Doctor told me I will die....

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Doctor told me I will die....

Post by Luke145Woman »

Strange one last night; I could use some insight please.

I had a doctor's appt. Days before the appt I sent the doctor a tracking chart of all of my symptoms, diet, weight, medications and supplements taken in the past month, etc.

When I got there, I was surprised that my doctor wasn't there, but instead the world renown head of the practice doctor saw me. I felt honored.

But, he did not have my medical chart and did not have a copy of the tracking chart I had sent. Because of that, he had no idea what my doctor and I had been doing. He kept telling me "you have to do ____"; I kept telling him, "I've already done that as Dr. K told me to do it." This repeated itself 3 or 4 times. I told him I have done all I've been told to do, but I still don't feel well.

He threw up his hands and said, "If you don't make the needed changes you will be dead within 6 months", and he walked out of the room. He didn't tell me, so I didn't know WHAT changes I have to make.

Last edited by Luke145Woman on Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Luke145Woman »

In real life, I have recently switched to a new doctor. The practice IS world renown; the founder usually doesn't see new patients and is extremely expensive when he does. I am seeing one of his associates. In the past few weeks, we have made many changes to my health regimen. I am 52 and have been diagnosed with hypothyroid, adrenal fatigue, low immune system and the beginning of menopause. I also have gained about 50# that I can't seem to lose.

I have been on thyroid replacement and bio-identical hormones for several years, but we recently changed types and dosages based on recent and extensive lab work. I also have been on a strict diet, with nothing to show for it. I still am not feeling very good most of the time. I have kept a chart to keep track of my regimen and progress (just like in the dream) and I have sent it to the doctor for my upcoming appt this Thursday.

I believe that God wants us well. I have been praying for the knowledge I need to regain my health. Every time we make a change or add something new, I get hope rising up, thinking "Thank You, God, this must be the missing piece to the puzzle!", but nothing changes. I don't get the results that have been promised. It's been discouraging.
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Post by adjchucked »

It sounds like this dream isn't necessarily prophetic, but a revelation of your fears - "What if this new doctor gets as frustrated as I am?" It's easy for me to type this, I know, but trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Sometimes our understanding can include frustrations, assumptions, projections, and other forms of pessimism.

In his love,
Please check with your spirit before taking to heart. These are simply guides or confirmations and shouldn't be the source of paranoia nor a fulcrum in making life decisions.
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Hi let me shair something I hope it will help。。。

We all receve acording to our fath。
If we go beyond our boundrys we wil meet the lord where he is standing wating for use to come to him。
Healing comes from him and only him we must go to him to receve that healing。 Yes we can go to doctores and get meds to help our pain but still the healing comes from Jesus , he bore our sickness and pain on that cross。
He healled all that came to him he did not say O come next week when I am in the mood, he never turend anyone away。。。even after he assended into heaven his deciples carred on the same healing as you can read in Acts。
We all nead healing on different levels and myself included remember the children walked in that desert forty years and even thete shoes never wore out。

Worship his name bless his name tell him how great his love is for us go to him bring all your needs to that cross。

I know from my experance a lot of people who are crippled or mamed some have sickness and still others have some other problem。 And they all want the lord to heal them。。some time they receve a touch from the Lord but then feel better for awhile we need to press in and get the loveing healing his word talks about。。

Blessings in Him

Demon Buster

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Post by Luke145Woman »

Demon Buster

I really do not understand your post. Are you saying that I've done something wrong by going to a doctor? Or that I have not "pressed in to Jesus" enough?
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Hi 145 women…..I would never say to you ‘don’t take meds. I would never say to you don’t know the lord.

My post was for encouragement, I hope it has encouraged you. Even a little … you posted you keep getting discouraged the meaning of my post is don’t give up keep pressing in…

Love in Christ Jesus

Demon Buster

Ambassador for the Lord