Airplane & Bill Clinton

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Airplane & Bill Clinton

Post by Luke145Woman »


I was flying from the east coast to Los Angeles. Somehow I was able to get first class. I was boarded and realized that Bill Clinton was seated in the seat across from me. We started talking - he was very nice and kind.

We took off and flew for about 45 minutes. I looked out the window and saw the tops of trees and water and buildings; I was puzzled--why weren't we high in the sky? Next thing I know we had landed in the ocean and were skimming the water on our way to an airport terminal. There was no announcement from the pilot as to why this happened.

When we were changed to another plane to get to Los Angeles, I was told my ticket was upgraded to include a private suite! I had no idea how. When we boarded, I noticed Bill Clinton also on the plane, in first class but a regular seat. How did I get a private room and he did not?? He came into the suite and we chatted up a storm, he was asking me about people in my family. How did he know their names??

We landed in Los Angeles.

End of dream.

In real life, I live in San Diego area so wouldn't have to fly to Los Angeles. Also, I am very conservative politically and don't agree with much of Clinton's political positions.
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Post by adjchucked »

About your dream – I get a sense that Bill Clinton may symbolize a past authority figure which you (as indicated on your footnote) didn’t get along with very well, but now were friendly towards them. (Especially if he knew your children’s names – he may symbolize an authority figure who you didn’t get along with, but was close to you – maybe a pastor or something) I also find it interesting that you changed planes and Clinton was in a lower position than you, but because of you, he was able to become in a higher position.
(do you remember if you were flying low in the second plane? – see the Common Biblical Dream Section)
Please check with your spirit before taking to heart. These are simply guides or confirmations and shouldn't be the source of paranoia nor a fulcrum in making life decisions.
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Post by Luke145Woman »

Hi Chuck

The second flight was normal... flying high across the country.

Interesting about him being in lower position... will have to give that some thought. So maybe the first flight was not the right way to go (obviously) but then I made it to the higher plane (no pun!) I was supposed to be in??

I still don't have any real insight into this dream. Praying.
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Post by adjchucked »

I feel it was more that you did not get along with this person in authority, and because of your feelings toward each other, the plane wasn't flying as high as it could be, but then, after the new plane and reconciliation (by you helping him get into a greater position) the plane flew higher.
There may be a person who was over you that you might need to reconcile with? Just a thought


Post by Bella »

I'm thinking this might have something to do with the level of authority you're to walk in. Bill Clinton is/was a man of great authority. Is this dream showing you that you will soon be of the same level of authority and will quickly even surpass this level with the favour of God on your life?

He is a man of authority despite the things he's done which we might not consider appropriate.

I also sense this dream is all positive. Flying low was not a negative thing.

Hope this helps.