Centaur, Scorpions & Vampires

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Centaur, Scorpions & Vampires

Post by zadokpriest »

Can someone please give some help?

I had a vision last night (fighting) of a Centaur and a large scorpion. They where spirits that I literally had to rebuke.

Afterwards I had a dream about vampires trying to trap me and keep in their prison/camp.

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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »

Hi ZP,

I wonder if this could be a "dual" interp vision.

It obviously indicates that the enemy is going to send some "really big guns" after you. You must be either making--or about to make--some "big inroads" spiritually, or having a big impact in the spirit realm. TIME TO PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS!!! over yourself and everyone you love.

It also sounds to me like it could represent an attack of demonic principalities against the church (you representing the church).

I recently had a vision of Inubus, who was facing away from me, and bent over busy working on something. He turned to look at me. :( A few days later my husband told me that the Holy Spirit told him that satan was going to (or planning to) attack us. :!: :shock: Don't you know I'M pleading the blood of Jesus!

It sure sounds to me like some serious attacks are coming on the children of God.

Praise God for warning his servants so we can prepare in prayer! Dawns on me ... Could be time for some fasting, too. Think I will.

Blessings. May God keep you and hide you safely under his wings.

"...All things are possible to him who believes." Mark 9:23b
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Post by piano »

Hi Zadokpriest,

For your consideration..please discard what does not rest.

It is possible that the centaur and scorpion symbolized battling against unbridled passions (centaur) and deadly poison that can cling to/grab a person (scorpion) and is well protected/armoured.

I have not had any dreams about either centaurs or scorpions, but I have had dreams about vampires.

Vampires are seductive and can be stealth, take flight and most of all, live/thrive in darkness. They feed off of lifes blood.

The last dream I had with vampires, the vampire opened his mouth to show me. It had two rows of teeth that formed a square inside of its mouth, with the tongue/throat in the center.
He said to me, you have no idea what it is like to be hungry all of the time.

I believed the vampire represented in my dream a spirit of addiction, to the point that the darkness of addiction leaves one always hungry..never satisfied. A living death.

I had a sense of understanding/compassion for this vampires plight in my dream. He was doing what came naturally to him, bound by a curse....and an individual devoid of spiritual light and freedom.

Love and Light seemed to be the answer in my dream, as well as separating myself from those with dangerous behavior in Truth.

I believe the Lord gives us the heads up in spiritual battle so that His deliverance can be accomplished to His Glory.


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.