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Post by keilani »

Rather interesting bit so I'd appreciate any ideas--it was a long dream of which i believe i have the basic meaning except for this part that doesn't "seem" to belong.

I was sitting in a car designed to hold a lot of families. I went up to the seat beside my husband (who would be driving) to wait for him to get in. Suddenly, I was "minimized" and down below at the area beside where the brake pedal would be. There was an Albert Einstein type scientist (it might have been him since that was what i thought in the dream) and he was giving me a lecture and then he showed me a rod. The rod was NOT visible yet i saw it there and surrounding the rod were electrons in orbit. The lesson was lengthy and very detailed but i was intrigued by the fact that I could see the electrons in orbit. IRL, I always had a hard time visualizing this in Chemistry classes so I jokingly say it was an answer to prayer 12 years later :lol:

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Post by bjcollin »

The little things we can't see that are forgotten and out of the way matter all together to make up the big things we can see.

in Christ,
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Post by keilani »

ahhh, profound! fits with the rest of the dream!! mahalo bj:)
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Post by GaAngel »


I could be way off base, but here goes.

A vehicle can represent what you use to accomplish your life's work or any goal you have. In many circles, Einstein is the father of modern physics; he gave us many theories to make us better understand the universe. Many say that he was able to scientically "prove" the existence of God, and he understood creation.

He gave you a wand, but you were able to see one of the basic building blocks of the universe; electrons are part of atoms, which make up the universe. It's almost as if a "master" has given you a lecture or knowledge of the workings of the universe. You were reduced to a level that would enable you to see the building blocks of the universe. It's like you have the power of the universe in your hands.

Perhaps this is your God-given mission, which seems very awesome. You had trouble with chemistry in school. However, you were given something that was so complex, yet it was broken down so simplistically and so thoroughly by the number one authority on the subject. This could mean that things in the spirit that you thought were complex are now being opened to you.

Your "gift" is very complex for the average person. I would put this in line with prophecy at a very deep level. Because you were given so much and shown so much, this is almost likened to King Solomon or even Elijah and Elisha.

Again, I could be way off base, but this is what comes to mind.

Many blessings...
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Post by keilani »

mahalo GaAngel!!
This could mean that things in the spirit that you thought were complex are now being opened to you...
this DEFINITELY bears witness to the season I'm in right now and it's like getting past that initial block. Gosh, i recall how i struggled like crazy on beta emissions for my freshman gen chem class; i was so determined to figure it out, it was so simple it annoyed me that i couldn't get. Would you believe i spent the whole night on that but I got that part of the test correct! Too bad it was only like 2 questions--came out with a B but that portion was victory to me. Imagine my dismay when my 14 year old cousin in high school said she understood it and knew how it worked. Lol, well figures, she holds a Masters in Chemistry today!

Anyway, also your reference to King Solomon is meaningful since HS and I have been talking about wisdom lately:) almost seems as if you got a glimpse into our late night chat yday:)

I so love how the Body works together and even in dreams how the meanings open up and progressive revelations come forth as we go forward in Him!

Great blessings on you dear one!
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Post by MorningGlory »

the unseen rod is what caught my attention. In your ministry of prayer.. you have been given a Rod of Authority, to use in the unseen realms. you (minismized) are by the brake pedal in the dream.. when your spouse (who is BIG; Jesus) is braking in heaven.. you will release the "brakes" into the unseen heavenly realms stopping enemy activities, and when He is on the accelerator.. you will release acceleration to the Angelic realms.

The electrons is the power of the Holy Spirit.. Glory to God.
Not by our might or power, BUT BY HIS ALONE.
Bless the Lord all you His saints.

Its time for the judges to come out of complacent satisfaction (Psalm 82 Amplified) and bring the things that are out of course (KJV) into the Peace of God's Kingdom and Glory.
We Get Too, and WE Have too..
Waiting at His beckoning.. Angels working with us.. It's His Way.
MorningGlory. (if you need to respond.. best to send PM) i don't visit the site very often.. busy doing what I just responded to you. HEY.. Let Righteousness and Justice rule!!!
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Post by Taps »

This dream was VERY cool... I was able to take an understanding from it to apply to what I am getting revelation on these days...
Thankyou!!! for sharing it. It was very timely and I appreciate the diverse ways that God chooses to bring wisdom and revelation for what He is teaching today.

Bless you
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Post by labourer4Him »

Quote Tapps:"This dream was VERY cool... I was able to take an understanding from it to apply to what I am getting revelation on these days...
Thankyou!!! for sharing it. It was very timely and I appreciate the diverse ways that God chooses to bring wisdom and revelation for what He is teaching today. "

Amen to that! Awesome how our God uses one dream to edify not only the dreamer but others too.

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Post by keilani »

Cool Taps and labourer!

Im so glad I listened to His prompting to post it cuz I was just gonna seek later but man, I've been blessed with everyone's insight and doubly blessed that it can help others--esp in your endeavors Taps!!

Lotsa aloha to you all!! And Thank you Lord!!!
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Post by Taps »


The dream you've shared here has such impact, I will likely be using it to teach from.
And of course to me... the number 12 means Heavenly Government or Governmental authority in the spiritual realm.

Just so beautiful, the mind of God ... and His Word, (scriptures) are also multi-dimensional. Just lovin' it.!!!

Blessings to you !!!!
By the looks of this dream, You're on quite a journey concerning the creative power available to you in the realm of the supernatural wonders of God. Glory...

affectionately... Taps
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Post by keilani »

soooo love that Taps:) I didn't even make that connection with the 12!!! More and more revelation!!! And yes! Use whatever you need--just so glad to be a help and to see a part of the Body flourish! When one part does, we all share in the victory!!!

and mahalo for your encouraging words! Yes, sooo excited to enter into this next season!! You toooooooooooo:)

Alohanui dear!
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
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Post by keilani »

u know what i just realized, wasn't Einstein Jewish?
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.