hit Haiti (whenever it does), will send tsunami waves straight for Florida. They also said on this special that the earthquake in Alaska some years ago was exponetially more times powerful than the one that hit Haiti. The long and the short of it is that the geologist that did this show said that it was the way the buildings in Haiti were built that caused the traumatic devastation and loss of life. Those buildings that did not collapse and sheltered people who survived were those that were built on a solid foundation. Nevertheless, because Haiti has no building codes for earthquakes, those that were built on the sand collapsed taking an incredibly high count of lives along with them. Sound familiar? Yet, in all of this, we recently saw front page news that people were singing out all over the country and praising God!

Charys, another amazing thing they talked about was that earthquake safe buildings have special steel pins at the corners of the building. In my dream that you helped me with yesterday, I remember that the building started to go down from the corner. After I heard this tonight, I immediately thought, who is the Chief Cornerstone? Why He's the stone that the builder's rejected, and He has now become the Chief Cornerstone! HALLELUJAH! Without the Chief Cornerstone, nothing can stand.

Spiritually speaking, as you all know, the Bible mentioned so many examples of earthquakes and the ground shaking -- and it seems after each one, there was a great spiritual move. You don't get any greater than the earthquake that happened when Jesus was on Calvary. What happened not long after that? Right -- Pentecost! There's Paul and Silas in jail -- that was a REAL earthquake that not only set them free, but caused the jailer, his family, and Lord knows how many prisoners to be set free spiritually.

Briefly, back to the natural for a moment, how can every existing and rising super power on the planet test nuclear bombs down throughout the years and at present, and they/we not expect plates in the earth to shift? It all makes sense naturally AND spiritually to me -- although I don't like it one bit -- but it makes sense!

I, family, for one, believe God is speaking BIG TIME to HIS prophets.
Acts 2:17
'It will come to pass in the last days,' God says, 'that I will pour out a portion of my spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.
Indeed, upon my servants and my handmaids I will pour out a portion of my spirit in those days, and they shall prophesy.
And I will work wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below: blood, fire, and a cloud of smoke.
The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and splendid day of the Lord,
and it shall be that everyone shall be saved who calls on the name of the Lord.'
I know I got carried away here -- sorry! But this is something that I am very passionate about.

Oh, okay, now that I'm off my soapbox ( :o ), pleaseeeeeeeeeee toss this if it doesn't resonate with you Charys.
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Post by Charys »

Wow, deBorah! And thank you all for your input.

Yesterday I read this. I do not know this person or anything about him. I can't vouch for him at all. Maybe some of you can. I was just struck by the date, which was a day before my children knowing about the coming earthquake dream. I tend to ignore doom and gloom predictions which do not speak of God's love, but this one seems to speak of reformation and healing eventually -like you, Truth seeker.

-by Phil Buck.

January 27, 2010 - Prayer time for the Church, at our home.

I heard a word in my mind saying, There’s coming an earthquake
of the magnitude 7.0 that was experienced in Haiti, only it is
coming to the Church. I have sent many warnings down through
the portals of time, that this day was coming, and now is here,
even at the door. The earthquake will start from outside the Church,
and then will permeate the Church from within. Prepare, prepare,
there will be destruction as would never have been imagined.

The rubble of the buildings of man will crumble to the ground. The
teachings of man will have come full circle. There will be people
that have bought into the man system and will be destroyed in
the rubble of the collapse, some spiritually and others both
spiritually and physically. For they have believed a lie and will
suffer the consequences of their doing.

Of those that have escaped, I see a long line extending beyond
my vision to see. They are the walking wounded from all religious
persuasions, that were not caught up totally in the man-centered
religious system of beliefs. But being exposed to the system has
left its mark in various forms on each one.

I see this line in my minds eye, people lined up at the entrance to
a white tent. This is where they are coming to receive life spiritual
life from inside the tent. Those inside the tent are like doctors
and nurses, ministering to the wounded, hurting spirits of each
one. As they help them heal, with the proper perspective and focus
of the gifts they have to offer, then they are sent from the tent
whole and ready to minister to others as they were ministered to.

"Now behold the ones on the inside of the tent, before they stepped
inside the tent they had nothing to offer in and of themselves, but
as they stepped in they received the power to work the works for
which I have call them to. This is a special people that have closed
themselves up with me. Yes, and some have been in preparation
all their lives for this time and this mission".

"I want you to see those in the tent, for they are those that have
given everything to Me. These are they that this day I’m calling
my people to come out of the religious systems of man and into
the marvelous light of my Son Jesus. Will you be counted as
numbered among those in the tent? Or will you be one of the
many in the long line?"

"Come away with me this day and give your all to me for the line
is long and is now just beginning to form. They need your gifts,
your love & your sacrifice of service. Will you be there for them?
Or will you be among them?"

-Phil Buck,
Indiana, USA

I just got what the tunnels and old mine shafts are about -undermining.
un·der·mine (ndr-mn)
tr.v. un·der·mined, un·der·min·ing, un·der·mines
1. To weaken by wearing away a base or foundation: Water has undermined the stone foundations.
2. To weaken, injure, or impair, often by degrees or imperceptibly; sap: Late hours can undermine one's health.
3. To dig a mine or tunnel beneath.

The bedrock/foundations have very gradually and imperceptively been undermined. The foundation is weak.
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Post by dborah777 »

Hey Charys,

I don't know Phil Buck either, but this is good stuff!
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

IT came to me just now..'to shake" is in a sense to wake up... wake up Christs sleeping bride!In the old days nurses used to wear white with white caps.... in which in a sense could be called a veil or head covering of a sense...
In the tents are nurses.. and doctors,,, ready to ministers and give life.
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Post by dborah777 »

Jewels, there seems to be a common thread in quite a few of these dreams on this board lately -- waking up the sleeping giant (the church) and shaking/earthquakes.... Hmmmmmm?
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Post by Charys »

The shaking dreams have continued -about once or twice a week or so.

I just learned something today. Perhaps many of you knew this before but it was entirely new to me.

The beginning of the great awakening revival called Azusa Street in Los Angeles in which many signs, wonders and miracles occurred and in which a cloud in the room was visible to many happened exactly the same week as the great earthquake in San Francisco. April 14th and April 18th 1906.

The shakings then were both spiritual and physical.

I didn't know that.

I am not posting this to be fear-mongering in anyway, and frankly I am not inviting any comments in that vein. If anything I have a sense of excitement about what the Lord is doing, and again invite others to pray with me that the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven, that his name be glorified and that his hand of mercy will be extended to all people.

Haggai 2: 5According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not.
6For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;

7And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts.

8The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.

9The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.

Malachi 3
1Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the LORD, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.

2But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:

3And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdylkbgz ... re=related
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