Father had a stroke

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Father had a stroke

Post by Luke145Woman »

I dreamed my mom called me to say my dad had a stroke and was in the hospital.

In real life, my mom has been gone 7 years. My dad is 77 and is very healthy. His doctor said he has the heart of a 35 yr old. He is on no medication and works out in his gym every day.

Any ideas?
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Post by piano »

Hi Luke145 woman,

This is not an interpretation, just an observation.

There are three 7's quoted in your dream and the number 35, a multiple of 7 x 5. 7 Divine Completeness and 5 Grace.

This did stand out to me and felt it important to at least acknowledge it. Perhaps someone else here will have some insight on this, if at all.

Of course, when seeing the three sevens the phrase a "stroke of luck or fortune" came to mind.

This stroke landed your dad in the hospital.
One is fortunate to find healing through Christ, the renewal of the mind and spirit, Salvation and Everlasting Life.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by GaAngel »


A stroke has to do with the head. Hospitals usually have to do with spiritual healing. I'd say that something might happen to your dad's "head" or his thought patterns -- that will make it necessary for him to go to the "hospital" or seek God

So, your dad might have a radical change in thinking that will cause him to seek the type of healing that only God can provide.

I'm not sure about the numbers. Your mother has been gone 7 years. Your dad is 77. He has the heart of a 35 year old, which is really about half his age. Now, 35 x 2= 70. Add 7 to that and you have 77. It's almost like saying no matter how you look at it -- his heart being that of a 35 year old, his exercising, etc. -- these numbers added together still equal to 77. It's like no matter how many "young" activities he does, no matter how young the doctor says he is, your dad is still 77 years old. If he's not right with God, now is time for him to do so.

Not sure if that's relevant at all.

Many blessings...
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Post by Luke145Woman »

My dad is a Catholic... he is not living a godly life, though he says he and God are A-OK. I have presented the salvation message to him and he says because he believes Jesus died on the cross for him that he is saved....yet his life does not line up with the Word (i.e. fornication, self-sufficiency, materialism, etc). He mockingly calls non-Catholics "born-againers" and says that only people who hit bottom have to be born again. He says that because he is elderly God gives him a dispensation from the sin. :cry: