Major earthquake will strike southern California

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Post by worthynfree »

Thank you both for your encouragement and direction... I will continue digging deeper, and praying for discernment and wisdom.. As well as for the broken and lost in this world, in these frightening times. Will continue to follow the posts on here as well, and see what God shows me. As terrifying as all of this sounds, being in this new place with God.. has made me strangely okay with whatever He has ordained. Of course, praying God will stay His hand, and be merciful.. but not so wrapped up in fear as I once was. I guess thats the peace that passes understanding, huh? Thanks again for your patience with this newbie! :-) By the way, it was the Joel verse that first spoke to me about my own dreams, opening my eyes to the possibility that my dreams were more than merely an overactive imagination.

I had deleted my post, because I was second guessing myself.. an old habit that was part of my former self. But have decided to put it back in response to your encouraging words. Thank you.

In the meantime.. wow. There sure is a lot of shaking going on. :shock:
Last edited by worthynfree on Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

WEll the operation will be in Wheeling West Virginia.

If theirs something huge,, maybe we would feel a slight little shake.. hopefully.
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Post by dborah777 »

You're welcome Watchman. I heard on TV (can't remember what show) the other day that a lot of earthquakes aren't even reported -- too many!
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Post by Watchman »

worthynfree wrote:Hello,
I am recently transformed in Christ! Have been a "christian" for many years, but continued to walk in bondage until my journey recently led me to a deeper and truer understanding of who God is, and who I am in Christ. Wow, what an awakening! I am in awe everyday that I wake up to a new day that is not steeped in fear, shame, guilt, and oppression. With the awakening seems to have come this intense desire to know and understand more of who God is, and what it is to be spirit filled.

Reading this prophecy today, has really stirred my spirit. Not so much with fear, or distrust, but just a need to understand. I've been given different information in the past about prophecy and dreams.. and am trying to untangle the threads of truth from the threads of deception. I pray for discernment and wisdom.. and search His word for answers, but feel infantile in my understanding.

Clearly, there is truth to this prophecy... I dont question the validity of it.. just hoping for some insight on how this lines up biblically. Does God really give us specifics in our dreams and visions? We know the earthquake is coming, but can we really know its coming on a Saturday? To California? Etc.. Again, not questioning the validity of the vision.. just looking for Biblical direction in how to verify that something is truly of God. How can we know that He will give us specifics? Why does He give us specifics? What would be the purpose in knowing that its coming on a Saturday?? Do you understand what Im asking here, or am I making a mess of this??

Revelation tells us we cannot know the time or the hour, but that we will know the season. Clearly, the season is upon us. We are told to look for signs, and again.. they are rampant among us. Everytime I watch the news, I can log in a few more "signs of the times"... But to what end? What exactly, are we to pray for.. aside from the lost, of course? What is to be our course of action, when given a vision or dream that speaks of such things? Quite often, I feel as though I dream in parables... and wonder, WHY? What am I to do with this??

I have been taught that God still prophecys through His people, but that there will never be anything new in prophecy, that isnt already written in the Word. So, our prophetic dreams and visions should always align with scripture.. right? How can we be sure that they do, and that we aren't being deceived? A great earthquake is certainly Biblical, and not hard to believe.. and judging from the 6:00 news everynight, I'd say we're ripe for it. So, my question I guess, is... if this vision is true, what is Gods purpose in giving it to you? Why the specifics? What are you to do with such a message? And in the end, how will it glorify God?

Having spent the greater part of my lifetime in bondage.. believing the lies of the enemy, I have finally learned this great truth; Whatever is not glorifying to God, is not worthy of our consideration. All of Gods creation, must in some way reflect Who He Is, and point others in the direction of finding Him.. that we all might be saved and spend eternity in the arms of our Lord.

Anyway, I hope that you are reading this in the tone that it was written... curiosity mostly, as with any new student trying to catch up with the rest of the class. Not questioning that God is speaking through you in mighty ways at all! Just wondering.. what is it all about?? And what are we to do with it??

If this was the wrong place for this kind of post, I apologize... Feel free to say so, and I can repost it elsewhere. Dont want to detract from what you originally posted at all. Thanks for considering my queries, and I hope you will forgive my ignorance in this.

Also, dont know if you've read this before.. but its a prophetic vision written down in the 1930's, by a young man who foresaw a great earthquake in California as well... It also was late in the day. Interesting.

Edited to remove link; please see guidelines.

Basking in His Glory,
Wow! Thanks for the link to the 1937 dream. It's amazing how this young man described the modern day attire, as well as cars in 1937. It seems like he is describing several different earthquakes leading up to California falling into the ocean. It is very interesting to me how he described the town clock reading 10 minutes to four. At four the quake began. I recently had a very profound three hour dream about preparing for Armageddon. I was standing on the courthouse square of the town I live near, young people were mocking Christ and having an end of the world party. They were all drunk or high, dressed gothic in black ect. I looked at the town clock and it read 15 minutes to four. A little later I heard a voice coming over loud speakers all over town, it said, ten minutes to Armageddon. I dropped a glass onto the street and blood poured out of it. This is a very small snipet of the dream. It would take a great amount of time to recite the entire dream. Perhaps I will when I have more time available. I just noticed the parallel between the clocks both indicating judgement at four oclock. God bless!
I Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
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Post by Watchman »

worthynfree wrote:Thank you both for your encouragement and direction... I will continue digging deeper, and praying for discernment and wisdom.. As well as for the broken and lost in this world, in these frightening times. Will continue to follow the posts on here as well, and see what God shows me. As terrifying as all of this sounds, being in this new place with God.. has made me strangely okay with whatever He has ordained. Of course, praying God will stay His hand, and be merciful.. but not so wrapped up in fear as I once was. I guess thats the peace that passes understanding, huh? Thanks again for your patience with this newbie! :-) By the way, it was the Joel verse that first spoke to me about my own dreams, opening my eyes to the possibility that my dreams were more than merely an overactive imagination.

I had deleted my post, because I was second guessing myself.. an old habit that was part of my former self. But have decided to put it back in response to your encouraging words. Thank you.

In the meantime.. wow. There sure is a lot of shaking going on. :shock:
You are very welcome sister. :D
I Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
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Post by Watchman »

Jewels Ruby Rose wrote:Well the operation will be in Wheeling West Virginia.

If theirs something huge,, maybe we would feel a slight little shake..if anything. hopefully.
May the Lord give you peace and a speedy recovery!
I Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
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Post by dborah777 »

Dear Sonja,

You are certainly very welcome. Please keep adding your input. This is a team effort here. We need what you have to ask/say, as well as needing input from one another.

Don't second guess yourself. One reason people keep coming back to this site over and over is because people respond in a spirit of love. Even when correction might be needed, they are gentle and loving about it. Ask me, I've been "gently" and "lovingly" corrected a time or two and BOY DID I NEED IT!... LOLOLOLOLOL

Much love,
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Post by dborah777 »

Dear Watchman and family,

I hope you don't mind me mentioning this here, but it just seems like the proper place. This was not a dream. However, on the train this evening, on my way home from running errands, I had this interesting "feeling" that I was going to see some kind of sign and/or wonder in the sky. About 15 minutes later I looked out the window of the train and saw a very dim, but obviously visible rainbow. Not a minute later before the train went under the tunnel, I saw THE brightest rainbow I have ever seen in my 55 years, and I've seen some bright ones. This one was soooooooooo vivid, almost blindingly beautiful, that I hollared out loud on the train -- I couldn't help myself! Another woman, who was with her husband and another couple hollared before I did! And she was a little tipsy! When we got off the train I asked her did she see what I saw (the rainbow) -- all 3 of them hollared again -- YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!

I know rainbows mean different things to different people, and that to Christians, it is a sign of God's promise from the days of Noah never to destroy the earth by flood again. Because it is scriptural, I accept that as truth. But to me, personally, since my eyes saw it, it signifies God's rich promises to me.

What do you think?

P.S.: Thanx for "letting" me share this in your space Watchman. I sincerely hope you don't mind, but I really want you to share your thoughts. Thanx.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I had as dream years ago,,
i was in a car with my dad driving along the Ohio river,, and we heard that Ohio was receiving a huge influx of people. there was some calamity and people were pouring into Ohio like refugees..(this was before Katrina)
now i live next to the Ohio river and a lady from California that once came here said that God told her this was a protected area..its hilly,woodsy,, on the woodlands. and all of to of places to live in the country..O high on a hill on a basement house., a tumbling here..

Troubled by the young mans dream( though i have no real reason to doubt it).. men wearing beards is not all that fashionable or is it in California? He also sensed it was 1969 but we know nothing like that happened.

he saw the president i saw that he had "big ears" President obama has big ears and i have heard is rather sensitive about it,,but the boy said he as heavier then Mr Roosevelt... Obama is skinny.

so is this more likely like THE END tribulation earthquake? or thee one we seem to be gearing up for soon?
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Post by Jen »

I will continue digging deeper, and praying for discernment and wisdom..

that is exactly what you should do!!

Isaiah 62:1
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Post by Luke145Woman »

I am just now reading this thread. I live in San Diego County.

Yesterday (Saturday) morning at about 8:30, I was propped up in bed with my laptop and my doggies. The windows started to rattle and the bed to shake.

It was a 4.2 earthquake located near a small town in the mountains surrounding San Diego.

It definitely can't be described as major, as we have lots of earthquakes of this magniture (and greated and smaller) here all the time.

But, just wanted the thread started to know there indeed was an earthquake.
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Post by dborah777 »

I just received this in my mailbox today. I have been receiving these emails from Ras and Bev Robinson for at least 5-7 years, if not longer.
March 14, 2010. I saw an open vision of a great tragedy with enormous devastation. Coming right out of shocking circumstance were believers who then began to perform miracles, signs and wonders. Some had lost loved ones like the beheading of John the Baptist. Jesus, upon hearing about what happened to John, retreated to a secluded place. Crowds pressed in on Him and he healed them. Following this He was faced with thousands needing food and He miraculously fed them. Grief and sorrow are but for a moment but the will and work of the Lord is forever. The Lord would say today, more earthquakes are on the way. Wars you cannot imagine are coming. You will be shaken but I say unto you, hold fast to your faith. Be obedient and faithful to do My work.
Matthew 14:13-14 "Now when Jesus heard about John, He withdrew from there in a boat to a secluded place by Himself; and when the people heard of this, they followed Him on foot from the cities. When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt compassion for them and healed their sick." Ras Robinson
This, I believe, is on point!
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Post by discerning »

Timeout, saints!

I say AGAIN...

keilani wrote...

I don't think we realize as His children that He has given us the authority to subdue the enemy and protect the territory given to us.
Sonja/worthynfree has posed some excellent questions which we would all do well to consider! And, to give credit where credit it due, dborah777 has done her best to address them.

That said, I have to ask here...where is our focus??? Is it on the earthquakes looming on the horizon or is it on HIM???

Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7 But to what end? To what purpose?

Again, I say

keilani wrote...
I don't think we realize as His children that He has given us the authority to subdue the enemy and protect the territory given to us.
The spirit of fear is attempting to gain entry here. To this spirit I say, Begone with you, in Jesus' might name!

To the rest of you I say, test the spirit! Is this a Word from God? (no offense intended Watchman, it is written). And if it is, what of the 'Saturday' reference?

It has been said that prophecy is 'history written in advance'. Mmm....not sure I agree with that on the surface (the prayers of the saints can and DO make a difference in the outcome) BUT it does give one pause for thought....IF this is a clear word from the Lord (and i'm not saying it's not) THEN the Saturday reference would be *proof* (for those who doubt) after the fact, that the Lord sees the end from the beginning!

NOW...let's get our focus back to where it should the quakes and on Him.

So. Why does the Lord reveal His secret to His servants the prophets? Why? And what are YOU going to do about it?

Last edited by discerning on Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by ElijahsTask »

New postPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:15 pm Post subject: Reply with quote

keilani wrote...

I don't think we realize as His children that He has given us the authority to subdue the enemy and protect the territory given to us.



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Post by dborah777 »

Well said, Keilani. Bless the Lord. Here's an oppotunity to really witness and get into some meaty things with someone who is saying that they are a babe in Christ and sincerely want to understand and discern things of the Lord. We are not only to be fishers of men, but we are to disciple people as well.